

Angga tapped his pen on the table several times. His thoughts were not settled in his brain. He couldn't concentrate. The Anatomy Lecturer has been observing Angga's behavior for a long time. Friends sitting on either side of him didn't really care. For them, this course is one that requires their eyes to be wide open without even blinking.

"What's wrong Angga?"

Angga decided to approach the lecturer.

"Excuse me ma'am, I have permission to go to the toilet," said Angga.


After nodding politely and thanking her, Angga rushed out of the classroom. The toilet is just an excuse to end the lesson. He should not have skipped, considering that this course was Angga's second meeting after getting an E in the previous meeting. Unlike Alexa who has completed all courses with brilliant results. Despite being forced, he really couldn't concentrate since the course started. One name kept circling in his mind, who else but Alexa. His heart was really restless thinking about the girl he idolized.

Angga took his cell phone from his pocket. Lonely. There were no messages or calls from the girl. If he didn't miscalculate, it had not been 24 hours since he had been separated from Alexa after he had taken Alexa to the hospital this morning. But the feeling of restlessness, restlessness and anxiety seemed to lock up his mind as if it had been hundreds of years. It's true what people say, if you've fallen in love, the world feels empty without the idol of the heart. The same feeling is experienced by Angga today. It feels suffocating!

Once again, Angga pondered whether to contact Alexa first or wait for Alexa to tell him. But didn't Angga not ask Alexa to inform him first when the last sentence was spoken at the hospital a few hours ago? And again, didn't he promise not to bother Alexa?

"Argh...!!!" He ruffled his hair roughly. Angry is the right word to describe how he feels right now.

To hell with what's about to happen! Angga finally decided to contact Alexa. He started to open a name in his cell phone contacts and pressed a contact which he named "my ALEX".

Tuut… !


Angga cursed annoyed. Alexa could not be reached. The phone is dead. Anger turned into uncontrollable anger. Angga punched the wall in front of him. Stings.

Not just once Angga tried to contact Alexa. Angga repeatedly pressed the same contact, but not connected.

"Do I have to come to the hospital? Maybe Alexa is accompanying her mother," Angga muttered.

Angga dashed into the parking lot and got into his car.

It only took Angga fifteen minutes to walk down the street until he finally arrived at the parking lot of the public hospital where Alexa's mother was being treated. Who would have thought, Angga's arrival was greeted by quite heavy rain. But no matter how hard the water that fell from the sky did not stop Angga's intention to meet his lover.

After a moment of shaking off his clothes that were caught in the rain, he continued on his way. Luckily only the arm was too soaked because he was running while supporting his hand above his head.

With wide, confident steps, Angga darted down the hospital hallway. He deliberately let his eyes scan every girl with long hair that his eyes could catch. Wish one of them was Alexa.

Angga continued down the hall, he did not run out of ideas. The information center is the right decision to solve his search problem.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a patient named Mrs. Renata. Can you tell me, in which room she was treated?"

"Wait a minute, I'll check first."

The officer who was dressed in white then typed Renata's name on the computer screen.

"Sorry, Mrs. Renata can't be visited by anyone."

Angga's forehead wrinkled. "Why can't you visit her, ma'am?" asked Angga confused.

"The information here says that Mrs. Renata must receive intensive treatment in the isolation room, that's why Mrs. Renata is not allowed to be visited by anyone."

Angga was shocked by the word "anyone". Didn't Alexa say this morning that she wanted to accompany her mother? Then why now his mother can not be visited by anyone? Weird!

"Excuse me ma'am, is the next of kin, for example, em ... the child still not allowed to visit Mrs. Renata?" asked Angga trying to convince.

"That's right, sir. Without exception."

It's getting more and more confused. If Alexa can't even see her mother, then where is she now?

"Thanks for the information, ma'am."

Angga then left the information center and tried to find Alexa's whereabouts.

"Where are you, Lex?" muttered Angga nervously.

It's been twenty minutes maybe Angga walked down every hallway of the hospital. He even checked by peeking at every window of the room, including the nursery room. Impossible isn't it?

Angga glanced at his watch. It's getting late. He decided to forage for food first. His stomach was struggling to be filled with food. Luckily, the sky had begun to lighten, although the star troops were reluctant to give their light.


The darkness of the night began to creep up. At eight o'clock in the evening Angga was in his bed -- his luxurious boarding house. He was still back and forth checking his cell phone in his room. Thousands maybe even millions of times -- too hyperbole -- Angga calls Alexa's number, but still can't connect.

"Where are you, Alex?! I was worried about you!" angry Angga.

One suggestion that made his brain race. The debate between logic and feelings is churning in Angga's mind and heart.

His heart said that Alexa was at his house but logic said how could Alexa be desperate to go home, while Ben was at his house alone. But isn't love sometimes without logic? Completely follow what the heart says even though sometimes it can be wrong.

Finally Angga made up his mind to follow his heart. He got out of bed and immediately grabbed his car keys. He decided to go to Alexa's house!

Angga is not a professional car racer, but currently the speed that Angga is acting according to the standards of amateur racers. It took only twelve minutes to arrive in front of Alexa's gate, even though the distance was 20 kilometers away. Can you imagine, how fast the speed of Angga's car. Yep! He was at the speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour. Fast enough for a leisurely pace of driving.

Angga took a relaxed step. He thought, he would be scolded and hated by Alexa when he found out he broke his promise. But unfortunately, the reality is not so. His ears very clearly heard screams mixed with cries from inside the house.

Angga quickly entered Alexa's house. Luckily, the front door of the house was not locked.

"Please ... Let me go ..." a voice from behind Alexa's room.

Angga rushed closer to the source of the sound. He was very sure, it was the sound of Alexa's crying.

"Damn, locked!"

With all his strength Angga broke down the bedroom door. Once hit has not succeeded. He tried to come back. Then the second breakthrough, the door can be opened wide.

"Alex!!!" shouted Angga.

His breath catches. A second later a raw bogem landed in the pit of the asshole Ben's heart.

"You bastard, Ben!!!"

Not just once. Angga repeatedly threw angry fists at Ben's face and stomach blindly, until Ben fell helplessly.