
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
278 Chs

Chapter 253: Winds of Reform

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought that by resurrecting the previous Hokages, he could reclaim Konoha from the Uchiha clan.

How naive.

The Edo Tensei jutsu, although granting the resurrected an immortal body and infinite chakra, significantly weakens them compared to their original selves.

Otherwise, Uchiha Madara, who single-handedly defeated the five Kages and swept through the Shinobi Alliance in the original story, wouldn't have hesitated to abandon his immortal Edo Tensei form to seek true resurrection.

If the enemies were peak-level Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, and Minato Namikaze, Dan might have been slightly cautious. But a bunch of Edo Tensei bodies? Hardly a threat.

Bring it on.

It's a perfect opportunity to lure out the snake, led by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and clean up the remnants of the old Konoha.

Dan isn't afraid of strong enemies; he's afraid of enemies who aren't strong enough to even serve as his punching bags.

Keeping Sarutobi Hiruzen as an enemy adds a bit of excitement to his otherwise dull days.

Seeing Dan so calm, Fugaku also relaxed and said nothing more.

Trust in Dan, and all will be well.

Besides, the Uchiha clan isn't to be underestimated.

Even if the previous Hokages were to attack Konoha, the numerous Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha would give the enemy a little shock before Dan steps in.

Now, onto the main topic.

Dan has always been too lazy for long speeches, so as usual, Fugaku took charge of the meeting.


Fugaku cleared his throat, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then solemnly began:

"For centuries, accepting employment from clients, earning money through completing missions to buy food and weapons for survival has been the way of the ninja.

However, being dependent on others, controlled by money and power, disregarding justice and morality, resorting to any means to complete missions, has led us to become emotionless tools for killing, devoid of dignity and status. This is the tragedy of the ninja."

Fugaku paused, his eyes sweeping over the attendees, who were lost in thought. Many, especially Kakashi, were deeply moved.

During the Third Hokage's reign, Kakashi once pessimistically believed that ninjas were emotionless tools that should obediently follow orders and sacrifice themselves for the village's benefit when necessary.

It wasn't until he joined the Uchiha clan that his views began to change under their influence.

Fugaku continued:

"But now things are different. The Uchiha clan's return to Konoha aims to change all that, to give Konoha's ninjas a new way to live.

Our ancestor, the Sage of Six Paths, founded the ninja system to teach people how to use chakra correctly, to create a peaceful and happy world.

To be precise, his original intention was for ninjas to use chakra for production, not for killing and destruction.

Unfortunately, over a thousand years have passed, and the ninja world has developed thousands of deadly jutsus and even forbidden techniques. But production-oriented jutsus are still generally at a very primitive stage.

However, starting today, in Konoha, this outdated and wrong view must be reversed.

As ninjas, we must use our own power to participate in production, to make Konoha self-sufficient and no longer dependent on the outside world.

Only in this way can ninjas win the respect of the world and true dignity."

Fugaku's eyes were blazing, his words resounding.

"Well said!"

"Fugaku, you've spoken the words I've always wanted to say."

The crowd nodded in agreement, some even applauding.

Indeed, using chakra and jutsu for production rather than destruction was a novel idea. Most could only think of using Fire Style to grill fish or Lightning Style to create a battery.

That's because, in the minds of most ninjas, using chakra for production is a waste of time. Real ninjas are busy with assassination, espionage, and sabotage.

But now, Fugaku's declaration showed the Uchiha clan's determination for reform, even invoking the Sage of Six Paths.

Seeing no opposition, Fugaku finally said:

"If everyone agrees with the reform, then any suggestions can be made now."

As his words fell, everyone looked at each other, hesitant to speak.

They might have some ideas, but no one dared to be the first to speak, all were watching.

After all, if the suggestion didn't sit well with the Sixth Hokage or was strongly opposed by the attendees, it would make them the laughingstock.

In such an atmosphere...

Tsunade glanced around the room, noting the cautious and timid expressions on everyone's faces. She shook her head; she didn't want to waste any more time here.

So, with a resounding thud, Tsunade slammed her hand on the table and stood up. "I have some proposals concerning Konoha's medical system," she declared.

As a renowned medical ninja whose skills were acknowledged as the best in the shinobi world, Tsunade had always been a pioneer. Over two decades ago, during the Second Great Ninja War, she proposed the medical ninja system, advocating for each ninja squad to have a medical ninja. This significantly reduced casualties among Konoha's forces and was quickly adopted by other villages, saving countless lives.

Tsunade's compassionate nature earned her immense respect; ninjas from every village genuinely revered her as Lady Tsunade.

Truth be told, Tsunade had many ideas for Konoha's medical system and hoped to implement them in the village. Unfortunately, the deaths of her brother and lover during the war dealt her a severe emotional blow, causing her to lose her drive.

With Tsunade's departure, Konoha's medical advancements stagnated.

Until now.

Tsunade's passion had somewhat returned, and she was keen on starting a new chapter.

