WARNING! THIS IS WISH FULFILLMENT AND MAY HAVE SOME STUPID PLOT HOLE BUT I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN JUST LEAVE OR DO A PROPER REVIEW. What If Izuku had another path that made him better and acquired the power of the speed forces?
Izuku and his friends soon arrived at the training grounds that were a kilometer in radius containing different areas and artificial environments. Furthermore, it contained robots that would act as villains to help them train.
The soon-to-be symbols were in awe seeing the place where they will spend the next 2 months training their quirks and sharpening their skills.
"This place is actually the original Unforeseen Simulation Joint that is used by UA."
David explained who was beside AllMight looking at his student. They had the option of choosing terrain from a simple city to a rocky environment.
"Wow! We get to experience UA stuff before even getting accepted!"(Jiro)
"This is the perfect opportunity to have more experience for the future."(Momo)
"Can we just head inside and blow shit up!? I've been itching to try something."(Bakugou)
"Hold on, AllMight still hasn't explained what we're going to do."
"Thank you, my boy. Alright, remember that being a hero isn't all about fighting but also adapting in rough terrains. Though, it is rare…uhmm..what did I write?"
They deadpanned seeing the number one hero reading notes. AllMight sweatdropped at his student's reaction as he never experienced this kind of training.
He only punched in every situation which made him a one-track hero. This is the reason that power isn't everything but skills and experience.
"Ah right, it is rare for heroes to fight villains in a different environment but heroes need to know how to handle the situation if it arises."
There would be a time where an enemy has a certain advantage in a different environment or heroes have weakness in such a place.
For example, Bakugou would be at a great disadvantage in that it could be vital for him to swear in using his quirk.
Izuku would have been at a disadvantage if the place was slippery but seeing he could run through water meant it was meaningless.
"Any question? If none then draw lots here to send you to a random place and spend a week in that place then afterwards draw lots once more."
They quickly took the lots, finding themselves in separate areas. Izuku got the mountain range area, Bakugou got the rainforest, Momo for Tundra, Itsuka got the cityscape and Jiro got a ruined city area.
"Good luck, future heroes! Remember to go plus ultra!"
"Will do! Good luck, Itsu-san, Kyouka-san, Momo-san, Kacchan."
"Keep safe and see you later, Izu-san."(Itsuka)
"I'll make sure not to disappoint you all."(Jiro)
"Do please be careful. We're facing different terrain and vastly different than just cleaning a beach like our old training." (Momo)
"Jeez, ponytails were not kids! We can handle ourselves!" (Kacchan)
"You don't need to be like that, Kacchan, and thank you for your concern Momo-san, it is much appreciated."
Bakugou just scoffed, heading to his designated area while Momo blushed then smiled.
"It's nothing, just make sure to not get hurt."
Izuku nodded glances to other girls before heading towards his area, finding himself in a mountainous area that contained few trees here and there. The place was large enough to be on the side of a small park.
He used One for All to increase his strength before leaping into the air at a high altitude and arriving at the highest peak. Izuku scans the area and finds that they're few incoming robots ready to attack him.
"Guess my training is starting."
After several hours Izuku finished his training and decided to take a break while sitting on top of the destroyed robots. He didn't even have the slightest sweat on his face.
Izuku exited the area and found David talking with Melissa. His guts quickly told him something had happened to her and quickly went to check up on her.
"Melissa-san, good morning. Did something happen?"
"Midoriya! I was about to call you. Melissa was bitten by the mutated spider that escaped!"
This alarmed the speedster balancing on the blonde girl who was confused and anxious. Along the way, Melissa experiences the change in her body from being overwhelmed by the newly enhanced senses and superhuman strength.
"How do you feel Melissa-san? Are there any changes that have occurred to your body?"
Izuku went closer then placed his hands on her shoulder much to david's surprise and made his daughter blush. The speedster was worried that she may have negative side effects from the experimental mutation of the spider.
"Uhmm….well there are notable changes…"
Melissa started to explain the thing she had found from her metamorphosis. Izuku collected the information using Gideon to record everything, comparing them to the data of genetics that were placed into the spider and scanned her body using the AI.
She felt calmer now that there was someone helping her get through the sudden change. Everyone would be overwhelmed whenever their quirk appeared.
Izuku is no exception being disoriented from ever changing perception of time. It took him time to have grasped over his power. Though, the time is short, just a few minutes of practice.
Even still it shows how everyone is bound to feel uncomfortable when awakening their powers.
"Interesting, so you have the super-strength, enhanced senses, or whatever spider can."
"Practically, she has a spider quirk?"
"More or less but it seems this includes the mutation of the spider and if my theory is corrected have Spider-sense, camouflage, stinger or fangs."
David was a bit shocked that his daughter who had been considered quirkless finally gained one. He felt conflicted of being happy and ashamed at the same time, the inventor was happy that his daughter could finally choose her path while ashamed that he neglected the chance of the spider escaping and could kill his daughter.
Meanwhile, Melissa is perplexed, finding that her power extends from just enhanced senses. Izuku finished scanning her body using Gideon and found something both interesting and terrifying.
"What's wrong, Midoriya? You paused for a moment."
"Well Gideon scanned show that Melissa-san has dormant quirk genes that have been awakened thanks to the inclusion of spider quirk."
"Wait what!? You're saying that Melissa isn't quirkless?"
"Not entirely, the dormant quirk gene is essentially flavorless and wouldn't do anything but thanks to it her body wasn't harmed from the metamorphosis. Which meant that anyone else besides Melissa or people with the same dormant gene which is unlikely would experience side effects."
David paled, realizing that without this dormant quirk gene then she would likely die. The gene acted as sacrifice for the genetic change that occured from her body meaning that the spider quirk devoured the dormant quirk gene avoiding harming her body.
"Is she safe? Won't there be anything going to harm her body?"
"Nothing I've seen so far but the best way to remove potential side effects is to train her new quirk until she handles herself."
David was relieved to hear it, he was a machine inventor and not like Izuku who studied Biology and machinery along with martial arts.
You might be wondering how a 14 year old can be this smart? Because bullshit that's why.
"Now then, Mr.shield let me ask if Melissa will join our training? Awakening a quirk is daunting because I know from experiences. Don't worry Melissa, I'm here to help you overcome this."
He gave a reassuring smile as Melissa saw the image of her uncle that made her feel safe. David see how her daughter interact with the young man opted a frown and calmed down knowing from what his friend told him was trustworthy boy
"It's up to her decision and whichever it is, I'm going to support her."
David turned to her daughter giving a supportive smile that whatever her choice may be would still be there cheering for her.
"Won't I bother with your training?"
"Nonsense! This also helps me gather more information about quirk! I already made an encyclopedia about all known quirk which is currently 100 types, 5,000 variants and 10,000 sub variants along with the deviant category."
Izuku showcases a catalogue of few known quirks such as Endeavour, edgeshot, etc. They have their 3 categories of Emitter, Transformation and mutation that is then divided more to elements, enhance, fusion, etc.
David's eyes went wide in shock at how a young man nearly has all known quirks and would be fatal if villains were to gain the knowledge.
"Wait, young Midoriya don't tell me you have shared this data to the public?"
"Of course not, it is only my personal recording and won't be shared anytime soon knowing those pesky villains would die for this information therefore place it in Keter Class security in Gideon Database."
"Keter Class?"
"Oh it's from an old series that I've watched recently and inspired by their category of placing information ranging from safe, Euclid and Keter."
David never heard of those terms but vaguely guessed it about safe code with Keter the highest security.
"If the slightest sense of breach was detected then every data including Gideon would be deleted."