

Jayden P.O.V.

The morning sun slowly filtered into the quiet room, stretching and yawning, as it crept towards me. I tried to ignore it, snuggling deeper into my blankets. A slight movement of the bed behind me brought me closer to the world of the living, bringing me out of the beautiful wet dream I was having. I was annoyed. It was a really nice dream. We won't go into any details but let's just say it was well needed.

Sighing, I closed my eyes again, hoping I could drift back to sleep. It was early and the babies were quiet. That automatically meant I stayed in bed for as long as possible. I snuggled into my blankets again, wiggling a bit, trying to get comfortable. When a warm arm snaked around my waist, I knew I wasn't going back to sleep. But this was a distraction I was happy to indulge.

"Morning, baby." Ethan's morning voice was gravely and husky. It seeped into my still foggy brain and started to wake up every part of me.

My bottom half woke up first, which definitely wasn't a good thing since I was so sexually frustrated these days. Ever since the babies arrived, it has been very difficult to have sex like we used to. I was either busy with the babies or the house or just plain exhausted and Ethan seemed like he was always busy with his Alpha duties. I was so frustrated that all Ethan had to do was walk by me or smile and I felt like I was going to jump him right there and then, not caring who was there to witness it.

I felt a tug on my hips and in the next moment, my skin clashed roughly against his, causing me to gasp.

"Dammit... mmmmmm" I was a bit disoriented since I was still fighting my sleep muddled brain, but my body seemed to know what to do.

My bottom half started grinding and moving against his. His morning hard-on slipped easily in between my ass cheeks, sliding back and forth, rubbing against my now throbbing hole. I needed him there, inside me. His grip on my hips was rough and urgent, making small moans and whimpers escape me.

Then I heard it through the soft hum of the baby monitor; a baby's cry. I wanted to pull my hair, cry in frustration, and beg Ethan to just fuck me. I needed him so badly. But I knew he wouldn't. Not right now and not like this, with the babies screaming.

Ripping the blankets down, he grabbed hold of my aching dick and started to quickly jerk me off. His other hand grabbed my hair and I felt his hot lips suck on the soft spot right by my ear.

To my discontent, Ethan stopped, pulling away from me as the babies began to cry louder and harder. Who knew they had lungs like this? I certainly didn't and neither did Ethan as we both sighed in unison, as if planned.

"Go..." I said, averting my eyes. I felt fingers under my chin and I felt my face turning to meet his gaze. One look at him and I knew he understood how frustrated I was. His eyes softened as he looked at me, but it didn't take away the physical and emotional mess that I was. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

"I love you." I smiled just to reassure him.

As he got up, I propped myself up on my elbows so I could catch a glimpse of his naked body as he left the room. It was an amazing view, it always was. He was sculpted perfectly from his wide shoulders to his defined abs and beautiful ass. I wiped my hand across my mouth and it came back wet. Yup, I was definitely drooling. As he was leaving the room, I realized something.

"Hey! Don't get the babies while you're naked." He said nothing as he disappeared into the hallway. I groaned and face-planted into the pillow.

I'm not sure how long I laid there with my face in the pillow, desperately willing my body to relax and calm down. The tingling in my body slowly subsided and everything settled into a dull ache. We had to fix this and soon.

Sighing, I rolled over, sat up, and planted my feet on the cool hardwood floor. It was time to really get up.

Before I could even blink or react, I was thrown back into bed. A heavy body pressed against me, holding me down. My surprised blue eyes met Ethan's brilliant green ones that were now hovering just inches above me. They quickly closed as his hand wrapped around my still hard erection, bringing a lustful moan from my lips.

"I wasn't gonna leave you like this." Ethan's deep, rough, low tone entered my ears causing me to shiver and moan. The feel of his large, warm hand stroking up and down along my length left me speechless.

His warm body continued to press into mine and his lips made their way back down to my neck, sucking gently. I moaned again, unable to keep it in. I inhaled and smiled, he smelled like our babies.

"You smell nice." I think it came out as a mumble, but I had to say it. I was quickly losing control of my speech as my body gave up everything to Ethan. He was playing me like an expert of his trade.

His mouth suckled, nipped, and playfully bit my neck and shoulder while stroking me up and down. It was a slow pace, purposely working me up into a frenzy. I needed it though, I couldn't wait. I pressed my hips upwards, into his hands, begging him with my body to speed up, to finish, anything.

