

Not loving and not been loved is presumably the greatest nightmare anyone could be faced with. Ever pondered on what could greater than a physical scar? Christian (30) lost his parents quite young, ends up with a family that should create love but he got more than he bargained for. His growing up has been from one rejection to another. He knew not how to love and how to receive love. From not getting attention from his parents, to been abused and broken by the one family that was supposed to be his solace. As fate would have it, what could be his cure seems to come from where he would never have thought. Would he be brave enough to grab hold of the opportunity?? Will he leap of faith and realize his scars are signs of his strength and not his weaknesses? Vanessa (28) an only child, who witnessed the downhill of her mother’s marriage leading to her death. Sworn to never forgive the man who has a hand in her bitterness towards love and anything surrounding that gender. In a bid to help a friend heal from the past, would she get the healing she also secretly yearn for?? Gina (28) her mother’s daughter. She probably took too much from her mother. Including her self-centeredness. She grew up with Christian, helping him create a childhood no child should ever pass through. She’s also a friend of Vanessa, a friend turned sister. Caught in between selfish and being selfless, what do you think Gina would do? Christian meeting Vanessa is quite coincidental. He felt things stir in him that he never knew he possesses. Being in denial of his feelings, he met Gina, his worst nightmare. Gina seems to be the only one standing between his past and his future and at the same time, might also be a link. Would he fight for his inner peace and love?? Or will he accept that he doesn’t deserve to love and be loved?

Becca_pearl · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter three

"Daddy, what in God's name have you done this time?? Why would you let that man fool you?? How could you have been so blind to his plans from the onset?? I thought you were smarter than all this?" She wailed badly

"that is no way to talk to your father, young woman! I deserve some respect"

"You lost those respects, the day you decided to use my company as collateral without my consent" she fumed. "How could you??" she demanded, "how could you stoop so low as to throw me under the train for your benefits?? You" she pointed fingers at him "don't have any right to do so. I strived and worked to get my company to this level, without your help" she moved from her position while pacing back and forth.

"I will not sit back and watch you ruin me, dad. . . Never!'

Mr. Martins bowed his head in mock pity. It seemed obvious he looked sincerely pained for his actions but his daughter knew better. He has always been the kind of man to do things for self-gain not thinking of whoever is caught in the crossfire.

VANESSA MOANA MARTINS, Mr. Martin's only surviving child. A beautiful melanin-dripping lady. At the age of 28, single, self-established, and no daddy's girl. She is mostly referred to as 'the ice queen' with her no-nonsense attitude.  

"Mo, we can still save your company."

"' how father?? You know Christian takes over every establishment he gets his slimy fingers on"

"Calm down dear, I sold some of the company shares to settle some previous debts. I will pay him half of the loan with the remaining balance, then you can have your company back. . . see, so easy"

"it is not easy dad!" she shouted "do you think Christian is that stupid? He has this all planned out. If anything should happen to my company, I swear on mother's grave I will NEVER forgive you" she declared.

Mo. Stormed out of her father's office with a volcanic emotion.

'How could he be so wicked and heartless?? What rights does he have to use my baby, my company has collateral for a loan?? The company I started from scratch with my time and sweats?? Oh, God! I can't deal with all this right now. It's just not now, not when I . . . 'She collided with someone "Are you blind?? Can't you watch where you are headed?? She hissed and moved past the person.

The man pulled her back with her arm "Have you no manners at all?? Or probably, mama taught you but you refused to learn" he smiled

Mo. Stepped back and had a glaring contest with him, then it dawned on her, who the fellow was.

"Well, well, well! Look who the cat dragged in." Not breaking eye contact with him. "If it's not the infamous president of the playboy association"

"Such accolades" he smiled dangerously "I can't believe I would see the day something good will flow out of your lips" he stared at her lips for few seconds and held her eyes again. "I thought you made a living from soiling my reputation".

She seemed uncomfortable with the action "what are you doing here?? What business do you have with my father?"

"haven't you heard yet??"

"I'm no mood to have a chit-chat with you, just head straight to the point, if there's any."

"for once, you seem to have real sense. I have no business with you. . . yet"

That got her attention. 'What does he mean by yet?? Hope it's not what I'm thinking?? I swear on my life; he would regret ever crossing path with me if he toys with my baby'

'why is her face turning all shades of red?? Is that anger or hatred?? Who cares?? Not me. Why I'm I staring at her eyes?? Why is her pupil so chocolate?? Oh! Get a grip, Chris.

"The cat got your tongue or what?? Anyways, I have no business with you. I've come to meet your father for an important meeting"

He attempted to move "Why do you always have to feel like the next most important thing after Sliced bread??" he glanced back at her words and moved closer to her, leaned down a bit, and whispered into her ears "Three days to this time, you would come back to me, go down on your knees and beg for mercy, I do hope you keep the same energy as you do now" he felt her stiffen at his words and relaxed immediately.

She pushed him back and stormed out in anger.

'How dare the bastard? What rights does he have to lecture me? Me? Moana, beg for mercy from him, I would rather die than live to see it happen. He won't see the end of this.

She moved down outside the car park, got into a black Mercedes Benz, and drove off in anger.

"phew! This lady is one heck of trouble" George thought

"I need to head up. . . Chris might be waiting and besides, I'm so giddy with joy with just imagining that man's face when he drops the bomb, he won't know what hit him" he laughed out loud.