
Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Wen Qinxi an IT guy at a prestigious gaming company lives a repetitive life, working on an innovative gaming system that is said to change the world. During a routine diagnostic check, he discovers a major flaw that could be detrimental but under pressure from the guys upstairs, the research and development hand over the revolutionary project despite Wen Qinxi citing flaws in the design. The CEO unaware of such a flaw enters the game as a test run before launching the product instigating a chain of events no one expected. manager: Wen Qinxii you have to go save CEO. You are our last hope Wen Qinxi: F*ck! l want a pay raise after this. Thus began the journey of saving the overbearing CEO Please follow @Andru75868404 on Twitter for updates PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER WORKS: Saving the hearthrob frenemy (lin lin's story) Voyage with the Pirate King (COMPLETED) The assassin's enemy lover (COMPLETED) Prince and his fool (COMPLETED)

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
559 Chs

Fifth World: Bald Donkeys

Qie Ranzhe couldn't fathom why such a beautiful person would like him so much despite having met a handful of times. To be honest, he wouldn't have believed Zhao Zhi genuinely liked him if the man hadn't confessed in his sleep and shown it in his strange illusion.

His thoughts veered off-road thinking about what Zhao Zhi said before they did this and that to each other. Zhao Zhi had said he loved him through four lifetimes but none of it made sense. When one dies their soul would be served soup by the goddess of forgetfulness on the bridge of forgetfulness before they enter the next cycle of reincarnation so how could Zhao Zhi remember his past life.

Did this have anything to do with the voice inside Zhao Zhi's head? And why did the voice refer to him as boss one? This line of thought didn't go far though because the door was suddenly kicked open and in came Qie Xieling running into the room before crawling into bed right in the middle.