I heard a chuckle but he did speed up. The delicious friction was quickly bringing me to the top of the mountain. My breath came out in gasps, whimpers, and moans as the sensations started to overwhelm me. I screamed as his grip tightened and his speed increased.

"Please..... Ethan..." I couldn't get out anymore. I was thrashing underneath him, trying to hold on and trying to let go at the same time.

I felt his lips against my ear and his warm breath whisper over them.

"Come for me, baby." That was all it took.

"Ethan...!" My back arched, my body coiled, and I screamed as I came apart in his arms. I came again and again all over myself and all over his hand. Somewhere in the distance, I heard a grunt and a moan and my stomach was covered in another layer of warmth. I was breathing hard, my body still twitching, but I was slowly coming down from my high. I couldn't move. I felt a heavy weight lower onto my body and I cracked an eye.

Ethan was especially beautiful after he came. His eyes were half lidded, his lips were slightly swollen, and his chest was still heaving. Never the less, he gave me a lopsided smile and my heart melted to goo.

He leaned down and placed a peck on my lips. He moved his mouth along my jaw and nuzzled my neck for a few minutes. My body was still tingling and I was hoping for another round. He came back up and looked at me.

"Now you have to be ready by 12, it's..." He glanced quickly at his watch, "10 right now. So do, I don't know, Jayden things. I have Alpha work." He kissed my forehead and left the room, leaving me hanging on his words.

Wait, what?! Well, that killed the mood quickly.

"Work?!" Seriously! Ugh! I grumbled angrily as I shot up from the bed, skillfully avoiding the damp spot in the middle of the mattress.

"Okay first things first... the babies." I mumbled to myself. As if on cue, the whining and crying started up again in the next room. Does it ever end? I sighed and started to reach for some clothing. This was going to be a long day, I could feel it already.

"Don't worry I got it!" Ethan raced past the door holding papers and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. We're a one of a kind family aren't we? I chuckled again, shaking my head. ..... I felt like I was forgetting something. Oh yeah.

"PUT ON SOME CLOTHING ETHAN!" I yelled out the doorway.

"No." He responded calmly which caused my right eye to twitch slightly. His response irritated me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was a stupid thing to fight over and I didn't want to fight over something so dumb. God dammit, lack of sex was making me irrationally irritable. I felt like a chick!

"BYE!" I heard the door slam and as if they spent all day practicing it, all 3 babies started crying again. Ok, focus Jayden, they are just babies, you can do this. I took a few more deep breathes and I felt myself calming down. Right, ok, now babies.

Walking into the living room, all 3 babies were in their swings, swinging back and forth, but they didn't seem to care. Their small soft faces were all scrunched up with tears running down their faces. Oh god, their tears were so small but there were so many of them. They looked so unhappy. What do I do? There are 3 of them and only one of me. I stood there and for a moment, I felt lost. Then I looked down and saw that each of them had lost their pacifiers. I scoffed and relief surged through me. Go figure. I needed to tape those things to their heads.

Approaching the first boy, I picked up the binky and placed it back in his mouth. He instantly calmed down and started sucking. I sighed, and without even thinking about it, I started singing.

"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

It's not warm when she's away

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

And she's always gone too long

Anytime she goes away.."

I got wrapped up in the lyrics and the melody as I sang, mainly to calm myself down a little. Humming the next part, I was about to place the second binky into my little girl's mouth when I looked down and met her eyes. She had stopped crying and was looking at me with a curious expression. Her face had smoothed out and all hints of her outburst were long gone. Hmmmm.... I continued singing.

"Wonder this time where she's gone

Wonder if she's gone to stay

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

And this house just ain't no home

Anytime she goes away..."

I continued humming the rest of the song, watching all 3 babies as I sang. Each of them was watching me in turn, completely forgetting about the binkies that were now sitting in their laps.

I took the time to really look at them and take in their features more. They were all breathtaking, a beautiful mixture of Ethan and me.

My Lacey, no, our Lacey, had strawberry blonde hair with clear blue eyes that she inherited from me. Her features reminded me of myself back ... a long time ago it now seemed. I was nothing then. I wasn't wanted, I wasn't loved, and I honestly just wanted to die so I didn't have to live through any more pain and humiliation. I was just a small, weak, and fragile little boy. Those now far away memories started to swirl towards the forefront and my heart clenched in sadness and pain. I closed my eyes and sent out a small prayer, asking that my beautiful princess would grow up strong and confident. Opening my eyes, I narrowed them in determination, and made a promise. I would make sure no one would ever hurt her like I was hurt. I would always protect her. She is mine and no one messes with what's mine. Shaking my head of those memories, I focused back on the present.

