
Starting point

Wait?! What!

It was then the white turned to black.

Then my body ached. It felt sticky wet. The water. Cold water was drenching my body. I cant seem to move. Huh? I cant move my head let alone my hands!

Various emotion welled up inside my chest. Frustration. Yes im frustrated.

My teeth. Wait. I dont feel my teeth. My teeth. What the fuck! What have you done to me!! Torture? Human experiments!!

My eyes. They cant open!

Smell, blood. Blood! Blood!!! How do I know? There was an accident that engraved the smell of blood in my memories. A shard of glass falling peircing my left hand when I was little. But blood now! What happened after the accident.?!!

What the fuuuuuuuuccccck is going on!!!!

Various emotion welled up my seemingly swelled up chest. Mostly, fear. The darkness.I began to shiver.

I started to cry for help.

My vocal chords could not muster the strenght making a squale. My vocal chords are tensed. I could not muster a word. Gibberish. I wad choking words.

Then suddenly.


It was a sound of a hard object hiting something. A sound of a pot?

The sounds begin to enter my ear as I heard more clearly as every second pass.

I could hear my cry loudest. I have only been hearing my imagination but now I clearly hear my self.

Then the sound of a woman..... A feeble sounding voice. A calm comforting voice....

"Your name is Valo, my child. I promise you the throne of the world"

What the fuck are you saying?!

Then the sense of touch begin to restore. My whole body is transmitting me something.My body is covered?? No im being carried?! Just how?!

Ah. It was "that" kind of accident. I died. I read novels and this is always the kind of plot it has ... "Reincarnation". A being going through death is then reincarnated as a new individual.

I died. Its sad. I just discovered that my crush/childhood friend got home with her boyfri... Guh. God knows what they were supposed to do. Its sad.

Can i just run away with this? Is this an opportunity?! Fuck. Never thought about it. A new life with a starting point.! Get!