

Warning! There will be smut in this chapter!

Ok so onto the epilogue!!!


Ethan's POV

Groaning in slight annoyance and frustration, I tossed the thick folder I'd been reading down on my desk. It had all the details about the upcoming meeting with the Alphas of the Redwood and Black Moon packs and I was seriously getting tired of revisiting this issue. We shared borders with them and this was already the third dispute I was reviewing regarding the official property delineations. They were claiming that my packs' scent markers were crossing into their territory. Again.

Rubbing my hands over my face, I tried my best to focus on the issue at hand. I thought I had dealt with this already and I thought it was resolved.

I groaned again and settled back into my large office chair.

'Maybe I should stop letting some of the younger members of the pack patrol the boarders. At least without an older mentor wolf to guide them.'

I had already spoken with the patrols about the problem, but apparently it was still happening.

Sighing, I picked up a pen and began to write a lengthy apology letter to the Alphas of the other packs. I promised, again, that I would speak to my pack, establish appropriate boarder markings myself, and make sure to finally put an end to these disputes and issues.

So far, being the Alpha was proving to be more hectic than I first expected, especially considering I found I was always worrying about Jayden and the pups. In the few months since the harsh delivery, Jayden had fully recovered and was looking much better than he ever had before. I was worried at first because he wasn't putting on the much needed extra weight after the babies were born. The doctor was worried about it too which made me even more worried. Thankfully, as he healed and gained his appetite back, he started to gain a good amount of muscle. Considering his small frame, that extra mass made him appear slightly less fragile and healthier. The relief I felt was a serious understatement.

We had fallen into a routine and I would try to spend as much time with him and the babies as I could. There were many times that I would look over and see his eyes glowing in that beautiful bright blue color, showing his connection with his wolf. The love and connection he had with the kids was an incredible thing to witness.

Our pups have been a handful to say the least. They have learned to crawl and strange things were always happening when they are around. They always ended up escaping from rooms blocked by baby gates, no matter how we installed them, and they somehow figured out how to scale the kitchen counters. Jayden and I had to be start getting sneaky and creative when hiding the treats.

Edan and Düc enjoyed rough housing with each other a lot, all the time. They were both very competitive and they could roll around the floor for hours at a time. However, as soon as their little sister got involved, she always seemed to win and gain the upper hand.

They had also begun to shift. I don't know what to say about this expect their human forms were much less trouble.

Sighing again, I sealed the envelope and set it aside for later. Just as I opened another file, a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in." I muttered as I scanned the next report in front of me. I barely glanced up as Luke opened the door.

"I have something for you Alpha." He announced with a teasing tone, which made me grit my teeth. Looking up, I made sure to hold his gaze as I spoke.

"You better not say it's more paperwork, Luke, or I promise, you will be the one going on a trip for a month. And it won't include Hadley or a pretty vacation house either." I threatened.

"Wow dude, calm down. No more paper work, I promise." He said while chuckling. I closed the file and placed it back in its appropriate place before turning my full attention to my Beta/best friend.

"Well spit it out then. What do you have for me? Oh, can you have someone deliver this to the Redwood and Black Moon packs for me?" I asked as he took a seat on the couch. He grabbed the letters from me and handed over an official looking envelope.

I gave him a questioning look, but he just smiled and motioned for me to open the letter. Before looking away, I caught the slight apprehension in his eyes.

I carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the official looking letter.

Mr. Davis,

This is a letter regarding the results of a paternity test preformed on Mr. Jayden Parker. The test sample submitted was taken during the pregnancy which ensures the correct results for the biological father. In this case the fetus DNA, for all three children, is an exact match for the DNA submitted by Mr. Ethan Davis.

Thank you very much for using our services. We look forward to working with you in the future if the need arises.

Paul Unger

Lab Technician

Black Wolf Labs

I started at the words in front of me. My heart was beating quickly and my breathing had increased as I let my eyes scan the words on the page again and again. I looked up and my gaze met Luke's but I couldn't get my mouth to work.

A wide smile spread across his face and happiness sparkled in his eyes. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Finally. I finally had my answer. They were mine, forever.