My eyes fell to Edan since he was the next baby in the lineup. He had dark hair like Ethan and had many of Ethan's other features, but his eyes were from both of us. They were an interesting mix of green and blue that just seemed to reach out to you and relax your soul. Then there was Düc, our oldest. It was easy to pick him out as the oldest because he already seemed to hold more power than the others. It seemed to surround him and protect him. He was all Ethan with his dark hair and brilliant green eyes. But secretly I knew my princess was gonna rule them. I chuckled at that thought as a smile tugged at my lips. I continued watching them, amazed at what I helped to create. They were so small and so precious.

I didn't know how long I stood there, but Ethan's voice inside my head snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Are you ready?!" Crap! What time was it?

I panicked and raced off to the shower before Ethan chewed me up and ate me alive. Wait, that might not be such a bad thing. I grinned then shook my head, trying to get rid of the naughty thoughts and focus on getting ready.

Wait, the babies! I can't just leave them there. I raced back to the living room. As I approached, I realized that I didn't hear any crying. I stopped and listened. Nothing. I quietly walked forward and just as I was about to peek around the corner, I heard a soft babbling sound. It stopped and then another babbling sound started. Huh?? I poked my head into the living room and stared for a moment. The babies were all looking at each other, taking turns babbling. It almost looked like they were .... Talking.... To each other?? What? They were only.... How old were they? Maybe 4-5 weeks

I watched them and it did indeed look as if they were talking to each other versus just babbling to themselves. Before I could think too much more about it, there was a knock at the door and Ethan's mom walked in. Her eyes instantly zoned in on her grandkids and her whole face lit up with a smile. She looked over to me with a soft smile.

"Ethan said you needed some time to get ready. I will watch the babies until you get out."

"Thank you." I know I must have pouted or something because she gave me a hug. It wasn't a normal, friendly hug; it was a long, comforting, loving hug. I sighed and melted into her embrace a little. I loved my new family.

"I'll be back," I said quietly. With that I jetted off once more knowing that my children were safe within their grandmother's arms.

As soon as I entered my room and saw the mess of clothing strewn across everything, I felt that slight twitch again in my right eye. No, not now. Trying my best to ignore it all, I made a bee line for the bathroom door. Closing the door and closing myself away from the mess on the other side, I turned the faucets, letting the water run for a bit so it could hit that perfect temperature. As I waited, I started to sing softly.

"Here comes the sun,

here comes the sun.

And I say it's all right.

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say it's all right..."

My love for the oldies came from my mom. The memories came swirling back once again, but they weren't nearly as painful as before. I remembered when it was just the two of us at home together when my dad was out at work. She would sing all the time, no matter what she was doing. Her voice was beautiful as it carried through the house. I missed her. I wished she could have been here to see all this. I wished she could have been here to share in all this with us.

The steam started to fill up the bathroom and that was my cue to jump in. Ah, the water was just right. I closed my eyes and leaned forward, letting the hot water rain down on my head and run down my small, lean body. I took my time, letting the water relax and sooth every part of me. It felt so nice and I decided right then that I really didn't want to rush through yet another shower. I couldn't remember the last time I took a shower uninterrupted. Ethan would just have to wait. I shook my head and chuckled at that thought. So, I took my time as I soaped up my head, massaged my scalp, and then scrubbed my body til I shone. My skin felt a bit raw, but it was a good, clean feeling.

I turned off the water and was actually a bit surprised that Ethan hadn't come to check on me. Usually he's impatient to do whatever it is he planned for us. Not worrying too much about it, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my soft, fluffy green towel off the towel rack. I giggled as I wrapped it around myself.

The towel was so big that it covered me completely. I felt like a little boy again and it was definitely in a good way this time. Still no knock. Now I was curious.

I dried off, brushed my teeth, wrapped the towel around my waist and cautiously opened the door.