Inside the conference room, everyone listened intently as Tsunade shared her observations. "Konoha's medical industry is still ahead of the curve in the shinobi world. Many ninjas, merchants, and nobles travel great distances to seek treatment here. However, we're understaffed and lack adequate facilities, which diminishes the patient experience. Therefore, I propose we focus on training more medical ninjas, expand our hospitals and nursing homes, and develop new medical jutsu. This will not only serve our villagers but also attract patients from other villages and nations, providing a steady income stream."

As Tsunade spoke, the eyes of those present lit up, nodding in agreement.

In this world, no one is immune to illness. Even the First Hokage, revered as a god among ninjas, succumbed to a severe illness at a young age.

Though sickness and death are inevitable, the fear of illness, aging, and death is universal.

If Konoha could establish the best medical system in the shinobi world, income would be the least of its worries.

"I've said my piece," Tsunade concluded, sitting back down and folding her arms.

All eyes turned to Dan, the Sixth Hokage, awaiting his decision.

Dan glanced at Tsunade, pondered briefly, and then issued his command: "Effective immediately, establish the Konoha Medical Department, with Tsunade as its head. She will oversee all related matters and report directly to me."

The room was stunned. No one had expected Dan to grant Tsunade such immense authority right off the bat.

"Good, that's settled then," Tsunade said, her face lighting up with joy.

Always one for swift action, she immediately summoned her apprentices—Shizune and Karin—and said, "I have work to do," before exiting the room in a whirlwind of energy.

Others in the room felt a surge of inspiration.

Soon after, Shikaku Nara stood up. "Lady Tsunade's emphasis on medical ninja training reminded me that our current academy can't meet the village's needs for talent. We urgently need reforms."

Shikaku then offered specific suggestions, such as revising textbooks, extending graduation times, and investing more in teaching staff.

As the head of Konoha's smartest clan—the Nara family— Shikaku took the education of the next generation very seriously. His suggestions for reforming the ninja academy resonated with many.

After sharing his thoughts, Shikaku anxiously awaited Dan's directive.

Unexpectedly, Dan waved his hand dismissively and calmly stated, "Effective immediately, establish the Department of Education, with Shikaku Nara serving as both the Minister and the Principal of the Ninja Academy. You'll handle matters in this area."


Shikaku was taken aback, flattered by the unexpected responsibility. Tsunade being favored by the Sixth Hokage was understandable; she had deep ties with Dan and had fought alongside the Uchiha clan. She was practically "one of their own."

But Shikaku, to the Sixth Hokage and the Uchiha clan, was essentially an "outsider." Yet, Dan entrusted him with this significant role without hesitation. Traditionally, the Hokage also served as the Principal of the Ninja Academy. Dan's decision was remarkably generous.

In reality, Dan couldn't care less about managing the Ninja Academy. He was more than happy to delegate. Moreover, Shikaku was more than capable of handling the role of Minister of Education, certainly more so than any Uchiha.

Additionally, Dan added, "Training only Genin at the Ninja Academy is insufficient. We must also train Chunin and Jonin. Aside from forbidden techniques, all other jutsu in Konoha's repository should be included in the curriculum, available for all students to freely study and practice. Furthermore, the academy should not only admit students from Konoha but also from other villages, as long as they pay tuition."


Dan's words left many in the room standing in disbelief, utterly astonished. In the world of shinobi, what's more valuable than jutsu? Traditionally, the Ninja Academy's six-year curriculum taught only the most basic techniques. Students like Shikamaru and Choji could learn their clan's secret techniques, but commoners had to either find a mentor or earn jutsu scrolls through battle merits.

Now, the Sixth Hokage wanted to make nearly ten thousand jutsu available to all academy students. It was an insane proposition, irresistible to anyone. Coupled with Tsunade's foreign student policy, they could already foresee students from all villages flocking to Konoha, desperate to enroll in the academy.

With both teaching staff and a student base, the economic benefits generated by Konoha's educational industry would rival those of the medical industry.

As everyone snapped back to reality, they couldn't help but marvel at the Sixth Hokage's grand vision.

"Hokage-sama, I'm deeply grateful for your trust and confidence, but this responsibility is too great for me alone to handle..."

Shikaku spoke with genuine concern, worried about his ability to meet the expectations.

"Then let the Ino–Shika–Chō clans share the responsibility. No more excuses; I don't like them," Dan said, his tone leaving no room for debate.


The clan heads of the Ino–Shika–Chō families stood up together, bowing deeply to Dan, their eyes filled with gratitude.

This newly appointed Sixth Hokage was unlike his predecessors, Hiruzen and Danzō. He didn't cling to power and showed no favoritism towards the Uchiha clan. As long as you had ideas and capabilities, you could rise.

Dan's two appointments ignited the enthusiasm of everyone in the room. They began to speak out, offering various constructive suggestions for Konoha's future development.

Dan issued directives one by one.

For instance, he appointed Tenzo as the Minister of Housing and Construction, responsible for building houses, greening the environment, and developing Konoha's real estate industry. Kakashi was appointed as the head of the Anbu, responsible for restructuring the organization. The Hyūga clan would continue to manage the Police Force, cooperating with the Anbu to maintain the village's security, but with clearly defined jurisdictions to avoid conflicts like before.

Finally, Dan said, "That should be enough for today," as he yawned and stood up to leave, leaving Fugaku to continue presiding over the meeting.