A huge smile broke out across my face as relief washed through my entire body. Luke stood up and patted me on my back.

"Well? Are you going to go tell him?" I finally snapped out of it and turned my head to look at him.

"Absolutely!" I jumped up, ran to the door, but turned right back again as I realized I forgot the test results on my desk. Luke was already two steps ahead of me as he waved the paper in my face. Grabbing the paper, I turned and raced out the door again.

"Luke please lock up my office for me!! I will be taking the rest of the day off!!"

I practically sprinted down the hall as I looked for signs of Jayden and the pups. I barely stopped long enough to ask Hadley and my mom if they had seen Jayden. Both promptly pointed out the window that overlooked the backyard.

I took off again, running at full speed to the back door. Once I made it outside, I stopped, taking in the beautiful scene in front of me. Jayden was sitting in the grass watching Edan and Düc rough play while little Lacey was snuggled in Jayden's arms with her little hands tangled in his hair.

I heard her giggle as Jayden gently untangled her hand before tickling her tummy. I smiled as the beautiful sounds of my family surrounded me and my heart swelled as I watched them. They were mine. They were all mine. I knew for sure now. I felt my blood speed up and pulse through my veins.

I approached Jayden and sat down behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, and pulling him into my lap. I placed a kiss on the top of his head and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hi babe. Have the kids been behaving for you today?" I inquired as Jayden relaxed in my embrace and leaned back against me.

"They have been a little calmer than yesterday but the boys have already had three baths today thanks to their talent for trouble. I'm about ready to just give up and let them be dirty."

Jayden shook his head as his body vibrated with laughter. He was clearly remembering and reliving our kid's antics. I loved to hear him laugh. It sounded so full of love and so full of his new found confidence. I heard it in his voice everytime he spoke. He didn't stutter anymore and he never spoke in whispered tones. I am not exactly sure when it happened, but ever since the kids and the marriage, he had started to open up and relax more. If I was being honest, it was sexy as hell.

"Well that's an improvement. So Jay, I have some good news."

Jayden turned slightly to look at me, raising an eyebrow.

I didn't say anything as I placed the letter in his hands.

Jayden took a moment to look at the folded letter in his lap and looked at me with a curious expression. I smiled and motioned for him to open it. Slowly, he unfolded the letter and began to read it.

A small gasp escaped his lips but other than that, it was silent as he continued to read the short letter. I didn't say anything as I waited for him to finish. All of a sudden, I felt him slump a little in my arms and start to slightly shake. I knew he needed a moment, so I just wrapped him up in my arms, giving him my strong, solid comfort.

Finally he turned to look at me. When I took in his watery eyes and trembling lip, my heart squeezed and twisted. He carefully put Lacey down on the grass and then turned and climbed into my lap. Lacey began to cry a little, but we both ignored her.

He moved his hands to my head and started running his fingers gently through my hair. He let his hands settle at the base of my neck, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, pulling me tightly to him.

"W-w-when?" I ran my hands over his back, loving our intimate position.

"When you were in the hospital room and unconscious, one of the doctors took several samples from you to make sure you were okay and I asked them to submit one of the samples for a paternity test as well. The letter just came in today. ." I explained as he tightened his grip.

"They... they are really ours. You're really the father.... " His voice wavered and it had dropped to a whisper as if we were sharing a secret.

"Yes they are, my love. They are mine by blood." I replied, hearing the pride in my voice.

He slowly pulled back from my body and we stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.

"Thank you."

Very gently, as if he was afraid to break the magic that now surrounded us, he pulled me towards him and only stopped when our lips touched and melded together. The kiss was gentle and beautiful and so full of love. We moved together as if we were doing this for years and years, not just months. I felt something slide down my face and I didn't know who was crying, but I found I didn't care. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss, pouring all my love and all my relief into this one moment.

We finally pulled apart as Lacey began screaming loudly from beside us in the grass. Jayden rolled his eyes but just smiled as I chuckled. She always had to be the center of attention.

Chuckling again, I stood up and scooped her up in my arms, rubbing my nose with hers, causing a cute baby giggle to reach our ears.

