

Jayden P.O.V

The sharp smell of blood clung to the air and wrapped itself around the clearing. I stood over the lifeless body and watched as the blood soaked into the dirt and continued to flow along the hard ground until it reached my feet, staining them a deep red. I felt it slowly drip from my mouth and matt into my fur, but I didn't care. He was dead, I made sure of it. It was done.

I took a deep breath but the power and strength continued to surge through me making my body hum with anticipation. I closed my eyes and embraced this strange new feeling. The metallic taste of blood in my mouth made me sigh with satisfaction as a smile tickled at my lips. They thought I was weak. They thought it would be easy to take me down, but it wasn't. I was strong and in the end, they were nothing. They couldn't touch me. My grin widened and I chuckled.

I heard movement and a small gasp, making me aware that I was not alone in the clearing. My eyes popped open as they landed on a figure standing a number of paces from me. It was another male wolf, still in his human form. His eyes were wide and he became very still as my gaze settled on his. Did I know him? Why was he here? Something gently pushed inside my mind, but I shook my head to get rid of it. I couldn't lose focus.

As I continued to watch him, the wind in the small clearing shifted and the scent of my babies drifted over on the breeze. They smelled sweet and innocent and soft. It was time to leave and get back to them. Ignoring the other wolf, I glanced back behind me to where I know I left them out of harm's way but instantly froze when I found nothing but empty space.

But they are here. I sniffed the air in confusion and followed that heavenly scent back to the male in front of me.


My eyes narrowed and a deep, menacing growl left my lips. How did he .....Why did he smell like my babies?

.... No...!!

The low simmer rapidly turned to a boil as my blood started to heat again. Red started to seep into my vision as I bared my teeth and took a step forward.

They are mine and no one else's. MINE!!

My rage burned brighter and hotter as the heavy smell of blood disappeared and the sweet, innocent smell of my family took over my senses. The heat and the anger raced through me and nothing else mattered in that moment.

I took a step forward, advancing on the threat in front of me, growling again in warning. I stalked the wolf slowly, ready to make a move, ready to protect.

They are not yours! Give them back to me!

He took a step back while keeping his eyes locked on mine, but didn't shift. I felt that push again, but this time it was more insistent. I growled, deep and angry, showing my sharp canines, and continued to stalk my prey, itching to sick my teeth into that delicate neck of his. My gums tingled and saliva started to pool in my mouth at the thought. He took another step back but then sorrow filled his eyes along with something else that seemed slightly familiar. I didn't have time to think about it though.

Shift! Now! I wasn't sure why I wanted him to shift, but it felt important. Something was telling me I should wait for him to shift.

He still didn't shift, but I felt that damn pushing against my mind again. It was annoying and I wanted it gone. I growled, louder this time, shaking my head, trying to get rid of the feeling.

'Kill them, kill them now!' A voice resonated deep within me, dark and sinister.

I didn't think twice as I lunged towards the other wolf.

Ethan's POV

The sweet feeling of satisfaction and pride rushed through my body as the smell of blood coming from the lifeless body under my mate's paws hit my nose. My wolf howled in victory as was practically doing a celebration dance. All I could do was chuckle at him as I continued to take in the scene before me. He was thrilled at the strength displayed by his mate. It was short lived as I felt Jayden's glowing, blue eyes settle on my own. I felt my eyes widen and my wolf quiet down instantly as I watched in horror as Jayden continued to stalk towards me. His raw power pulsed around him, wrapping him in a blanket of icy blue. My wolf suddenly let out a quiet whimper, celebration dance forgotten.

'What the... Jayden.... Jayden?' I softly poked at our mind link. Nothing. He didn't even blink.

Fear bubbled up when Jayden didn't react to our bond. Did he feel the bond? Was it broken? He wasn't going to shift back. I started to back up, not knowing what to think or what to expect.

As I watched the white wolf stalk towards me, I realized that the scene before me was playing out like a horror movie. The blank look in my love's eyes made my heart freeze and twist in fear while it continued to beat five times faster than its usual rate. I wasn't even sure I knew how to breathe anymore.

Do not shift. I knew it was important for Jayden and his wolf to see I was not a threat and that I meant them no harm.

It didn't seem to help as the wolf continued to stalk closer, showing its canines, and growling at me. I pushed again at our mind link again, hoping and praying I could get through. Nothing. Again. My heart dropped as his growling grew louder. Sorrow, pain, and washed over me. Had I lost him? Forever?

But then I saw it, a small twitch in his eyes.... Maybe.... Maybe.... Hope started to grow.

Thoughts filtered into my head. Was it our mind link? I focused on them, trying to hear what he was saying to me.

'Shift now!' He demanded it, but I was able to refuse the request and continued watching the wolf, still slowly backing up, still not shifting.

'Stand down, Jayden.' It took everything in me to keep the commanding and dominating alpha from leaking into my voice and actions, but I had to. I didn't want to use it yet. I didn't want to hurt Jayden or force him. He had reacted this time, shaking his head as if something irritating was buzzing in his ears. I wanted to give him a chance.

Before I could even process what was happening or react, the wolf lunged at me, toppling us both to the ground, landing hard on top of me. Anger rolled off him in waves of energy and I watched as his mouth opened and started to descend.

Jayden! It's me, your mate. Ethan. Come on love, come back to me.

I lay there, staying as still as I could, allowing him to have this control over me, as I watched him stop mid stride and twitch again. His intense eyes met mine again and I watched him growl in irritation, but also in confusion. He started to sniff me, still sensing our children upon me.

The sniffing stopped and I felt his warm breathe on my neck. I watched in horror, as once again the anger and power took hold. In the next moment, his canines were wrapped around my neck, ready to clamp down to finally end me.

Please forgive me, Jayden.


I let the full power of my alpha wolf drip from that one word. The alpha in me rose up and in one fluid movement; he was on the ground, pinned underneath my body. Before he could recover, I wrapped my teeth around the sensitive skin of his neck and held firmly.


Gentle, but firm.... Remember this is Jayden.

I had thought that once I was on top, he would submit and shift back. That was how most wolves would have reacted. I was not prepared when he lunged forward, trying to bite my neck again. I added force, cringing when I felt my teeth sink into his skin, as I stomped the blood soaked wolf into the ground.


My alpha wolf demanded it and left no room for argument. I channeled the immense power of my wolf into my gaze and kept it solely focused on the bright blue orbs below me. Our eyes met and the wolf below froze and whimpered. His eyes widened and it was like he had stopped breathing, his whole body became still. I continued watching him, not sure if this was a trap or not.


His eyes closed as his body went limp underneath me. Relief flooded through my body as I very gently relaxed my jaw and lowered Jayden to the ground. I pulled back from the wolf and watched as it shifted back into my mate. Closing my eyes, I took a few calming breathes and let the shift take over me as well.

Slowly and very gently, I knelt down beside my unconscious mate, running my fingers through his sweaty and very matted hair. He was breathing comfortably and for that I sent a small prayer of thanks.

Scooping him up, I cradled his limp body into my own, dipping my face into the crook of his neck. His familiar scent wrapped around me and soothed my frazzled nerves.

Standing carefully, I started to make my way slowly back to the pack house. The one thought that kept floating through my mind was,

What the hell was that?


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