

Ethan's POV

I grunt as something falls suddenly on my chest to wake me up. When I tiredly cracked my eyes open and glanced down I found out that that something was Jayden. He grinned at me from where he had thrown himself across my chest.

"Yes baby? What do you need important enough to wake me up early?" I ask while making sure he could hear the humor in my voice.

He giggled quietly as he slid off of me and stood beside the bed. "Come on slowpoke! My ultrasound is in ten minutes!" He exclaimed as he rushed toward the dresser and began throwing random clothes at me.

I smirked as I got dressed and wrapped my arms around my excited mate. Last night was perfect. I took him to see the sunset and we talked for a while. Once he confessed to thinking he had killed one of the pups I managed to convince him that they would be fine. Now he can't wait to see them.

"Is there really two babies in there?" He asked cutely as he rested his and over my hand I had on his slight bump.

"Yes there is baby. Are you ready to go see them?" He nodded slightly while smiling softly before I grabbed his hand and gently lead him toward the mock doctors room. I ordered the pack doctor to keep this room set up specifically for Jayden while he is pregnant.

As we enter the room Jayden tenses slightly from nerves most likely. He is always less confident around other people.

"Hello alpha, luna." The doctor greeted each of us with a nod.

"No need for formalities doctor. It makes Jayden uncomfortable." I explained.

"Okay, well Jayden, will you please come lay down on this bed and raise your shirt up for me?" Jayden nods before walking over and jumping up on the bed. He lays back and then hesitantly lifts his shirt up. He wraps his arms around his stomach in an attempt to hide his cuts and his baby bump.

"Baby please don't hide your stomach. It's ok I promise." I gently pry his arms away and he lets them lay by his side in defeat.

"But my stomach is ugly and covered in cuts and scars. And I'm fat. No one can possible love me with my stomach like this." He whispered as he glanced away. My heart felt like it was about to rip in two at the pitiful sight he made.

"Shhh. Don't worry Jay. It is not ugly. Everything about you is perfect and you are not fat. You are pregnant with our children."

"But what if their not even yours?"

"Nope!!! Don't even say that baby. If their not mine by blood then they will be mine by right. I will raise them. I will be with the one who bared them. I will love them. That monster will never have any claim on you or our children. Do you understand?" Jayden nods and smiles softly before glancing up at me. I didn't miss the tiny glance he aimed at my lips before he looked me in the eyes.

I grant his silent wish as I lean down and capture his lips in a short sweet kiss. He moves his lips slowly with mine before he runs his hand gently through my hair. I pull back before the kiss goes too far. He pants slightly as he smiles up at me.

His eyes are a bright blue color which shows that his wolf is close to the surface. I think his eyes look very beautiful this way.

I am pulled out of my trance as the doctor clears his throat and motions toward the ultrasound machine next to him. I blush slightly as I stand up and walk to the other side of the bed.

"Sorry doctor I didn't mean to get in the way." I apologize sheepishly. The doctor just chuckles and waves it off.

"It's ok alpha. But I figured you would love to bond over a picture of your unborn pups."

"Yeah. That would be great! Thanks doctor!" I reply as I watch him turn on the machine and grab a bottle from a shelf.

"Now Jayden this may be a bit cold." The doctor warns as he squirts a small amount of gel onto Jayden's exposed stomach. Jayden tenses slightly before he relaxes and stares at the screen excitedly. I reach over and grab his hand, letting him intertwine our fingers. The doctor began moving the wand around until he stops and points at the screen.

"This is baby A right here see?" More movement and the doctor points again. "And this little one here is baby B. I can't tell the genders yet, but you appear to be progressing a little faster than normal Jayden. You are only supposed to be about 17 weeks pregnant but here you appear to be 21 weeks pregnant. This may simply be because you have a white wolf."

"If he's that's far along then why is he not bigger?" I ask curiously.

"Well considering the way the babies are sitting they are closer to his spine than his stomach so you won't notice it as much. But the way the babies are situated and the rate they are growing I will say they are going to run out of room soon so they will probably shift toward the front in a few days. Within two weeks you should be able to see a drastic change in his weight."

Jayden frowned at this news and glanced down at his stomach. I already knew he was worried about his weight and that's not good. He is perfect to me. I think he would look good pregnant too.

"Don't worry babe. It's a good thing. It means the babies will be healthy. And I think you will look adorable with a pregnant belly." I reassure him. He smiles and nods as he looks at his stomach again.

"I guess your right. I do want to make sure the babies are healthy." He mumbled.

"See baby? There's nothing to worry about. I love you." I whisper in his ear. I kiss him softly before pulling away.

"I love you too Ethan."

"Forever?" I question curiously.

"Forever and always baby." He replies quietly for only me to hear.


Ok sorry if it's a little short! But I managed to update for you!!!

Please READ & REVEIW!!!!!!!