

Anyway Jayden is almost 3 months pregnant by now just so everyone knows. And it gets dangerous to shift after the 2nd month of pregnancy.


Jayden's POV

I quickly strip and stash my clothes on a tree branch before shifting into my wolf. After my shift is complete I stumble from a sharp pain in my stomach and the sudden dizziness that accompanies it. I stand still carefully waiting for it to pass. When if finally does I take a hesitant step forward happy when my legs doesn't threaten to give out. I begin a slow trot before steadily speeding up. I can run just as fast as any wolf even when I only use 3 legs. I run through the woods easily not really paying much attention to my surroundings.

I know exactly where I want to go but I know that it's also dangerous. Now that I'm finally alone I plan to go to me and my moms clearing. I never wanted to go when others are with me and this will most likely be the last time I can sneak out without guards for a while. I want to bring Ethan here one day and just tell him memories from when my mom was still alive.

I reach our clearing and sit in the middle looking over at the fallen log. The log where I was about to end it all before being attacked by rogues. That was the first time I saw Ethan in wolf form. Funny how I thought he planned to kill me when now he's all I live for.

I wonder if he is looking for Chris right now. Will he ever find him or will he just be chasing him forever and never have any time with me? If he never meet me then he would be living a happy life now.

I lay down in a sunny patch of the clearing suddenly tired and rather depressed at these thoughts. Am I destined to bring everyone pain and sadness? Everyone says the legendary white wolf is supposed to be good. It is supposed to bring peace and power. It is supposed to be a blessed symbol. A sign sent by ancestors to bring forth a new time of prosperity and good fortunes.

But that's not me.

How can I be this beautiful creature? All I bring is sadness and conflict. Since I have shown up all I have caused is grief. Because of me their alpha is stressed and distracted. Because of me peoples mates loose precious time together to hunt for a beast that stole my innocence. I can't even be a proper mate! I am depressed, scared, crippled, and could not even offer my innocence to my mate.

Who could love me after all of this? surely Ethan and the pack will realize this when the pack falls apart because of me.

I am snapped out of my depressed daze as I hear a soft chuckle. A familiar chuckle that sent chills down my back. My fur stood on end as I tense up and stopped breathing for a second. I slowly let my breath out through my nose before slowly and fearfully opening my eyes.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we meet again. And my plan is playing out perfectly even if there was a glitch." The voice said.

I don't think I could move or feel my body as I stare up at the terrible person in front of me.


Images of that night flash through my mind as I look into his eyes. His deep black eyes that look right through me like I'm nothing but scum. Which I guess I am but it is still unnerving for me.

"Is that any way to greet your lover?" he says faking a dramatic gasp. "Well don't just lay there day dreaming sift and change into these so that we can talk properly." He orders.

I just lay there staring at him in fear as I remembers he feel of him tearing through me all those months ago. I remember the sounds of pleasure he made and my pained cries and pleads for him to stop. The feel of his warmth inside me as he found his high and the sight of white and red blood mixing slowly on the thin mattress below me. I remember the feel of my tears running slowly and hopelessly down my cheeks at the filthy feel of my skin.

"Well now we can't have this. You don't want your precious mate to be hurt because of your disobedience do you?" My head shoots up as I hear this fear flooding my veins with renewed strength. What has he done to Ethan? I don't want anyone to be hurt because of me. "Now I have your attention! and yes I have men surrounding your mate and his measly little friends ready to attack at my signal. And no they are not aware that they are surrounded so there is no hope for them to win the fight. Now you are to shift and since you didn't automatically shift when I told you to you do not get to wear the shorts I generously brought you."

I gulp at the thought of shifting and standing naked in front of the very man who raped me not 3 months ago. I let the change slowly overcome me which makes the pain worse than normal. Again that sharp pain stabs though my lower stomach and I am overcome by dizziness. Except this time it doesn't fade. The pain lessens slightly but it is still slowly pulsing through me. Right below my belly button is where the pain is the most intense.

"That's a good boy! now, now don't try to cover yourself I have already seen it all." He chides me as I fold my hands over my privates in an attempt to keep myself somewhat covered. When I don't move my hands he gets an annoyed look on his face and marches toward me. I shrink back and try to twist away but he snatches both of my wrists in one hand and pinned them above my head after forcing me to lay on my back.

He straddles my hips and uses his free hand to squeeze my dick painfully. A few tears escape my eyes as fear constricts my chest.

"Now you are going to listen to me or I will make this worse for you understand?" when I don't immediate nod he tightens his grip down there causing me to bit down hard on my lip to keep from screaming out in pain. I frantically nod and the grip loosens slightly allowing me to take a shallow breath.

"Good boy. Now what I want you to start doing is take care of your body for me. You have to eat healthy and this little cut here," he releases my member to use a finger to press down on my infected cut on my stomach causing me to cry out in pain, "has to stop. You are pregnant with my child so you can not cause harm to it. Trust me I will be back to get what is mine. And this is mine." He presses a hand against my lower belly and gives me an evil smirk.

"W-what do y-you mean pre-pregnant? I'm a b-boy! B-boys can't g-get preg-nant!" I stutter out felling very confused and scared.

