
Chapter 1 Wounded

There is a wound that lies in my heart that not even antibiotics could heal. Should I call it a chronic wound, in case you care to know. It has been so painful that it's becoming unbearable.The wound seems to be in its healing process,and then it itches me,I scratch it to the depth. The more I scratch, the more it expand, the more it becomes rotten and the more am bittered.

Oh no!

Who would have caused me this pains I carry about in my heart for many years.

Wait a minute,

I saw him .... Yes I did, and I was very sure of what I saw. He would never believed I saw him, because his face was covered with a black face mask but despite that, I could still recognize him.

His voice was clearly heard and immediately sounds familiar. If you would argue with me that, that is not enough evidence, then, what about the chain on his neck? As the criminal twisted his neck from right to left and from back to the front, wandering if someone could be somewhere watching him. The chain glittered right into my eyes as usual. That was enough prove and...the obvious birth mark on his left arm?

Yes I saw it, probably he never knew my eyes were always on that birth mark, even before the day he committed that atrocity. It always caught my attention as a child, seeing a very dark part of a fair man's skin. To my greatest surprise, the dark part of the arm has an unusual hair growth. At this point, what other evidence do you want from me to judge me right?

From my close observation, it is felt within me that the wound is at the 4th stage, though not certain about my observation. It has affected my bones. I rarely have a good and sound sleep lately. It seems my joints are falling apart and the pressure is becoming too high on me.

It's high time I looked for solution to this huge problem inside of me. Let me just split it out to reduce the heavy thought in me,but mind you, I won't reveal the criminal to anyone. I would just skip that part so his criminal face will not yet be known until the time comes.

My name is Mayfia.