
Alexa's Weird Thoughts

After Angga left, Alexa rushed to see Rifda's doctor's office. She intended to ask Rifda's doctor for permission to allow her to visit her mother.

Netra Alexa sparkled when she caught the figure of doctor Rifda coming from the same hallway as her. Alexa hastened to speed up her steps to catch up to the beautiful young doctor.

"Doctor!" called Alexa while jogging so that her voice could be heard by the doctor.

The doctor stopped in her tracks and turned towards the source of the sound.

"Doctor… doctor… can I see my mom?" said Alexa, panting. Alexa tried to regulate her breathing so that her voice could be understood by Rifda's doctor.

"Let's just chat in the room," said doctor Rifda.

The doctor then led Alexa to her room. Like a buffalo matched by a nose, Alexa just followed behind doctor Rifda.

"Mrs. Renata is still under the supervision of our team of doctors. And … I have also contacted Doctor Agung at the mental hospital that you visited earlier. He said that you can hand over the task that Doctor Agung gave us. He referred this hospital to observe Mrs. Renata to the end."

Alexa listened to Rifda's explanation three seconds after she sat comfortably in front of Rifda's doctor. Doctor Rifda's words made Alexa remember what Doctor Agung said the other day. He assigned Alexa to bring the candy that her mother always consumed.

"Okay doctor." Alexa then reached into her backpack. She was looking for the object Rifda meant.

"This is it, doctor..." she continued as she handed her a small pink object.

Doctor Rifda grabbed it and watched while furrowing his well-groomed eyebrows. Looking at it, it was like a line of ants lined up neatly above the doctor's droopy eyelids.

"Chewing gum?" asked the doctor Rifda surprised.

"Yes, doctor. Didn't Agung's doctor tell you the details of my assignment?" said Alexa.

"Hmm … he's always been like that. Playing secrets is his hobby. You crazy doctor, Agung!" Rifda cursed inadvertently.

Alexa was taken aback for a moment.

"Ah, I'm sorry. You hear my ramblings. He was my college friend first. Until finally we separated because he specializes in the field of psychology," said doctor Rifda.

Alexa nodded. The figure of Angga had crossed his mind. Her subconscious seemed to invite her to fantasize 'maybe someday Angga and I will be like them … become professional colleagues -- doctors'.

'Oh wait! Didn't Rifda's doctor say that doctor Agung was his former college friend? But it seems impossible!'

Suddenly a strange thought just popped into Alexa's mind.

"Em… doctor, may I ask you something."

Alexa finally followed her curiosity.

"Of course. Just ask. I'm happy to explain about Mrs. Renata's condition," she said with a sincere smile.

Beautiful. That's the word that can represent doctor Rifda's face when she smiles like that. Her accent is now more flexible by referring to herself with the word "I", maybe she already feels comfortable with Alexa's presence after this second meeting.

"But… I don't want to ask about mama. There's something else that's bothering me," Alexa answered hesitantly.

"Just say it, don't hesitate."

"Earlier the doctor said that doctor Agung is your college friend. Isn't it, em … doctor Agung is too … old to be classified as the same age as Doctor Rifda who looks beautiful and young. Ah, sorry if I'm presumptuous, doctor."

With a little courage that she managed to muster, finally sparked a question that blocked Alexa's heart.

"Oh, i see ... " Rifda's doctor chuckled. There were neat and clean teeth lined up when Doctor Rifda laughed.

"I thought you wanted to ask what thing. It turned out to be ... " said doctor Rifda in between chuckles.

"Em… sorry doctor, was I wrong? I shouldn't have asked such a stupid thing."

Alexa regrets her actions. Her face reddened with embarrassment.

"No … you're not wrong. I even salute you. Your foresight needs a thumbs up."

'Jelly said?' Now Alexa's brows furrowed, confused.

"Yeah … you pay attention to our age comparison just by looking at our appearance. Isn't that a talent that needs to be honed?"

Alexa smiled sadly.

"Oh yes, the answer to your question is both true and false."

"Right and wrong? What doctor mean?" Alexa was really confused by Rifda's answer.

"The right answer, because we are college friends. And the wrong answer, because we are not much different in age."

Alexa's eyes were focused on Rifda's beautiful face. Not only did she care about the answer to her question, but for a moment she admired the beauty that radiated from Doctor Rifda's face. Not to mention, the way doctor Rifda spoke impressed Alexa. Maybe if Alexa had been a boy, she would have fallen in love with the doctor right away.

"If your next question is why our appearances look so far apart, it's because Agung left his studies for three years. And I just found out that it wasn't because of financial constraints or laziness in him that he didn't continue studying, but he plunged himself into an environment that contained people who are mentally ill. The last time I saw him after my graduation, he was working on a scientific paper on the behavior of humans who experience symptoms of paranoia. Well … "

The doctor paused by taking off her glasses.

"That's why he diverted his interest in the field of psychology. According to him, studying personality and human behavior is more fun than struggling between injections and scalpels," said doctor Rifda.

Alexa was "Oh" after hearing the doctor Rifda's answer which was quite surprising.

Doctor Rifda glanced at the small clock on her desk.

"Okay, I think we can go back to your question at the beginning of the meeting."

The doctor immediately changed her accent to become formal again. It seems that Rifda's doctor was a little lost in the past and forgot that she had things to take care of with Alexa.

Alexa gasped. She immediately remembered het initial intention to meet doctor Rifda.

"Yes, doctor. How? Can I see my mother?" said Alexa

"For now, Mrs. Renata has not been able to be found. We ask for your understanding so that we can freely observe Mrs. Renata's condition without any outside influence," answered Doctor Rifda.

Disappointed mixed with sadness stirred Alexa's heart.

"Am I not able to meet mama for a moment, doctor? I'm worried about mama's condition. I ... " said Alexa hanging.

Doctor Rifda seemed to understand Alexa's anxiety but she did that to give Mrs. Renata the right treatment.

"I understand your disappointment and concern. But don't worry, the team of doctors at this hospital are a team of experts in their fields. Therefore, we are trying our best to treat Mrs. Renata."

Although disappointed and sad. Alexa tries to understand the procedures the hospital uses for the benefit of her mother's treatment. She then said goodbye to doctor Rifda. Her steps were very unsteady out of the doctor's room Rifda. She glanced at the clock on her cell phone, it was still early in the morning. The sun was not even in the middle of the sky. She intends to return home to take care of her mother and her needs. After all, Alexa might have to find a place to spend the night other than at her own house or in Angga's boarding house. She doesn't want to sleep at home when her mom isn't home, making her an easy target for Ben's madness.