

Jayden's POV


A tear escapes my eye as my back connects with the wall. I lay on the floor for a moment trying to catch my breath before my father kicked me in the stomach. I gasp like a fish out of water and curl into myself to avoid more pain.

"Next time you better be home on time and I don't want you being around that piece of shit again! Do you understand me boy?!" he shouts as I frantically nod my head and wrap my arms around my knees. He kicks my shin and spins around to leave.

I lay there remembering what had happened just an hour earlier. I had been about to walk home but not even a block away from school Ethan had spotted me offered me a ride home. I normally ride the bus but Daniel and his buddies trapped me in the bathroom to beat me up and I ended up missing the bus. Anyway I tried to decline his offer for a ride home but he kept insisting and then it started freaking raining! I mean really why did it have to start raining then?!

So of course I couldn't tell him no and walk home in the rain. That would look too suspicious. So I very reluctantly climbed in his car and pointed out the way to my house. The ride was very quiet and extremely awkward. Once again I was hoping that I could talk normally but I kept promising myself that I would be able to soon maybe another week. I caught him sneaking glances at me and I had to fight a blush from showing.

He is probably just thinking of what a freak I am. There is no way he likes me. The closer we got to my house the more nervous I got. What if my dad is home? What will he do to me? We had pulled into my driveway and of course my dad was home. And when I saw the curtain move slightly I knew he knew who I was with.

And then this is what happened. He beat me and told me not to be with Ethan again. What am I supposed to do? I really want to spend time with him. I want to talk to him and be friends with him. I want to date him and spend the rest of my life with him.

I just want to be normal.

More tears slide down my face at the thought of never being able to be normal or be with Ethan. I will never be able to cuddle with him whispering my undying love for him in his ear and kissing his beautiful full lips softly. Maybe if I was normal we could even get married and adopt a little baby of our own. That's another thing I will probably never be able to do. How will I say my wedding vows if I'm mute?

I'm just so useless. No wonder no one loves me. Maybe it would be better if I just died. I mean I have been hanging out with Ethan for a few weeks and those weeks have been the best weeks of my life but now I'm not going to be able to see him again. If my father finds out he would just kill me himself.

I take a deep trembling breath as I struggle to stand and walk to my closet. I get in my secret hiding place and pull out my razor. I have went an entire week without cutting and my wrists were just begging for the deep stinging pain of a blade.

I won't let them wait much longer but I don't plan to lose my life in this dreaded room. No if I'm going to die I know exactly where I'm going to die. I wait half an hour and then sneak out of the when I'm sure he's passed out drunk. I take shaky steps toward the place I swore never to go again 10 years ago.

The woods.

I reach the gap where a well used trial used to be but now all that was left was thick with undergrowth. I push my way through as images of my childhood flash before me.

I see myself at six when I was first allowed in the woods. I was running ahead and giggling happily as my mom threatened to tickle me if she caught up with me. Her eyes were so bright and full of life. The hazel color matched mine perfectly. We both felt at home and comfortable in the woods. I step over a root that I remember my six year old self tripped over. I remember sitting on the ground and crying over my skinned knee as my mom rushed to me her eyes tired a bright blue and a concerned expression on her face.

I remembered how she had held me and rocked me kissing my forehead and knee better. I wish she could be here now. But I don't think even her kisses could heal me now.

I continue fighting my way through the path as I remember the day of her death. I was 7 and we would always go out to the woods. But she hadn't let us go to the woods for weeks and when she told me we would be moving I had begged her to take me to the woods again just one last time.

If only I had known that would also be the last time I saw her alive I wouldn't have been so selfish. What was one trip to the woods compared to her life?

I finally reach the clearing that we would always set in. The same clearing she died in. It had changed. The log we sat on was now decomposed but a new tree had fallen since then so I took a seat on it as I glanced around. I began crying again as I stare at the spot where her body last laid. I flip the blade in my hands for a minute as I wait for the blurry tears to settle some.

I let the guilt soak in as I sat there. I lightly press the edge of the blade to my skin preparing myself for the pain. I shiver at the feeling of the cool metal grazing my warm skin and take a deep breath. I press the blade down and draw a little blood before a too familiar sound greets my ears and I freeze cold with a small drop of blood rolling down my arm slowly.

A growl. A wolf growl.

I slowly raise my head as I heard it once again from a different direction. My sight seems to sharpen as I glance at the woods. There. I can see the eyes and the outline of the wolf. And it was staring right at me. Would I be fortunate enough to die like my mom? Would it hurt or would it be quick? Did it hurt my mom or did she die mostly painless.

