

Ethan's POV

I reach the clearing and glance around wildly before my eyes land on a crumpled form in the middle of the grassy clearing. Jayden was laying there pale and naked in his human form. His hair still shone brightly with the sun turning it a golden red color but his skin looked so pale and fragile. He looked skinny except for the slight and barely there bump on his lower stomach.

This was the first time in a while that I have had the chance to see him without a shirt on. You could almost count his ribs but his stomach swelled slightly outward in an unnatural way for his weight. I was particularly worried about the cuts scattered across his stomach with one deep, infected looking cut below his belly button.

I crouched down at his side once I realized that my body had unknowingly carried me across the small clearing. I sniff at his stomach and my sensitive wolfs nose can faintly make out the subtle change in Jayden's scent.

Why hadn't I noticed before?! I should have been able to see the change in him like a proper mate. If I were a proper mate then he wouldn't be laying here unconscious in a field with cuts covering him. I shift into my human form and slowly gather his cold limp body in my arms.

I feel him let out a huff of warm breath as he snuggles his nose into the side of my neck. I notice his bad left hand twitch as he tried to open it before he groaned and cracked his eyes open.


"Yeah it's me angel. It's ok. I'm just bringing you home now. Everything is going to be fine." I whisper quietly to him. He relaxes slightly looking dazed before his eyes widen and panic takes over his expression.

He begins to struggle and thrash around in my arms and it's all I can do to hug his flailing body close to mine.

"NO! NO! I'm sorry! I'm sorry.... so sorry ... please.... I didn't want this.... I don't want you hurt." He rambles as he slows down with his struggling. He finally collapses against me sobbing violently. His shoulders shake with his heavy breaths and tears flood down his face as he sniffs repeatedly to keep his nose from running.

Fear clenches my cheats as I notice that he is close to hyperventilating and I know that I have to calm him down quickly. This isn't healthy for him or the baby.

"Shhh. It's ok baby. Relax. Breath for me ok? In.. and out. Good. In... and out. In... and out." I continue to repeat this as I sat down and gently rocked him in my arms while pressing his back to my chest so he could mimic my breathing.

Once I calmed him down enough where only the occasional shuddering breath racked his body and his sniffles died down I stood up carefully to continue our journey home.

"Jay? Jay can you please tell me why you were so upset?" I coaxed gently. He took a calming breath before he slowly nodded his head. I waited as he collected himself before he started to speak slowly.

"While I was in the clearing C-Chris... showed up and ....and he told me something. He... he said that I was... pregnant. He said.... it was his and... and that I can't hurt it or else...he would..." Jayden trailed off as another soft sob left his lips.

"Shhh it's ok. Now what did he say he would do? You can tell me." I encouraged.

"He said that he would ... hurt you and the rest of the.. the pack." He choked out as he clung tight to my chest.

"That won't happen sweetie. But you do need to take care of yourself ok? It may not even be his baby. What if that is our baby in there?" I suggested gently. He gasped in horror as he released my shoulders to wrap his arms protectively around his belly.

"Oh my gosh. I never thought of that. I-I may have killed our babies! It would have been all my fault!" he cried. I hugged him closer and slowed down to stop by a tree that had spare clothes stashed in it.

"It ok Jayden. It's not your fault. Let's get dressed and when we get home we can get you and the baby checked out. Everything's going to be alright and no one is going to get hurt by him I promise." He nodded slightly looking dazed and horrified as I gently dressed him before pulling on a pair of shorts myself and picking him up again.

It was a relatively short walk to the house from here but it seemed to take hours as Jayden laid motionless in my arms staring off into space and barely blinking.


Jayden's POV

I don't remember much of the trip home after Ethan mentioned the possibility that it may be his child growing in me. But Chris was so sure that it was his child. So whose is it? what will I do now? I can't hurt it either way. If it is Chris's then hurting it would mean that Ethan and the rest of the pack will get hurt. But if it is Ethan's then there is no way in the world that I could ever even imagine hurting it.

But then again I have already hurt it or one of them at least. For all I know the baby is dead inside me right now. The only person at blame is me. It was me who cut. It was me who got an infection. It was me who hasn't been eating enough. It was me who shifted when I wasn't supposed to

The only person to blame for harming the unborn children's life is me. I wish there was someone else to take the blame but there isn't.

I barely register the fact that we entered the pack house. Nameless faces flash in front of me. All of them shocked and worried. I feel myself being laid down on a table as I realize that all of the people are no longer around me. I can't seem to find the strength to raise my head to glance around at the room I'm in.

I hear faint voices but they seem to be fading in and out of my focus. If I concentrate long enough maybe I can hear what is being said.

"..He's been like this for half an hour.... barely blinks....blank eyes.... hasn't been responding when I talk." I am confused at what Ethan is saying. Who is he talking about?

"Sounds like shock... get rest..... few days at most.... We can do an ultrasound tomorrow. ....Needs an IV... dehydrated, malnourished, infected wound to the abdominal area." I tune out of the conversation as I try to process what has been said.

They must be talking about me. But I'm not in shock am I? I just need a moment to process what has happened. That doesn't make me be in shock. I can respond if I want I just don't feel like it. My mind is too hazy and my body feels like it's made of lead. I'm just tired.

Yeah that's it. I'm really exhausted and when I wake up this will all be a dream. With this last thought I allow my eyes to drift shut and my mind to shut off. All I know is darkness. Nothing matters except the black nothingness cradling my consciousness.
