
Chapter 10 - Bickering Rival

Itsuka screamed seeing embers of flames bursting from Izuku's body caused by the friction of his speed. He had not noticed as the flames and frequency did feel anything that Izuku found strange.


Fortunately, they were at the beach and allowed Izuku to run into the water, submerging his body and causing his clothes to get soaked. It causes the water to steam as his temperature gradually dwindles.  


Itsuka went closer to check up on him while the other two young girls followed behind. 

They were also worried about him as seeing someone caught on fire is scary unless they have a flame quirk. He waved his hand appreciating her concern for him

"I'm alright, just wet."

He spat out a mouthful of water before heading back to the surface letting the other girls see his chiseled body that made them blush seeing how his newly white hair caught their attention but didn't let it get to them. 

Izuku was annoyed that he was soaking wet and had to wear damp clothes for the rest of their training. 

Momo thought of making him some clothes as his clothing was wet but realized that she didn't know his size to make it. In the end, she only made a towel to help him become dry.

"Here Izuku hope this helps."

"Oh thanks, Yaoyorozu."

She handed the towel to Izuku and received a smile in return, finding his innocent and charming smile contrasted his overall appearance. It made him look like a cinnamon roll.

"This is the first time seeing your quirk in action besides the time you saved me. You went zooming like a speeding race car. How fast were you going?"

Jiro was shocked at how fast he was traveling that it appeared like a flash and even though she had experienced being saved by Izuku this is the first time she witnessed it from an outsider's perspective.

"Gideon, how fast was I traveling?"

[By calculation you were at a top speed of 400 Km/ph.]

"No wonder it only took you 5 minutes to get back. How far did you go?"(Itsuka)

[Izuku was at a distance of half a kilometer away from here.]

"I feel like I shouldn't be surprised but holy crap, Midoriya-san"(Jiro)

"Wait, if you are only gone half a kilometer then why did you have 5 minutes to return?"

"Actually it took me a while to get the hang of my quirk. I don't know how to control it as of yet but with practice I know I could go beyond."

He lacks what other quirk people have and that is a natural development of their quirk that becomes second nature to their life. 

To give an example is Jiro who could control her earphone jack like a limb because she had it at an early age while Izuku only recently acquired it.


As they were talking Bakugou arrived and kicked Izuku to the face that sent him several meters away even flipping him over causing the young girls to go pale. 

Izuku couldn't react fast enough but quickly fixed his balance before standing firmly into the ground facing Bakugou.

"The fuck did you that for, Kacchan!"

"Just trying to show that quirk is jack shit! Look how you were unable to evade my attack just now!"

Bakugou! Why did you kick him!?"(Itsuka)

"I don't know how he managed to return from that attack just now even though It was a solid hit" (Jiro)

"It's confusing if they're close or not."(Momo)

Izuku did not let him be and did his own assault leaping to attack but was easily evaded by Bakugou and about to counter only for him to twist his body to perform a spinning kick that was barely blocked by Bakugou that pushed him a few meters and numbed his forearm.

The speedster swift move to continue his attack by trying to do an Axe kick only to be intercepted by bakugou other palm in hope to exploding Izuku's face but he manage to Axe kick by slightly his body then strike using his knew bakugou arm redirecting attack then the top of his dragged his face kicking it the process

Bakugou felt dizzy from his opponent's attack then pushed himself back from the explosion struggling to stand up but smiled at the result.

"Great fucking job, Deku! I thought you would grow sloppy for all those days laying your ass in the hospital bed."

"You're not too shabby yourself, Kacchan. you caught me by surprise that normally wouldn't."

Izuku is grateful for the kick showing how his senses are still disoriented as he is normally able to evade incoming attacks from bakugou.

"He didn't even use his quirk and yet managed to react fast enough to change his attack midway."(Momo)

"Hold on, you saw their attack? I barely caught up."(Jiro)

"That's the Jade Emperor for yah!"

"Bleh! Don't call me that, Itsu-san!"

Izuku shouted that she giggled while the other two were curious about it. He returned his focus back to bakugou only for him to be in front of him ready to blast his face off. 

At that moment his eyes flicker producing white lightning slowing his perception evading the attack before it resumed at normal speed. He smirked at the progression of his ability and getting an understanding of how it works.

"Midoriya-san's grasp over his quirk seems to slowly improve."(Momo)

"How long are the two going to fight?"(Jiro)

"Quite a while. How about we continue training and let them be."

After a few hours of beating each other, Izuku gradually tapped more into his speed force. He finds that it is simply mysterious how the application works and needs more work but is pleased that he is able to use it without a problem.


"Screw you! This is...haaa...just a fucking warm up!"

Bakugou received more blows than Izuku who easily evaded the attack using his super-speed to strike him. Though, it did not mean that Izuku is any different feeling a bit sluggish to his metabolism burning his nutrients.

"Hey, you two are you doing? It's already lunchtime!"

Itsuka yelled out that made them stop their bickering to have lunch. She had just ended her training with Jiro who had enough beating and decided it was the time to have a break.

"I almost lost track at the time. Well, where should we grab lunch?" (Izuku)

"Well I heard while heading here that there was katsudo-"(Jiro)

"Did you say Katsudon? Where?"

Izuku unconsciously zooms closer to Jiro who blushes to have her face up close with his while Itsuka eyes twitch before karate chopping him.


"Izu-San you're making her feel uncomfortable! I know how you react when it's about katsudon but behave yourself!"

"Hehehe sorry when I hear katsudon I just lose myself."

Izuku apologizes while the two find it cute that despite his first impression to be a mature young man had some childish behavior. 

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"He's oddly enthusiastic?" (Momo)

"That's just how he is when it comes to Katsudon."(Itsuka)

"Well, I'll take the lead since if I remember it correctly it's around this corner."(Jiro)

She went ahead with the rest of them walking their way towards the small shop that sold Katsudon and without hesitation ordered quite a lot of food. 

"That's quite a lot you ordered, Yaoyorozu-san?"(Itsuka)

"It's because my body requires Lipids to let me create things which is why I need to eat more. What about Midoriya-san?"

"For me, my metabolism burns the nutrient far too quickly which is why I needed to intake a lot of food to sustain myself."

They took their seats waiting for their order and took their time to know each other, sharing their lives and stories. 

"....That's when I pummeled him ten we became friends again."

"Tsk! I told you it was just a fucking shot!"

"Really!? You cried when I finally beat you!"

"Shut up or I'm going to kill you, Deeeku!!"

"Try it, Kaaaachaaan!"

The two glare at each other receiving a giggle from the two. They were acting like siblings having their rivalry. Despite their fighting, they had great respect for each other. 

"That's my boyfriend alright…."

"Hey I'm curious how you got together."(Jiro)

Though she already knew her chances were slimmed still wanted to try at least to see if her feelings were true or not and it's like she could disappear now that they became more acquainted.