I started to get nervous. It was quiet, too quiet. Where was everyone? I looked around the room, seeing nothing. I stretched out my hearing into the next room, but still nothing. The babies and my mother-in-law weren't making any noises. Were they still here? I focused back on the stillness that had invaded the room. It was practically ninja quiet, the type of quiet that leads to a dead body on the floor or someone waiting to pounce on you. Then I heard it, soft breathing, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Before I could figure it out, something moved from just behind me.

"Boo!" I screamed loudly as a blur jumped out from behind the door and tackled me to the bed.

"Oompfh," I grunted as I hit the bed first. A heavy body was on top of me, crushing me slightly, and I was honestly scared to open my eyes to see who it was. I took a deep breath and instantly relaxed as I got wrapped up in Ethan's unmistakable scent. I opened my eyes to see him smiling back at me.

"You big Oaf!" I growled, playfully biting at his neck with a slight giggle. He grabbed hold of me and to my surprise, we rolled off the bed. I chuckled as we landed on the floor, me on top of course. He looked up at me from his position on the floor and I watched as his smile faded and a look of contentment and happiness took its place.

"I love you, you know that? I will love you now and forever." Confused where all this was coming from, I just smiled at him. He smiled back, bringing me down and kissing me on the lips. He suddenly rolled over so he was on top.

"Get ready." He whispered. He pulled off of me and left the room, practically running away. What the hell was going on? I blinked and shook my head. Was I supposed to follow him? Was I supposed to get dressed?

Getting to my feet, I followed my mate's scent, trying to figure out where he went. I opened the door cautiously, again, looking around, making sure it was safe. You can never be too sure when it came to Ethan. Don't get me wrong, I loved his playful side, but this was just weird.

I padded down the hall and stopped right before the living room, listening again. Still no sound. I rounded the corner and walked fully into the living room and what I saw there on the floor made me stop dead in my tracks. My feet didn't want to move another step, my breath hitched in my throat, my heart started beating rapidly, and I felt like I couldn't have spoken even if I wanted to. I felt my eyes start to water as all I could do was stare

Lying in the middle of the living room were our three babies. Each baby was wearing a onsie with a different word on each. Duc wore the word "Marry", Edan wore the word "Me", and Lacey wore the word "Daddy?"

Marry Me Daddy?

The blanket they were lying on was covered with rose petals.

Oh god..... Oh my god.....

The hot tears finally spilled over and started to run down my face as my knees gave out. Sinking to the floor, my hands came up to cover my mouth as the tears continued to stream down. I felt my body start to shake as I continued to look at the little message on the floor. It was so short, but it held so much meaning. My hands covered my eyes and I just let everything out. I let out my love, my fear, my anger, my frustration, my loyalty, everything. It all came together in that one moment.

I felt a body sink down in front of me and I felt something pull at my arms, bringing them down away from my face. I looked up through my tears and I saw beautiful green eyes that I knew would always belong to me.


Ethan's POV

Everything had played out exactly as I wanted. I spent the past few days making sure nothing went array, all the right people were in the right places, and that everything was perfect. It was all definitely worth it.

From my hidden spot in the kitchen, I watched the entire scene in the living room unfold. My mom had helped me setup everything for the proposal, even coming to "watch" the kids as an excuse to get Jayden out of the room for a bit. It was definitely corny and romantic; there was no getting around that. I was never corny and romantic, but this was my mate and I knew he'd love it. I would do anything to make him happy. I would only give him the best.

He entered the room slowly with his towel still wrapped around his waist. The look of confusion on his face was priceless. His brows were pushed together in a slight scowl as he tried to figure out what my odd behavior meant. I would have laughed, but that would have ruined everything.

His reaction was perfect though. As soon as he saw the babies on the floor, he stopped and froze, not moving another inch. I stayed where I was, letting him take it all in. I didn't want to go to him, not yet. I smirked at the shocked expression on his face and his inability to do... well, anything. When his knees met the floor and a small gasp slipped from his lips, I started to move towards him. I knelt down in front of him and gently took hold of his arms that were now covering his face and pulled them down.

He met my gaze and I took him in. His face was tear-streaked and slightly flushed. His stunning blue eyes, so full of love and awe mixed with trust, loyalty and amazement, were glassy as the tears pooled and slipped down his face. It reminded me of why I fell in love with him many times over.