"Well I think Hadley and my mom could use some quality time with these little troublemakers. What do you think Jay?" I asked as I bent to pick up Edan as well.

"Absolutely." Jayden replied as a huge smile spread across his face, almost splitting it in two. He picked up Düc and together we all walked to the kitchen where we placed the babies in their high chairs.

"Hey mom would you mind watching the pups for a little while?" I asked, trying to use my best nice voice, although I knew it wasn't needed. She took one look at her grandchildren and her whole face lit up.

"You know you don't need to ask. Now, get out of here." She made a shooing motion with her hands, smirking at us.

I kissed her on the cheek and then grabbed Jayden's hand, dragging

him behind me.

As soon as the door to or room closed, I grabbed him and slammed him up against it, pressing my larger frame into him. My lips quickly found the side of his neck and I started to lick and suck, making small gasps and a sexy little mewls escape his lips.

When he was breathing hard and squirming underneath me, I pulled away and locked my gaze with his. His beautiful sky blue eyes were wide and full of desire as he met my gaze head on.

The confidence I loved was out in full force and every time I witnessed it, I found myself falling in love with him all over again.

We just stood there, staring at each other. He reached up and started running his fingers through my hair, letting them settle at the base on my neck before starting once again. I closed my eyes and let him take the lead. All of a sudden, I felt him grab my hair and pull, exposing my neck more to him. A wanton moan escaped my mouth as he brought his soft lips to my neck.

I felt myself growing harder as he took control of the moment. I loved his bold, passionate side and I loved when he took control in the bedroom like this. I moaned again as he licked and sucked at my neck and worked his way back up to my ear, running his tongue across the lobe.

I gripped his hips harder and rubbed my straining hardness against his as I whimpered, encouraging him to continue.

"I want you to take me, Ethan." I gasped as his voice sounded so close to my ear. It was firm and he sounded like someone who knew exactly what he wanted. I knew I would give it to him too. I would give him anything.

"I want you to take me .... and own me ... I want to feel every part of you..."

Oh fuck.

Desire coursed through me and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. He knew all my buttons.

He rubbed his hips against me and that was it for me. Without any warning, I grabbed both of his hands, pinned them above his head, and lowered my mouth to his ear.

"Don't worry baby, you won't be able to walk when I'm done with you." He whimpered and rubbed his enticing little body up against mine. Pulling away quickly, our hands moved frantically against each other as we quickly removed all the barriers between us in record time. When we were both completely bare, I lifted him up and pinned him against the door once more. He quickly wrapped his legs around my waist.

I inched closer to him, stopping just as our lips were about to touch, building the anticipation and intensity. The heat and the passion of the moment wrapped around us and it felt so good to be this close to the love of my life.

"I love you so much Jay." I whispered as I brushed our lips together. His breath hitched and I pulled away slightly.

"I love you too Ethan. So, so much..." He whispered back, holding back a groan of pleasure as our hips moved together. He tried to increase the speed, but I pressed my body against his even more.

"Not so fast baby. I don't want this to end too soon." I whispered as I brought my lips closer to his once more.

"Please... just ... anything... please... I need you...Please!"

"I love it when you beg," I whispered and then pressed my lips to his.

He groaned into my mouth as our lips started to move together. I broke the kiss and started trailing hot, wet, open mouthed kisses along his jaw and down his neck. He bent his neck to the side, giving me more room. He was gasping and moaning and withering underneath me, trying to move his tight entrance against my hard length.

I slid my fingertips up his legs and hips, running them upwards and under, settling them on his luscious ass. I let my fingertips slip in between and slowly slide against his tight hole. He was gasping for breath and clawing at my back as I massaged his tight, pink star. The look on his face was beautiful. All of his love, his passion, his desire, everything, and it was all right there on his face. I captured his lips once again, silencing his loud moans.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore, it was too much. The little sex noises he was making and his delicious body moving against me were driving me crazy. I reached for the condom I had placed on the table besides us and slid it down my length. I began to prepare Jayden and then used the lube to coat my length. I looked up and locked our heated gazes as I slowly entered him.