I stand up slowly scared but accepting of the death that awaits me. I let the blade fall uselessly to the ground and finally speak the words I have always wanted to tell Ethan. Just not this way.

"Thank you Ethan. I'm s-sorry I co-couldn't tell you in t-time." I say in a slightly loud whisper. My voice only breaks a few times and I am happy that I have been able to say that much. I close my eyes as the wolf leaps at me and gasp as I feel it's claws sink into my stomach as it's teeth clamps on my left arm. My eyes fly open as I feel it's teeth ripped from my flesh and I can't help but let out a scream.

And for the first time it's not a silent scream. The sound forces itself out of my underused throat and past my lips. I flinch at the sound of how loud it was and at the pain it caused me. My scream is cut off as I choke on blood. I half turn over and cough the blood out as I watch the wolves tear at each other. Why would another wolf save me?

The wolf that saved me tears out the others throat before turning it's sharp eyes on me. Bright green eyes greet me. I choke on a humorless laugh as I stare at the wolf. He saved me just so he could kill me himself. And the ironic thing is he kind of reminds me of Ethan. He has black fur and green eyes while Ethan has black hair and green eyes. At least when I die I can be reminded of Ethan.

"E-Etha-an I l-love y-you." I gasp out feeling like my throat was torn to pieces. I know Ethan wasn't here to hear me but at least I got to say it before I died. The last thing I saw were those beautiful colored green eyes before I allowed the blackness to overcome me.

Ethan's POV

I sigh as I flip through the channels before just turning off the tv and laying back on my bed to practice sign language. Every book I got from the library was very helpful and I was confident that I would be able to wow Jayden at school Monday. It was Friday so I had plenty of time to practice. First I am going to make sure he understands that I care about him and then I am going to ask him to date me and finally I am going to help him open up to me.

I practiced for half an hour before Luke mind links me.

'Ethan! you need to get to the woods behind Jayden's quick!'

'Why what's happened?!' I order as I run outside and quickly strip and shift.

'I don't know I smelled a rogue yesterday in the area and Daniel just said that he saw Jayden in the woods.' He replied.

'Where is Daniel now?!' I demand as I pour on the speed. It is common knowledge that Daniel doesn't like Jayden.

'I don't know that either he just said he was going to check the perimeter for more signs of rogues.'

'Damnit! he should have stayed close to Jayden! Where are you?'

'I'm sorry I'm too far away to help but I'm on my way as quick as I can!'

'Shit ok just hurry I'm almost there!' I curse some more in my head as I get closer and then I pause as I reach a clearing. I really need to get upwind or I will never be able to smell if a rogue was sneaking up. But Jayden had me paralyzed.

I tilt my head and strained to listen when I heard what sounds like someone speaking.

"Thank you Ethan. I'm s-sorry I co-couldn't tell you in t-time." Wait is that Jayden speaking? His voice is so beautiful even if it is a little scratchy. It's deep but not too deep. You can tell it belongs to a male but it also has a soft tone. My ears perk up as I notice a flash of silver fall from his hand and he slowly closes his eyes. My heart jumps as I see a wolf leap on Jayden and knock him flat on his back.

The wolf sinks his teeth in Jayden's arm and I snap out of it charging at him and knocking him off my mate. My heart clenches as I heard Jayden let out an agonized scream. The sound suddenly comes to a gurgling halt and my heart stops thinking he might be dead. I double my efforts in attacking the rogue and soon manage to rip his throat out.

Once I know he's dead I turn to Jayden and slowly walk towards him his eyes are fixed on me and I see acceptance in his eyes. His arm looked mangled and his shirt was shredded over his stomach with blood seeping through. His lips were stained a bright red from blood and he had a trail of blood coming from his mouth.

"E-Etha-an I l-love y-you." I whine as he says this and his eyes slide closed. I know he doesn't know that I'm me if that makes sense. He doesn't know that I'm a wolf but at least I know that he loves me. I shift back as Luke finally comes into the clearing. He shifts and his eyes are filled with horror and concern.

"Oh my gosh this is bad. What are we going to do?" he says.

"First we need to get him help." I reply as I put on shorts and we take off running for the pack doctor still in human form with me cradling Jayden gently in my arms.

"What then?" he gasps out as we run full speed.

"Then I am going to find Daniel and tear him a new ass before I slowly kill him for leaving my mate alone." I growl meaning every word of it. Daniel was going to dread the day he was born.


Ok I'm sorry I won't be able to update another chapter tonight. I'm really tired... but one chapter is better than nothing right? Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!