I reached into my pants pocket and removed a small box. Yes pocket, very romantic. I opened it up revealing a simple, but dazzling diamond ring. It was a thick white gold band that twisted upon itself with a row of 5 diamonds inlaid across the top. It took a while to decide on a ring. I knew Jayden would have liked anything I gave him, but I wanted it to be just right.

"So be..." Before I could finish or even form another coherent thought, he jumped into my arms, causing me to stumble back just a bit.

"Yes! A million times yes!!" He screamed it so loudly that I'm sure the whole pack house heard it. The floor caught me, barely, as Jayden wrapped his arms and legs around my body like a monkey. My chest squeezed and I felt tears start to burn behind my eyes as he hugged my body tightly, almost as if he was afraid I would disappear. I mirrored Jayden's actions and wrapped my arms around his smaller body. Warm tears slid down his face, landing on my shoulder as he started to shake in my arms. I rubbed his back and planted kisses wherever I could reach.

"I love you, Jayden. Forever. I want everyone to know it..... now everyone will."

He squeezed me even tighter, if that was even possible. The minutes ticked by and we just sat there quietly, enjoying the closeness and intimacy that had become so rare these past few weeks. When I heard him start to hiccup, I slowly pulled back so I could see his face. Without a word, I brought the ring box I was still holding between us and removed the ring. Taking hold of his left hand, we both watched as I slipped it on his ring finger.

As it settled into place, a loud squeal left his lips as he pounced on me once again.

He proceeded to plant kisses all over my face until a throat cleared right behind us. We stopped and looked up, both of our faces turning slightly pink. I think we both forgot my mom was sitting right there.

"Hello, there are children present." She said smiling, trying her best to cover all the triplets' eyes. I chuckled softly then looked up, planting one more kiss on my mate's lips.

"Get dressed, we are leaving for lunch." My voice was a little husky from the crying and I smirked when I noticed a shiver run down his body. He pulled off of me, standing up fully, and turning away, heading back upstairs.

I watched his tight ass sway deliciously underneath the towel. I continued to blatantly stare as he made his way across the room to the staircase. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and, as if sensing my eyes on him, looked back over his shoulder. At the exact same moment, I felt something drip from my mouth. As I went to wipe my mouth clean, our eyes locked and I felt a blush settle on my face. A small little smirk graced his mouth as he winked at me and bounded up the stairs. Maybe we could forget lunch..... no, there was still more to this day.

I glanced quickly at my mom and she was trying her hardest not to laugh at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up to my feet.

"Jeez he knows all my dirty little buttons.... ." I mumbled to myself, chuckling softly. I smacked the dust off of me.

"You better finish getting ready too. Don't worry about the kids. They are my grandbabies today." My mom squealed in delight and ran off, somehow carrying all three kids. I just smiled as I watched how excited she was to spend time with her grandkids.

Ok, time to get ready.


We stood together in the open field behind the pack house. I didn't say anything or hint at anything, I just grabbed Jayden's hand and pulled him out of the house. It was beautiful outside. The sky was blue, scattered lightly with white, fluffy clouds, and a soft breeze floated through the air. Perfect.

I glanced over at Jayden and he was taking in the scenery as well. It was just the space behind the pack house, but I guess we never really had a chance to enjoy it. I felt his left hand grab hold of my right one and I couldn't help but beam in pride when I felt his ring press into my fingers. He was mine. Absolutely perfect.

Keeping my hold on his hand, I pulled slightly and guided us both towards the trees.

The trees were the perfect cover for us. I glanced at him again and sent him a quick smirk as I released his hand. Time for some fun!

Jumping back a bit, I let my wolf take over, feeling the cracking and shuffling of my bones as I made the transformation into my large, jet black wolf. Shaking out my coat, I took a moment to revel in the freedom that always came with being in wolf form. It felt good to let him out after all the time we had spent inside recently. I yipped playfully, running in circles around Jayden, making him shake his head at me.

One more glance at Jayden and I jetted off towards our spot.

'Catch me, if you can,' I mind-linked to Jayden.

Even as I was running away, my heightened hearing picked up the familiar cracking, shifting, and shuffling of bones which signaled a wolf's shift. That also meant that his wolf was almost already behind me. I picked up my pace but Jayden was surprisingly faster than my wolf. The fully white wolf came up beside me and we ran together. The breeze whipped our fur as we raced through the trees, skillfully avoiding low hanging tree branches and hidden logs. I howled in joy as happiness, contentment, and excitement buzzed through me.

