

Jayden's POV

I smile and sigh happily as I lean further forward while Ethan massages my back. The party was finally over and my back and feet were killing me. I think all of the fun tired the babies out too. The whole time during the party they were kicking and moving but they finally settled down about five minutes ago.

Every once in a while I will feel a small movement when I move suddenly or when Ethan rubs my stomach. It was a relief to finally have a chance to relax. I close my eyes as Ethan rubs my aching muscles in small circular motions.

I begin to doze off only to jerk back awake as my head falls forward. After a few minutes of this I hear a soft chuckle behind me.

"Jay, I think it's time for you to get some sleep babe." Ethan whispers as he kisses my forehead.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah sure. Sleep. I'm not tired." I mumble trying to jump start my brain so I could tell him I was fine. I didn't want this day to end. It was so perfect and Ethan did it all for me. He even called off most of the patrollers so they could join and instead settled for small patrol parties guarding nearby the house and allowing shifts to switch often throughout the day so that everyone had a chance to celebrate the baby shower for the future heirs to the alpha position.

"Yes you are tired baby. Come on let's lay down for a few minutes." Ethan says gently as he leads me to the bed. I stumble along beside him and set on the edge of the bed as he takes my shoes and socks off then my shirt and finally my jeans.

Once I'm left in only my boxers he lays me back and covers me up before he swiftly strips too. He climbs in the other side of the bed and tuck my back against his chest. His arm goes around my stomach and rubs circles as one of the babies softly kicks.

I turn my head and he leans over to kiss me. I clumsily move my lips against his as I struggle to stay awake. He pulls back and smiles lovingly at me.

"Good night my sweet little Jay. I love you." Ethan whispers.

"Night Ethan. I love you so much." I mumble back. He smiles and pecks my lips again before laying his head down and pulling me slightly closer. Within seconds my mind drifts off into a dreamless sleep.

I slowly wake up and blink my eyes open trying to figure out what woke me up. It was still pitch black outside the window and the alarm clock read 2:17a.m. I sat up slowly and slid out from under Ethan's arm. He was pretty used to me getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom so he normally sleeps through me getting up now.

I stumble sleepily over to the bathroom and empty my bladder figuring that or one of the babies moving woke me up. I was just about to leave the bathroom when a sharp pain in my stomach stopped me dead and made me suck in a breath.

I bent over slightly and held my breath while clenching the sink counter until the pain eased off. Maybe if I got some water it would help. With that in mind I slowly made my way toward the kitchen. Every few minutes I would have to pause for the pains.

Once I finally drank some water I was heading back up to the bedroom when the pain began increasing and coming faster. I could only take about three steps before a new pain began. As I finally reached our room and closed the door I felt something drip down the inside of my thigh. I was too scared to look down as the feeling continued along with the pain.

I didn't feel the babies kicking and the pain was terrible. I needed to get Ethan awake but of course my voice decided at this time to fail and remember how to be mute. I finally make it to the bed an I urgently shake Ethan to wake him up.

He groans and slowly opens his eyes blinking groggily.

"What's wrong Jay? It's 3 in the morning." He groans as he rubs his eyes. He inhales deeply to yawn but instead freezes as his eyes shoot open all traces of sleep chased off by panic.

He leaps up and turn on the light before he gasps at the sight. I look down and notice a trail of blood across the room before looking in a mirror since I can't see my legs past my stomach. The image in the mirror was terrible. I looked extremely pale with sweat glistening on my forehead. My boxers were basically blood soaked and blood trails were on the inside of both of my legs.

Another bad pain hit me and I doubled over. Ethan rushed to my side and rubbed my back while he stared intensely at the wall. I could only assume that he was mind linking the pack doctor.

"Don't worry Jay. The doctor is on his way. He said just take deep breaths. How long is the time between the pain?" He questioned soothingly although I could hear the panic in his voice. I help up 4 fingers hoping he would understand.

"Four minutes? Okay that's okay everything's going to be fine." He tried to assure us both.

Just then the door bursts open. The pack doctor rushes in and him and Ethan helps me onto the hospital bed in the hall. The doctor pushes the bed down the hall while Ethan runs beside me. The pack doctor begins yelling at others to gather supplies once he has me in the fake hospital room.

Another pain makes me open my mouth in a silent scream as I clutch my stomach. It feels like my insides are being ripped to shreds.

"What's wrong? What is happening? Is Jayden and the pups okay?" Ethan asks anxiously as he clutches my hand.

"I can't be positive but I believe that one of the babies may have gotten tangled in the umbilical cord. This probably induced an early labor. The chip wants to be naturally born now for a chance to survive but since Jayden is a male his hips will not expand enough to safely deliver. We have to do emergency C-section. Our original plan was to wait another week or so and then do this procedure before he actually went into labor on his own."

