
Chapter 2

John pov

Welcome everyone to the first dance class I'll be your dance instructor from now on.

I looked at the audience and it was a lot.

I decided to address them.

So during the duration of this semester we're going to be doing a major event at the end of the semester where only careful picked dancers will perform so fo your best.

And it's going to be different genres so you all can participate in the one that fits you.

Auditions starts tomorrow and will run throughout the month.

Thank you

You may all leave.

As I addressed them finished I dismissed them and decided to go home. I couldn't stop thinking about the lady I meet at the restaurant she was so beautiful.

'It's not everyday you see a lady as beautiful as he', I said to myself.

I decided to head home.

`~~~At the school yard ~~~

Hey vivi why didn't you come to the dance class.

'eww no, I hate dancing', I replied.

'But I remember you dancing in the school play when we were younge', Lucy said to me.

'yeah like when I was 8 and I really don't remember it much', I said again.

Truth be told I did remember it very vividly how I loved dancing, but after my dad left I stopped doing it and kept to myself.

I decided to look for my brother so we could go home together, not that I had a choice.

I looked around for a while and didn't see him. I decided to asked some of his friends.

'Nezra have you see Mikey', I asked

'No haven't seen him since biology class I went for soccer practice', he replied.

I said thank you then decided to ask some others then someone told me they saw him at the back of the school.

I went there and I did find him.

*Michael I've been looking for you everywhere', I said with an irritated tone.

'I was just doing some reading with my friends', he replied me.

'And what happened to the library', I asked.

'It's under construction. You know sometimes I wonder if you're even in this school ', he replied me.

' I should have just left without you, idiot ', I said and went away with him following behind me