"That is where you are wrong my dear. The profit of the white wolf states that the white wolf, no matter gender, shall be able to bear their own heirs. Therefor when I took you I made sure you were pregnant. And the child is mine. I will have it so you better not do anything to jeopardize my heir or your little mate may have a sad accident and then you could bear me more heirs." He suggests evilly. I shake my head as more tears fall.

"Pl-please don't h-hurt E-Ethan! P-please!" I plead while sobbing uncontrollably. I'm pretty sure I'm hyperventilating and the pain is gradually getting more intense.

"Oh I won't as long as you cooperate. Now I must leave you. Your worried mate is heading home early to surprise you! Remember now take care of my heir. I will be watching and if you lose my heir then you lose your mate and freedom. If I'm not mistaken I can hear two other heartbeats although one is rather weak and flattering. As long as one lives you will not be punished. Just remember that. Now I will be taking my leave but first I will help you into these shorts."

He easily slips shorts on me as I lay there crying and trying to take this new information in before he turns and quickly disappears. So I am a pregnant male.

A pregnant male whose father is my rapist. Whose father is threatening my mate and freedom.

A pregnant male with twins. Twins which one may die because of me. Even if their father is a rapist and they were unplanned they are still innocent. They have not had a chance to make their own decisions in life. And I may have killed one. There is a baby dying inside me right now. An innocent life taken before it's first breath. Before it's seen it's first sight, cried it's first cry. Before it's had it's first dreams, hoped it's first hopes.

And it's all my fault. If I had eaten more and not cut. Oh my gosh I had taken pills that warned against taking while pregnant. What if one dies and the other is all deformed for life? They could have a terrible and pain filled life because of me. And I shifted. You are not supposed to shift if you are pregnant. I am nearly 3 months pregnant!

How am I going to explain this to Ethan. 'I'm sorry Ethan I love you but I am carrying another mans child and I may have murdered one of them.' I would be such a bad father or mother I'm not sure which I would be considered.

I feel a terrible pain shoot through me as the world begins to fade. 'Ethan needs to know where I am' I think fuzzily.

' Ethan.....?' I mind link

'Jayden?! Where are you?! Are you hurt?' His frantic voice replies instantly. It would have been funny if I wasn't in pain and about to pass out.

'My... clearing.... in.. pain..... please.... help.. me' I say having trouble putting my thoughts together and mind link them. The black begins to take over my sight as I vaguely hear Ethan's voice yelling at me to wake up. But I can't. I'm just too numb and tired. The pain is gone just a strange heaviness settling over me.

I finally give in to the blackness and what happens next is lost to my exhausted mind.

Ethan's POV (before being mind linked)

' Ok guys lets call it a day. This will be our last search for a long while. I think we all need to spend time with our family and mates.' I announce to my patrol. They all cheer and we turn around before heading home energetically. They are all racing and playing like pups. They nip at each other and occasionally tackle each other causing me to chuckle at their antics.

It is good to see my pack having fun for a change. Everything has been so serious and stressed lately and I was too busy wanting to rip that vampire limb from limb to notice the toll it took on my pack the mates left at home have been lonely and worried including my own mate. I haven't even had a chance to truly get to know Jayden. I think the most time I spent time with him was at school under that tree for lunch.

Now school is over and we have graduated. Granted Jayden had to make up a few things online before he got his diploma considering he missed the last of school being held captive.

But that's in the past and now I need to step up my game and begin just being with my mate especially since he is pregnant now. I also need to figure out how to tell him.

We reach the house and I notice Luke and Hadley making out on the couch.

" Hey guys where is Jayden?" I ask worriedly.

"Oh he wasn't feeling very well so he went to lay down and watch movies all day. I checked on him an hour ago and he looked like he was asleep so I didn't disturb him." Hadley explains absentmindedly. I nod and rush upstairs after muttering thanks.

When I reach our room I slowly crack the door open before glancing in. The was a lump on the bed snuggled up under the covers and credits for a movie were slowly playing across the screen.

I quietly enter the room taking care not to wake my mate so that I could surprise him. I reach the bed and lift the cover slowly before ripping the cover off completely in a panic.

There on the bed was pillows lined up to look like a human figure. Where was my angel?! Just as I was about to run downstairs yelling for him I hear his quiet voice in my head.


'Jayden?! Where are you?! Are you hurt?' I say frantically pacing as I wait for his reply. His voice sounded very weak and wavering.

'My... clearing.... in.. pain..... please.... help.. me' I freeze as I hear this and then my heart speeds up as I run out of the house and shift quickly.

'Jayden hold on! Stay awake! Jayden?! Answer me please! Don't you dare go to sleep! Come on angel please answer me....' I plead desperately. I curse as I don't get a reply and double my speed toward the clearing. I automatically knew which clearing he was talking about.

This is the second time he has been hurt and or almost died in this clearing!

Please just let him be ok....


Ok so a bit of a cliffhanger for you!

Were any of you surprised?

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to arw1012 for helping me with some ideas when I had slight writers block! thank you so much for helping me!

Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!!