
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Ink and Seal

It was a bright sunny morning with no clouds in sight. The chill of the night air was disappearing slowly. Birds were chirping and bees and butterflies were hovering over the flowers in the garden. Gale was seated at his table in his study, writing on a piece of paper. As the ink dried on the paper, he leaned back, surveying the letter he had written to his father.

"My dearest Father,

I hope this letter finds you and Mother in good health and high spirits. I write to you today with news of a significant development in my life here in the Southern Province.

As you know, I have been managing the Southern Mansion for the past few months. It has been a challenging but rewarding experience. I have learned a great deal about running a business and interacting with the local community.

However, I have recently stumbled upon an opportunity that has the potential to change everything. I have secured the rights to the local emerald mine. There is more to discuss about this and what I found in the mine.

I understand that you know the importance of keeping this discovery a secret for now. I do not want to attract unwanted attention or competition. That is why I am writing to you, Father. I trust you to advise me on the best course of action.

I am considering hiring some local miners. I will also need to arrange for security to protect the mine and its contents. I know you have connections in the mining and security industries. I would be grateful if you could put me in touch with some reliable individuals who can assist me.

I plan to discuss this in detail when I visit you in a week. I miss you and Mother dearly. I also miss Daisy and Mark.

In the meantime, please know that I am doing well. I am learning and growing every day. I am grateful for the opportunities that this experience has given me.

With love and respect,


P.S. Burn this letter after reading it."

Gale folded the letter and put it in an envelope. The distinct aroma of melted wax lingered in the air as he imprinted his family seal on the closure. He imbued his mana into the seal ensuring that it couldn't be opened without the use of magic. Satisfied, he called for Wayne, his trusted butler.

He looked towards the audience with a triumphant smile, "That is a great letter if I say so myself. I was never the type to write good letters but somehow Gale is. I guess it is the Noble training that he has undergone."

The study was filled with the smell of melted wax now mixed with the smell of books and ink along with a lingering smell of cigarettes. Gale looked out of his window looking over the freshly trimmed garden thinking about the next steps that he should take when the knock on the door broke his trance.

"Master Gale. You called for me?" Wayne called, his auburn hair slicked back as always. He looked happier these days due to the presence of Gale and his newfound responsibilities.

"Take this to the courier office immediately, Wayne. Make sure it reaches my father swiftly and securely," Gale instructed his tone a mix of urgency and confidentiality.

Wayne nodded in understanding. "Of course, Master Gale. I will ensure it is sent discreetly."

"How long does it usually take for a letter to reach the main estate?" Asked Gale, his emerald green eyes glinting with curiosity.

"It takes three to four days on standard delivery, Master Gale but as this is a letter by nobility we send it via Magic post it reaches within two days," Wayne replied with his usual business-like tone.

"Magic Post? What is that?" Asked Gale.

"The courier offices have a magic transport system for sending and receiving letters and small packages. They teleport the letter to their other branches using a special device. It costs more so no commoner uses it. It is used only by the nobles," Wayne replied looking proud of himself.

"Wow, that's neat. Okay, after you take it to the courier office start packing. We are leaving tomorrow to visit the main estate." Gale said amazed.

"Very well Master Gale," Wayne replied and left the study bowing once.

As the day unfolded, Gale found himself caught in the rhythm of preparations for his impending journey. The sun had climbed higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the Southern Mansion. The scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of bees drifted through the air, creating a tranquil ambience.

Gale decided to visit Nicolas in the afternoon, bidding farewell to the guild and expressing his gratitude for Nicolas's unwavering support. With each step, the mansion seemed to resonate with a sense of purpose, as if aware of the imminent changes that awaited its master.

He thought about Viola, the Guild Master of the Merchant Guild. He thought about their quiet dinner in that cosy little place and their kiss. He thought about her flowing platinum blonde hair and her fierce amethyst eyes. He also remembered the disturbance in their date which brought him out of his happy recollection.

"Maybe I should meet her," He thought.

He sat down at his table again, took out a fresh piece of paper and began writing.

"Dear Viola

I would love for us to meet-"

He scratched it out and balled up the paper.

"My Dearest Viola,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am leaving tomorrow to visit the main estate. Before my departure, I wish to extend an invitation. Tonight, let us share a quiet dinner, away from the hustle of responsibilities."

He scratched it out again. "Ugh! What am I doing?" He spoke aloud. After several failed attempts he had finished writing her a letter.

"Dear Viola,

I am leaving for the capital tomorrow. If it is fine with you, I would love for us to meet and have dinner. Looking forward to your response.

With sincere regards,


"Yes this looks nice," He said with a smile. He sealed this letter with the family seal as well. Stamping it in wax. He did not seal this one with magic, however. He called for another footman and told him to deliver the Merchant Guild.

He was looking forward to meeting her as well as visiting the main Estate again. Gale had been rather lonely here in the Southern Province. The only company he had had was when the First Prince Maximus and his sister Princess Melissa had stayed over. He missed his family. Although it was not his family, he still had come to like them.

He looked towards the audience and said, "Wow, I am hungry."