While the doctor was speaking a nurse gave me a shot in the stomach and slid a mask over my nose and mouth. The pain began to fade and the doctor began pushing slightly on my stomach. I could see him doing it but j couldn't feel but a ghost of the action like it wasn't even there.

"Do you feel this Jayden?" The doctor asked. I shook my head no weakly and let my head fall backward onto the pillow. Ethan stroked my hair and whispered lost words in my ear. I think he was encouraging me and comforting me but I wasn't sure.

I could feel a faint tugging on my stomach but I didn't have the energy to look down. My eyes kept closing but everytime I was about to drift off Ethan would gently tap my cheek to wake me up.

I wanted to sleep. He was the one trying to make me go to sleep earlier when I wanted to stay up and now when I finally want to sleep he is trying to keep me awake! I want to tell him to let me sleep but my mind is in a thick fog. Why can't I feel anything?

Ethan says something excitedly to me as a baby's cry fills the room. Whose baby is that? What's going on? Ethan raises my head and another cry fills the room. I see a nurse drying a screaming baby and the doctor passing off another bloody baby to a different nurse.

Ethan says something about those are our sons. That's all I can make out before the doctor says something about another baby and then a loud beeping fills the room as the doctor begins shouting something. That's the last then I am aware of before my head falls back on the pillow and black washes over me.

Ethan's POV

I panic as Jayden's head falls back and his hand goes limp in mine. I look at him to see his eyes close. I turn my attention back to the doctor as he removes a third baby. This one I so tiny compared to the two other babies that have been delivered.

" It seems like these two boys were hiding their little sister from us." The doctor says as he hands her to a nurse. The nurse immediately begins rubbing the baby clean while another nurse tries to clear it's throat of fluids. After a long few seconds a weak cry fills the room. All three of our babies were alive! Two boys and a girl!

"Is Jayden okay doctor?" I ask anxiously.

"I can't be sure at the moment. He most likely passed out from blood loss or shock. I have to focus on closing him up before I can determine how he is physically."

I pace the room as the doctor finishes stitching him up and checks Jayden's vitals.

"Ethan. Can you please follow me? I think it would be best to talk with your parents present as well. Don't worry about Jayden he will be okay for now. And your children are in incubators. We will be right back. I just feel it's best for you to have your parents with you right now." The doctor assures me. I reluctantly agreed as I looked back longingly at Jayden's still form and the incubators beside the bed. The nurses were still busy writing down information and checking on the babies and Jayden.

When we reached my fathers office we all sat in silence for a few minutes before my dad stood and walked behind my chair. His hand rested gently on my shoulder as my mom held my hand.

"Alpha. I'm so sorry but I believe your mate may have lapsed into a coma. He simply lost too much blood and most of his nutrients went to the pups in his stomach. He was barely eating enough to support himself and the two babies. With the third child hidden he ended up losing more nutrients than he took in."

"Will he be okay?" My dad asked quietly as he squeezed my shoulder.

"I can not be completely positive. I believe that because of him being able to shift into his wolf now and giving him the appropriate amount of nutrients he should recover fairly quickly. He may gain consciousness for short periods of time but it will not be promised that he will be completely lucid or able to remember what happened while he is awake. Please remember this when he does open his eyes. I believe the best course of action will be for you to begin taking care of your pups and just talk with Jayden. Even when he is asleep. If you wish we can transfer Jayden into your room but he must stay hooked up to his IVs, heart monitor, and ventilator." The doctor says remorsefully.

I could see the regret that this happened in his eyes and the way he bowed his head. My heart felt like a boulder was crushing it and preventing me from breathing and I was about to assure him that he did all he could and it wasn't his fault when there was a loud crash and a scream.

We all jumped up and ran towards the sound. My heart began beating double time as I realize it was in the direction of the hospital room. I burst through the door first only for my over active heart to stop dead in it's tracks.

The two nurses were knocked out cold on the floor. One had a trickle of blood on her temple. One incubator was on it's side the other two were standing open. The hospital bed was empty. Wires and needles thrown haphazardly around and the covers half off the bed.

My mate and two sons were gone. I was about to shift and jump out of the shattered window after them when a tiny helpless cry stopped me. I looked down and my tiny daughter was laying on the ground crying.

Her face was red and scrunched up due to her demanding cries. She reminded me exactly of Jayden. Tufts of red blonde hair on her head bright blue eyes and delicate skin. I gently pick her up as I mind link all available pack members to go catch the culprit.

I kiss her head softly and she quiets down to look at me with her big watery eyes. I hand her to my mom as she reaches a tiny fist toward me whimpering again.

"Please take care of her mom. I have to go find my mate and kids." I whisper as I quickly shift and jump out the window with the sounds of my daughters cries fading and my fear and rage rising.


Sorry! I just had to leave this as a cliff hanger! I really hope you don't hate me for this chapter!!! It has to happen! The daughter and kidnapping was all my grand plan.

Please READ & REVIEW!!!!!