
Scarlet's Initiation

"Out of nothing all that it was made. The same energy dwells in me also."

Bell_Lullabye · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 4

As Scarlet was advancing down the path, getting deeper in the forest. The enviroment started changing from a normal dark forest to a more creepy and grey one.

  "Strange, it should be day by now, i think..." on the fundal, the girl starts hearing different unhuman sounds "I swear, if this damn card told me the wrong path, ughh!!" she says taking out the tarot card.

   "Say something you useless piece of paper!!" but her words are left standing in the air.

   "God, i don't even know why i'm still walking, this path for sure won't lead me home...

    Why did I entered the forest in the first place?"


  *very deep and sorrowfull sight*

   "But...this doesn't seem like a coincidence at all, how come i could cross the river?"

   "It's like someone wants me here"

    She stops, something doesn't fell right. The sounds stoped, the wind doesn't lift her dress anymore.

   "Something is near me, watching my every move. Something so dangerous that the whole forest fears it" the girl thinks "I don't know if I can outrun it, but is better than to wait for that thing to come to me"

   Scarlet runs in the forest, leaving the path behind "Maybe i can lose it if i don't run straight" the girl thinks while running like her life depends on it, because it actually does!

  "Curse that card!!" she murmurs, feeling the beast getting closer. Looking franatically around for an escape she spots a not so trusty looking door. But hey, what other choise does she have, being eaten by the thing playing Tag with her? I don't think so.

   Scarlet gets to the door, enters in, then leans on it hoping that the beast wont try to open it and, luckily, it doesn't.

   She looks around and finds herself in a...





   "We looked up the whole village more than four times, no trace of her" says Scarlet's dad to her mom.

   "But we don't give up!"



   "She's gone, there's no point in tiring ourselves more. It's a small village, we searched for her the whole day"

   "Scarlet is our daughter! We can't give up like that!"

   "We don't, we just stop looking for her"


   "But we keep hoping that she will come back home. For now...let's rest a bit"

   "No! We promised them that we  will keep her safe, no matter what!"

   "Yes but what if she went in the woods? Did you thought about this, hmm? We can't help her now!"

   "She was his daughter, the daughter of the man who gave his life for ours. We are in debt for life!!"

   "This is her destiny, we both knew this day will come! We did our part of taking care of her till the day she starts her Initiation!

    If she is the daughter of a magician, she knows how to handle herself!"


   "Yes, you're right...She's got it in her blood..."

   "I'm glad we made ourselves clear!"

   "But, now what?"

   "We make her funeral, of course"

   "But you said we wait for her!"

   "No one would belive she's coming back"

   "But we didn't find any evidence of her death"

   "We will say that she drowned in the river and the water carried her body away"

   "Sure dear..." says the "father"

   "Good!" says the "mother"

   And this is how Scarlet became a ghost to the entire village.

   The most affected was, of course, her best friend Helga.

   They loved each other like sisters.

Another chapter my friends!

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