

Jayden's P.O.V

I felt myself being carried or was it more like floated about, whatever it was I needed it stop because I was in horrible pain, well it was numbed but I still felt it then I heard cries from babies. I tried to force my eyes open but they would budge.

Then it turned to darkness once more and every black but I began to see vision a hallucinations of my father, and my mother then the last one broke my heart, it was Ethan telling me to go away, tears jerked from my eyes as I realized I was dreaming but it felt so real.

I began to awaken to the sound of babies crying and I felt my cheeks were wet, most likely with my own tears duh.

"Welcome to the world sleeping beauty." A familiar tone of voice rang out, as I sat up but the pain still felt like hell, so I propped myself up and was shocked to see who it was. "How did you find me or m-m-more like-l-l-ly us!" I tried to yell hut the sound wouldn't come out loud enough as it was Chris who held my newborn babies in his hand.

"Lay down and hush, I'm bonding with my kids." Chris sounded damn sure of himself that those kids were his, I tried to reach out but ended up just rolling onto my stomach and hitting my face in the dirt. After that I heard a growl and a black wolf appear before me.


Ethan's P.O.V

I saw Jayden on the ground, his eyes were puffy, red and swollen with tears I growled even louder and saw the man with my sons. "Don't come near me, or one of them gets it." Chris hissed, thinking he only needed one, while I wanted both of them. I grew closer to him and growled, my fur standing on end.

I mind linked to Jayden. "I'll get them back, I promise." But I got no response and that angered me more, as he began to circle around Chris, I mind linked another person of the pack telling them to try and sneak attack Chris, or help in general.

"Your Daz, and this is Taz." I barked at him trying to name mine and Jaydens children. I quickly ducked between the trees while he was distracted and ran around, tripping him, I didn't noticed in the distance that Jayden had gotten up and stumbled towards Chris.

"Don't!" I mind linked as I ran and head butted his stomach causing him to drop the babies which I caught one with my teeth with quick think and Jayden fell at the perfect time catching the other one, there was a trail of blood behind him, the C-section was still healing and I whined as Chris grabbed me, I slid the baby towards Jayden as I was tossed into a nearby tree.

"You wanna go fucker?!" I remembered I told Jayden I would watch my language by no one understand me in my thoughts unless I mind linked which I didn't.

I lunged at him, with my canines shining in the dimming light of the sky.


Sorry for how short it is, but I just wanted to give you guys a taste of my style for this book.

Be honest and comment what you think, what should I change what should I do better, what was good, all comments are welcomed.


My book: I'm having his baby, but I'm a boy?!