


( now about 8 1/2 months pregnant)

Jayden's POV

I groan as I attempt to stand up for the fifth time only to have the exact same result. Falling right back down on my fat butt. I pout as I give up and wait for Ethan to finish his shower so he could help me. The pack doctor predicted that I would probably go into labor sometime next week or the week after.

Ethan has been hovering over me constantly and if it wasn't for me being irritable over how heavy these babies are or how tired I am I would probably find it sweet. But of course the one time he isn't here to help me his pups decide to play kickball with my bladder!

Now I know what they mean when they say a pregnant lady has to pee every five minutes. I start tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for Ethan to help me up. I hear the shower shut off and a few minutes later Ethan walk out with a towel on.

"Hey babe? Can you help me up now?" I ask hoping he doesn't hear the edge of irritation that creeped into my tone. If he did then he doesn't mention it as he smiles gently and walks over to me.

"Sure Jay. Here, wrap your arm around my neck." He instructs as he wraps his arm around my lower back. I do as he says as he gently sets me on my feet.

"Oh and be ready in ten minutes. I have a surprise for you." He says with a knowing smirk.

"You know I hate surprises so you might as well tell me." I grumble as I cross my arms defiantly. He just shakes his head no and does the childish sign of his lips are sealed. He dramatically throws the invisible key out the window as I give him a hard glare.

I sigh in defeat as I realize he isn't going to tell me. I go to the bathroom to do my business but when I get back in the room I look around in confusion as I see that Ethan is gone.

Right as I'm about to leave to go search for him I hear a knock on our door.

"Come in?" I say hesitantly. Yes I have been talking to the rest of the pack even if it is only a sentence or two at a time. I can't think of who would be coming to talk to me today but I sigh in relief once the mysterious person reveals themselves.

"Hi Jay! I'm here to help you!" Hadley exclaims as she barges in excitedly.

"Um..... Hi? What are you here to help me with again?" I question wearily. As far as I know I haven't asked her to help me with anything.

"For your surprise of course silly!" She claims like it should be obvious.

"So.... you know my surprise but I don't?" I say dejectedly.



(Ethan's POV)

I grin excitedly as I watch the pack help transform the backyard. Streamers hang from the trees and there is a stereo system set up for later. Platter after platter of food crowds tables set up close to the edge of the woods.

A table close to the patio is piled with gifts. I am so proud of it. I truly hope Jayden loves this surprise. I have been working on this for weeks trying to make everything perfect just for him.

I go in the house to go check on my final surprise that I did all by myself. I've been working on it for the last two months. It was perfect.

Once I'm satisfied that it is fit for him to see then I head toward our room.

"Hadley, go finish with the plans I'm going to show Jayden have first surprise." Hadley grins and claps excitedly as she rushes out of the room leaving a dazed Jayden standing in the middle of the room.

Hadley had forced him into specially made black skinny jeans that had a maternity waistband yet still clung to his shapely legs. He was wearing a lose fitting green tee shirt that stretched tight over his rounded stomach proudly exposing the fact that he was carrying my pups.

He blinked in confusion and I walked into the room. I gave him a soft kiss on the lips as I rested one hand on his rounded belly feeling the slight thump from inside as one of the babies kicked. Jayden started leaning into the kiss more and tried deepening the kiss before I gently pulled back breaking it. He groans in longing as his eyes slowly open back up.

"Why'd you stop?" He whines with a slight pout.

"Because I have something to show you love. Come on my little Jay." I coax using his nickname I gave him.

He smiles slightly as I gently pull him out into the hall and to the room right across from our door.

"Okay baby. I need you to close your eyes and no peaking. You can open them when I say okay?"

"Okay I won't." He promises while frowning slightly.

I open the door and gently pull him into the room. Placing him where he will get the full impact of the sight in front of him.

"Okay open your eyes now." I whisper.

He slowly opens his eyes and gasps. I see a tear slide down his pale cheek as he takes in the sight in front of him.

The room was painted a pale yellow with white trim. A tiny white changing table was pushed against the wall in front of the window. In both corners of the back wall a cribs were set up with a stuffed bear sitting in each one. One was a black bear and one was a brown bear. There was a matching rocking chair in the other unoccupied corners of the room. One for each of us to rock a baby.


Okay this is it for this chapter. My sister has already ruined my night and made me mad. I'm sorry if the ending sucked because of that.

Comment names and genders you want for the babies!

please READ & REVIEW!!!