
Chapter 2: Dragon hunt.

Its been a year since i came to this world. I realized that being an elf meant having long life spans and a year would just feel like a week.

I didnt even do anything that would attract attention, but instead juat minded my own buissness and sirvived day by day without any worry.

I learned alot of magic from killing monsters and soon made a small house.

"This barrier should be able to last for a week."

Safety came first when your in this forest. Monsters would frequintly attack for not God d*mn reason and would destroy everything. To griffens, Giants, even angels. You name it and they would go berserk, so I always leave a barrier activated 24/7.

'Winter is just around the corner. I should prepare for winter.'

At first. I thought it would be fine even if it was winter since I had magic and I already saved up with food, but I was deeply kistaken as the mana around the forest would freeze and the mana serculation would be stopped, so there was no fire magic. I only survived thanks to my redeculous amount of luck and mana storage. If I was attacked at that time. There was a huge possibility that I would die.

'I guess its just like last year. No visitors.'

At first. I wanted to befreind some monsters, but they would either try to kill me or steal everything from me and when I mean everything. I mean it.

Now that I knew my mistakes from last time. I saved up with alot of wood and made a tavern for myself on top of one of the branches.

There were always monsters trying to steal my branch, but they were quickly handdled and were eaten by me.

I also learned alot about my skill [ Hunt ]. I already knew what I wanted to put in it and how to activate it to begin with so it wasnt too hard.

First, the skill had a sub-skill called [ Target Lock ]. You basicaly cant escape my radar no mater what, once your seen or felt by me.

Second, The sub-skill [ Prey ] would immediately activate once your locked and all your stats would drop by 50% and when your further it would drop to 75%. It was so OP that I partied all night.

Third, the sub-skill [ Record ] is really nice. Ecerytime I kill a species. It gives me their names and basic stats so as skills.

Fourth, the blessing of Artimis and the talent hunting seemed to work as I used a bow and my arrows never miss. Not even once.

But the fact that I'm still lonely and alone is sad to hear. Even for me who has been raped, abused by my grandparents, and abused by the military.

"This should be enough."

I prepared for winter and went out again to look for something interesting.

'I should learn Taming magic. Why didnt i put that on the Staff?'

I tried to learn other magic, but there were no books, records, or anyone who could teach me other things in this world. In short im alone.

"Wait a minute. Doesnt dragons usually has a treasure trove? Maybe there are some books about magic."

Dragons were basicaly birds in modern time. They were practicaly everywhere. You look south dragons east, north, west. Its all the same.

I followed one of the Dragon's and it flew practicaly everywhere. It was even harder becouse of the mob of monsters trying to kill me.

"Lets just use [ Hunt ]"

I put a tracker on the dragon and followed it from behind. Now that I had a tracker on him. I ddint need to be so close to it.

It finaly came to a suspisious cave and it even put up a barrier which was ordinary. The barrier was still as weak as ever, so it wasnt something i couldnt handle.

"Why do they live on such a tall mountain?"

It was straight out anooying. The mountain could almost reach the sky and there were multiple dragons in it.

I never went to a den of dragons before so i wasnt sure on what to do. I ddint even know if it was safe or not.

'F*ck it.' I opened my bow and a white arrow appeared out of the string.

I targeted one of the Dragons and it instantly died once contact with the arrow.

"[ Teleport ]"

I teleported to the arrow and put the dragon on my sub space where nothing is alive. There were leteraly only dead bodies on my sub-space. Well, most of them were proccessed meat and equipment.

I put my hand on the ground to feel the precense of every single monster by using my connection to the roots of plants.


There were also some kids which made me feel pity for a second until I remembered what the Dragon Egg did to me.

At some point. I wanted to raise a Dragon from the egg, but once the egg cracked. It spew fire at my face. Of course I tried training it, but after a month of it rampaging. I had enough and killed it in an instant.

'Should I just obliterate them with a spell?'

Dragons were specsialy sensitive to mana so it was extra hard if I wanted to kill and entire den of Dragons using magic.

'What would be the most efficient way?'

I asked myself as I came up with a simple solution. 'Kill them all using an arrow.'

I started the massacre by opening my bow and firing hundreds of arrows. The arrows pierced through the walls and went striaght to their heads. Killing them in an instant.

'Are they really suppose to be this weak? I mean like. One shot?'

That was always my question in my head, but i quickly dissmissed it by thinking becaouse of my OP skills and equipment.

Fun fact. Dragon Cores contain alot of vaintality and mana so I use their cores to make the barrier around my house and use their scales for decorations or equipment.

I went in the front door as if nothing happened and went stright to their treasury. I used magic to disspose of the children and used magic to proccess their bodies of the adult dragons.

'How sad.'

I thought out of remorse as I lit their bodies in fire. I took the treasury and as I thought. there were alot of books and grimwars.

'I should have done this a long time ago.'

I sighed and went home ss the sun fell down and the moon went up the sky.