
12 bonus

Jayden's P.O.V

I was moving....or maybe I was floating. Why, I wasn't sure. I remembered the hospital, Ethan, babies.... Wait, was that right? .... and then this. Whatever was going on, it needed to stop because I was in horrible pain. With every movement, intense pain raced through my entire body starting in my stomach and working its way through everything, making me feel like someone was digging a hot rake into my skin. I tried to lift my arms to claw at the pain. I wanted it gone. I wanted it out of my body. Nothing. I tried to shift to get more comfortable but again, my body didn't seem to want to move.

Everything was hazy as I fought against the numbness and darkness that wrapped around my body. It was heavy and didn't want to let me go. I tried to force my eyes open but they wouldn't budge. I wasn't sure why, but I needed to open my eyes and get away. I wasn't safe here.

As I continued to struggle for control, images started flying at me behind the darkness of my eyelids. My father with a belt, my mother broken and battered just like the last time I saw her, and Ethan, sneering at me, telling me to go away. My heart broke into a million pieces.. Tears slipped from my eyes as my heart twisted in grief. It couldn't be real. It felt so real. I needed to get away.

My eyes slowly opened as they adjusted to the light. The sound of babies crying brought me all the way back. Babies.... It was real. Ethan, the hospital, babies.... My babies, our babies! My cheeks were wet as happiness spilled out of my eyes. Where were they? I wanted to hold them!

"Welcome to the world sleeping beauty," A familiar voice rang out, as I felt something hard press against my back. I realized I was sitting and I tried to move, but the pain was just too much.

I looked around and my eyes settled on the one set of eyes I hoped I would never see again. My breath stopped in my throat and I felt like I was going to choke on my own tongue. Chris.

"How d-did you f-f-find m-me ...!" I tried to yell but the sound wouldn't come out loud enough as I watched him holding my newborn babies in his arms.

"Lay down and hush, I'm bonding with my kids." Chris sounded damn sure of himself that those were his kids. I tried to reach out to them but he pushed me away and I ended up rolling over onto the dirt ground below me. I watched helplessly as Chris talked and cooed to the babies. My babies! I tried to push myself up but my body would not cooperate. I needed to get to them. Protect them. Keep them close to me. I would never let him have them!

I pushed up again. Nothing. Fresh tears started to build in my eyes as I watched in frustration and fear as Chris continued to talk to my babies. My babies needed me and I couldn't get to them. Grief twisted my already aching heart. Why was I weak? Why was I always weak?

As I continued to stare at the family I could have had - that Chris so easily plucked out of my hands as if I... they... were nothing - I started to feel my body heat up. I focused on that heat and realized that it wasn't my body, it was my blood. My blood began to heat as my body began to react before my brain could comprehend what was going on. The heat turned into a boil and it raced through my body, giving it strength. I felt the burn of the strength battle against the pain that had consumed me. Slowly, my arms pushed my body up off the ground. I felt the strength growing and pushing back the pain as it seeped into every part of my body. My arms grabbed the tree behind me and brought me to my feet. I was on fire, my whole body burned as I narrowed my eyes at Chris in anger. Anger. Anger that I was weak. Anger that he could take what was mine. And I had enough!

I didn't care about the pain. I didn't care about myself. He was holding my whole world and I was going to get them back.

I took a step towards him and he finally looked up. The look of surprise that crossed his face would have made me laugh out loud if I wasn't so consumed by this angry fire and determination. I sent him a dangerous smile and I could see on his face that he momentarily didn't know what to do. He thought he had me. He thought this would be easy.

I heard a growl and a very familiar black wolf appeared before us in the clearing. I ignored the wolf and took another step.


Ethan's P.O.V

The trees whipped by my face and the birds scattered to safety as I raced through the forest. The forest was beautiful, a place I would always call home, but I didn't see any of it today. All I saw was red as I desperately trailed after my mate's scent. I had to make it. There was no other choice.

How dare he take what was mine! MINE!

My rage grew as my wolf pushed us even faster through the undergrowth. I didn't even try to rein him in. I just joined him in our anger, letting it fuel our bodies. I bounded into the clearing and stopped, taking in the scene before me.

As soon as I saw Chris holding our babies in his arms and talking to them like they were his, my body started to shake and a low growl slipped past my lips. Black spots started to move into my vision as my wolf started to take over. I couldn't. I needed to be here. I couldn't lose control. Not yet.