I went slowly, drawing out his pleasure and building this intense moment. I leaned closer to his ear and placed my lips on his soft, sensitive spot.

"Can you feel me, baby?" I inched in a little more and little wanton moans let his lips and went straight to my cock that was slowly sliding into him. He was holding onto my shoulders and leaning against the door, giving me permission to do to him as I pleased.

"Can you feel me stretching your tight little hole? You are so tight, every time, and it's all for me. You are mine."

"Mmmhmmm... ungh..." He closed his eyes, but that just wouldn't do. I needed him to look at me. I wanted to see him give everything to me. I grabbed his face under his chin and turned it to me.

"Open your eyes, love. Look at me." They shot open and we stared at each other again. I grabbed onto his hips harder and leaned in to brush my lips on his. He was panting under me but he never moved his eyes from mine.

"I want to see you fall apart in my arms." I stared for another second then pushed all the way into his tight, fluttering hole. He grabbed my shoulders tighter, but still kept his eyes on me.

I waited and watched him as I stayed there, fully inside him. Finally, he gave me a nod of encouragement and I pulled out only to fully thrust back into him. I tried to keep the pace slow and steady, wanting to watch him squirm and moan in my arms, but when he began moving so sensually against me, meeting me thrust for thrust, and clenching his muscles, all I could do was gasp and pick up the pace.

I took his arms again and pinned them above his head and slammed my mouth onto his sweet pink lips. Reaching between us, I wrapped my hand around him and started stroking, matching the rhythm of my thrusts. He was moaning and breathless, but I swallowed everything as our lips moved heatedly together.

I moved down to his neck, sucking and licking, making sure to leave my marks all over him. And to be honest, I wanted to hear my little kitten mewl for me.

I felt the familiar coiling and tightening in my stomach and I knew I was getting close. By the way he was breathing and moving against me, I knew he was right there with me. I continued to stroke him as the heat spread through my body and we raced towards our peaks together. The heat turned into a fire and it licked at my body in such delicious and mind numbing ways, I couldn't focus on anything but Jayden and I.

My movements became choppy and I moved my hands to his ass, holding him up and pulling him closer to me.

"E-e-ethan! I'm... I'm..." I just licked and sucked at his neck in response, still stroking his hot, velvety length.

I tried to hold on for as long as I could, but everything was rushing forward too quickly. I held it though and pounded into Jayden with everything I had.

All of a sudden, Jayden tensed and began to loudly moan and I watched in awe and satisfaction as he came apart in my arms and his hot seed emptied all over my hand and stomach. His slick body slid against me and his muscles spasmed around my length and I just lost control. Colors flashed as my orgasm ripped through me and I quickly sunk my teeth into him. He screamed again and came for a second time as I continued thrusting, riding out my own orgasm.

Very slowly, we came down and stopped moving. For a few minutes, we both stayed where we were, plastered against the door, breathing hard. His body was slumped and relaxed in my hold.

I picked up my head to look at him. When our eyes met, a goofy grin spread out across his face.

"That was hot, baby." I just chuckled and went in for a slow kiss.

"I love you," I whispered against his lips.

"I love you too, forever and always. It will always be you."

I gathering him in my arms and carefully made my way to bathroom still deep inside him.

After cleaning up, I laid Jayden down on the bed and started to collect our clothes that were strewn across the floor. I chuckled as I saw how far they had traveled from our spot by the door.

Returning to the bed, Jayden was sprawled out on the bed, blissfully asleep. I just smiled and gently covered him up. Pulling on my clothes, I quietly made my way out into the hallway, gently closing the door behind me. Leaning against the door, I let a small sigh escape my lips.

I was happy and content and things were finally settling down the way they were meant to be. I had a gorgeous mate who loved me and three beautiful pups who are mine. We were strong together and nothing could break us apart.

Thinking of everything that had happened, I felt a streak of determination and possessiveness flash through my body. I would never let anyone touch my family again. I wouldn't let anything destroy my happiness ever again.

With that thought, I made my way downstairs, in search of my pups.


Ok so that's the end of the book! I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for reading!

Please READ & REVIEW!!!!