I felt a nip at my back leg and I whipped my head around to find Jayden's wolf right beside me. His mouth was open and his tongue was lolling out of his mouth. His lazy, toothy looking wolf grin could only mean one thing; he was definitely laughing at me.

He opened his mouth and let loose a howl. I went to laugh at his antics but was cut short as he put on some speed and zipped past me. Oh, that's how you want to play this game? You're on!

I picked up speed, but suddenly, much to my amusement, my foot caught on a hidden branch and I lost my footing. I was running too fast to stop myself and I went flying right into Jayden, sending us both tumbling to the ground. When we kept rolling, I realized we were at the top of a small hill.

'Gotcha,' I joked in mid-roll. I heard him respond with a chuckle as we both came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, Jayden landing on top of me.

I looked up at his cheeky wolf grin and his lolling tongue. He was laughing at me again!

'Don't worry; I'll get you, sweetheart.'

He jumped off of me, landing a few feet away. We should probably head back and grab that lunch that was waiting for us. We weren't too far off track. Did 5 miles count as close? Yeah, probably, why not.

I was about to say something when I heard a whine coming from Jayden. Thinking something was wrong, I looked up and froze. His front legs were crouched to the ground, ass high up in the air, tail wagging, begging me to come play. I watched in fascination and growing lust as he wiggled that furry ass in my direction. He whined again, accompanying it with another wiggle. I was now mesmerized by his little pink hole he so freely flaunted at me.

'Come and get it.' He teased through our mind-link and then took off.

'MINE! I'm gonna get that beautiful ass.' I thought to myself, quickly springing up on all fours and jetting off after my sexy as sin mate, lunch long forgotten.

I raced after him as fast as I could, but I soon realized that he was a bit too fast for me. I needed a new tactic..... I thought about it as I dodged tree branches and bushes and those pesky roots that came out of nowhere. I almost laughed as it came to me. I started sending him images of us together, naked in bed, having hot, rough sex. I thought about all the positions we have tried and focused on the ones he loved the most. I even thought of a few new things I wouldn't mind trying. I heard a whine up ahead and I laughed. Oh, I gotcha now! Come to me Jayden. Come to Papa.

I cleared a group of trees only to find Jayden exactly how I wanted him. He was in the same position as before - crouched down on his front legs, ass in the air, tail over to the side. But this time, there was no teasing. I could see the tremors coursing through him as lust took hold of his body. He was hot and ready to be taken. I felt a possessive growl rumble in my chest.

'Ethan, please....'

I smiled and walked forward slowly, taking it all in and teasing him as I made him wait. I could smell his arousal and I inhaled deeply. The heady scent went right to my dick and my body shuddered. I walked closer and closer to him until my nose was in line with his pretty little rose bud. I flicked my tongue out to taste him and his wolf moaned and whimpered in pleasure. I did it again, loving how he tasted. He wiggled his ass, enticing me, begging for more. Gladly.

I started to lick his throbbing hole in earnest, getting him all wet and relaxed for me. He was moaning, panting, and withering underneath me. They were the sexiest little sounds he's ever made. I moved my head down to the side, searching for his now very hard erection.

When it was right next to my face, I licked it, making his knees wobble.

Without warning, I moved behind him and mounted him, sliding into him completely with one thrust. He threw his head back and howled loudly. There was no hiding what we were about to do after that howl. With a growl of my own, I pulled out and thrust into him again.

'Fuck, baby! You are so tight!'

'More....' He said as he pushed his ass back into me.

How could I say no to that? Fully draping my body over his, I got a good grip and started hammering into that sweet little ass of his. The incredible feeling of being inside Jayden again took over my entire being and everything else faded. There was nothing but us. No trees, no animals, no forest, no other wolves. They didn't matter, only Jayden and I. Our moans and growls and whimpers filled the space around us.

All of a sudden he shifted underneath me causing me to shift as well.

"Take me. Take my ass, Ethan. I need it!!" His voice was strong as he lay there, his whole body shaking with barely controlled emotions. His wolf was still close. His bold statement shocked me still for a moment. My shy little Jayden. I smiled and slipped out of his hole. He whimpered in protest and then he reacted in a way I would've never expected, he got mad.

He turned around and I was shocked to see tears falling alongside his angry expression. He got up in my shocked face, finger pointing and everything.