I glanced over at Jayden who was sitting towards the edge of the clearing. He was breathing heavily and the front of his shirt was stained red from his incision. He started to pull himself to his feet and I saw his jaw clench as he fought against the pain.

"Jay, don't move!" I said through our mind link. He didn't respond or even look at me. He continued to move, holding onto the tree as it was his only lifeline, until he was standing on his own two feet. He then turned his entire focus on to Chris and our babies and when my gaze finally settled on his eyes, I froze, unable to say anything, or even look away.

His eyes were strong and determined as they shone their brilliant blue. They had purpose and they were angry. It was beautiful and unnerving all at the same time. My wolf agreed.

ENOUGH! I heard through our link.

I growled deep, low, and threatening. Chris had just noticed Jayden and had a very surprised and confused look on his face.

"We do this together. I love you" I told him.

I reached out through our mating bond and allowed him to feel my anger, my strength, my determination, and my rage. I felt the exact moment we joined as my strength grew and expanded through every part of my body. I saw a very slight nod and I knew he heard me and I knew we were in this together.

"Don't come near me, or one of them gets it." Chris hissed, thinking he only needed one, while I wanted both of them. I grew closer to him and growled, my fur standing on end.

Jayden began to circle around Chris.

"You will have neither of them. They are mine" Jayden hissed back. His voice was low and gravelly. I felt the power behind his words through our link. The power of his wolf was incredible.

Chris started laughing. "Are you threatening me? That is too much! Look at you!" He spat as he stalked towards Jayden.

As soon as I saw he had momentarily forgotten about me, I made my move. Quickly running at him, I weaved under his feet and tripped him. He held tight to the babies but I lunged again and head butted his stomach. I heard a grunt, a small, helpless cry, and it was like everything started to move in slow motion. His grip loosened and both babies started falling out of his grip and towards the hard ground.

Jayden and I both moved at the same time. Jayden barreled towards us and snatched one of the boys out of mid-air and I leapt forward and grabbed the other in my mouth. I felt a strong hand grab the scruff of my neck.

"No! ...Jayden!" was the only thing I thought as I flew through the air towards the trees at the edge of the clearing. I shifted as quickly as I could and wrapped my entire body around the small bundle as I roughly hit the ground and rolled. When I came to a stop I continued to lie on the ground unmoving, wrapped around my precious gift, and that's when I heard it - a small cry. And it was coming from my arms. I gently unwrapped myself and glanced down.

A hand came into my view and I instinctively curled around my baby again. No one was going to take him again. Never!

"Ethan, it's me," A familiar voice said. I glanced up and saw the face of my beta. He smiled at me "Go help your mate."

He took the baby as I heard snarling behind me. I quickly got up, ignoring the pain shooting through my body and stopped, shocked by what was now before me. There was Jayden, partially shifted, looking half wolf and half human, with his hand gripping Chris's neck as he pinned him to the ground. He was partially covered in white fur and his claws and canines extended, but he was still on 2 legs. His eyes glowed more than I've ever seen them glow and it was almost as if his whole body was glowing. His other hand was against Chris's stomach and as I looked closer, I realized his claws were actually embedded into his stomach. The power that rolled off him was thick and it covered the clearing.

I started forward, still not sure what I was seeing. I had never seen another werewolf in this physical state before. As I watched, he twisted the hand that was embedded in Chris's stomach while tightening the grip he had on his neck, digging his claws into his skin. Blood started to seep into Chris's shirt as he struggled against Jayden's hold.

A growl left his lips and I felt my wolf whimper.

He opened his mouth and I thought he was going to say something, but he threw his head back and let out a howl that was so full of anger and power that it shook the trees around us. It sounded like a war cry.

"You will never have them. They will never be yours." His eyes flashed as his grip tightened even more, if that were possible.

Then, in a blink of an eye, he fully shifted and ripped Chris's stomach and neck apart at the very same moment. He stood over Chris's body and growled menacingly again at the now broken body. His beautiful white coat was stained with blood and chunks of skin and tissue hung from his mouth.

I just stared. I wasn't sure what to do or even if Jayden was in control anymore. I was in awe of what I just witnessed. He shifted his gaze to me and my heart clenched in fear as he growled at me and slowly stalked in my direction.


Okay I hope you like this bonus chapter and hopefully I will be able to write again soon! I've been busy.

And I have decided that there will be a third book in this series!!!! Uh maybe

Please READ & REVIEW!!!!!