"Don't you dare stop fucking me!" My eyebrows shot up into my hair line.

"I have waited too long. Just because there are babies in the house now does not mean I can go without fucking. Without you!"

He was seething. It was hot. It was fucking hot. It was fucking hot on a whole new level. Fuck.

I grabbed both of his wrists in one of mine and at the same time slammed him into the nearest tree. I pressed my bigger body into his, trapping him against the tree. I lowered my mouth to his neck and started kissing and biting it roughly.

Finding that sensitive soft spot right under his ear, I sucked hard on it, bringing the blood to the surface and marking him. I moved up, nipping roughly at his ear lobe.

"Is this what you want, baby? Do you want me to claim you? Do you want me to take you?" He closed his eyes and moaned wantonly, willingly submitting his body to me. The Alpha in me howled ecstatically and my wolf itched to claim him again. I felt his hard length rubbing against my own so I moved my hips, creating that delicious friction we both craved.

"Wrap your legs around me," I ordered. There was no hesitation, both his legs and arms wrapped around me, holding on tight, almost as if he knew what was coming.

I found his tight opening and nudged it with my length, teasing him.

"Ethan, god, please, I need you .... I need you inside me..." He begged so sweetly.

Grabbing hold of his hips with both hands, I thrust back into him. I didn't even wait. I ploughed again and again into his hungry ass, stretching him, drawing out those sexy little sounds.

"More, Ethan.... Fuck me harder!" He gasped and whimpered.

I let my wolf come forward as I repositioned myself and thrust in hard, making him cry out. Keeping that position, I thrust into him with everything I had. I was dominating him and he loved every minute of it. He just held on and cried out in pleasure.

I was getting close and my wolf could feel it. My canines started to drop and I felt my body start to coil. Looking at Jayden, his canines had also dropped and his eyes had turned that awesome bright, neon blue I remembered from the clearing. I lowered my mouth and lapped at his neck. His head dropped to the side, giving me better access.

"I want you to come with me."

Keeping my mouth and tongue at his neck, I wrapped one of my hands around his hard length and started jerking him at the same pace as my thrusts. I felt my release building and coiling. The tingling started in my toes, raced up my legs, and spread through the rest of my body. I pounded his ass faster, holding on, running towards my finish, bringing him with me. Then everything exploded as my release rushed forward. Jayden cried out as I felt my teeth sink into him, claiming him once again. Jayden's body shook against me and I felt him release all over my hand as I shot off my first load deep inside his ass. I moaned as I drank down his mouth watering essence, feeling it slide down my throat. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp sting on my left shoulder. I gasped as my whole body tensed and a whole new wave of pleasure rushed through me. I started to come all over again and I felt my warm fluid drip out of Jayden's tight hole and slide down our bodies. Stars appeared in front of my eyes as my body twitched and shook. All I could do was hold on as I emptied everything I had into Jayden.

I don't know how long we stood there, plastered together against that tree. But I slowly came to and retracted my teeth from Jayden's shoulder. I felt his retract as we slowly pulled apart, still trying to catch our breath.

Our eyes met and we just stared at each other as our breathing started to even out slightly. I lowered my mouth once more to his shoulder and licked the new bite, cleaning it gently. Jayden shuddered against me and let out a contented sigh. Then I felt his soft, wet tongue lap at my shoulder in the same manner. Shivers of pleasure raced through me and I felt myself start to harden once again, still deep inside Jayden's ass.

"You bit me..." I looked back up at him with wonder and amazement. He truly was incredible. He blushed and looked down.

"I wanted to claim you too." He spoke softly, slightly embarrassed.

He looked up at me shyly through his eyelashes, probably nervous that he did something he wasn't supposed to do. I just smiled broadly at him.

"I love it, baby. You belong to me as much as I belong to you. I can't wait to get back to the house so I can see it." His smile took over his features and his whole face lit up at my acceptance.

Still attached and pressed together against the tree, I bent down and took his lips with mine. I poured out all of the love I had for him in that kiss. He needed to know. I needed to make sure there was no room for any doubt. I loved him with every fiber of my being. I would protect him til the day I died and beyond that. Our mouths opened and tongues invaded, tasting, testing, and moving together. His hands combed through my sweaty, matted hair, pulling me closer.

Then he moved his hips against me and I realized I was hard once again. I smiled and started to move with him.

Needless to say, we never made it to lunch.