

Jayden's POV

It's lunch time and I sit under my favorite tree like always. I have an apple for lunch but I don't think I will eat it right now. I might not be able to eat at home so I think I will just keep it hidden in my room. I always do this. When I have a little money I will buy food that will last a while or get some from people who doesn't want theirs. Of course with the second option I normally get hit or something. But hey it's food and I need food too.

I ignore the hunger pains in my stomach and focus on my poem I'm writing. It's a poem about my mom. I want to finish it before the anniversary if her death as a present to her. I write a new one every year for Mother's Day, christmas, her birthday, and her day of death. I feel like if I don't then she will forget me if she hasn't already.

I am almost done when a shadow moves in front of me. 'Oh no why today? can't I have some peace?!' I flip my notebook closed and hesitantly glanced up.


Of course.

Wait! where's his gang? Normally Ethan just lets others beat me up. What will he do to me? He's one of the most popular people in school.

"Hey." he says breaking the silence. I wait for him to realize that I don't talk and that I'm a freak. Instead he sat down in front of me.

"So why are you out here alone?"

I shrug while mentally rolling my eyes. Isn't it obvious? no one wants to talk to the silent freak.

"Here you can write in this so that we can talk." he hands me a small black notepad. I grab it and flip it open before picking up my pencil and quickly scribbling down a thank you.

"Your welcome." He replies after glancing it over.

'Why are you talking to me?' I quickly

Write before holding it for him to see.

"Well I just wanted to get to know you. We've never really talked before."

'Exactly so why now?' I show it to him.

"Um... well I just never thought about it really. I just want to get to know you." He replied as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. I want to laugh at the cuteness of him being nervous but I kept my cool expression.

'Oh' was all I wrote back. We sat there in awkward silence both avoiding the others gaze. I was just hoping he would leave soon. Butterflies were fluttering in my tummy from being so close to him. I have to fight a blush as he catches me looking at him.

"So why aren't you eating?" I don't feel like writing a response so I just shrug and duck my head down. For some reason him talking to me made me wish I could talk back. Honestly I don't think I will remember how to talk after all these years. Oh no! What if me staying quiet so long messed up my vocal cords?! I feel sort depressed at this thought for some strange reason.

"Are you hungry? I can go get something for you!" he starts to get up and I shake my head furiously and grab his wrist. Sparks immediately shoot through my hand and up my arm. I quickly let go of him and our eyes meet.

I stare into his beautiful green eyes as he looks me straight in the eye. I'm sure this is the longest I've held eye contact in my life. It seems like he is looking into my very soul. I go into a daze as I let myself fall into the seemingly endless sea of green.

We both jump a my stomach decides that this is the time to complain about me turning down the offer of free food. He blinks and shakes his head to get out of the daze before he gets a determined and stern look on his face.

"It doesn't sound like your not hungry. I am going to get you food and you are going to eat it." he states with a definite tone of voice. Before I can protest he turns on his heels and stalks off. I set down and thoughts of actually talking comes back. I want to talk to him but I haven't talked to anyone in years. What would I even say?

Well he is getting me food so he deserves something in return. I have no money to pay him back but what if I could actually say thank you to him? would he understand how much of an honor it would be or would he not even care? well it's worth a try.

"Th-tha-thank y-you." I have to force the words out my throat and they end up sounding scratchy and unintelligible. Well maybe I will practice a few days before I thank him. I don't want him thinking I'm some freak who can't talk. I decide to give it one more try.

"Th-than....." I break off in a coughing fit as my voice scratches my throat from being unused so long. I am still coughing when Ethan comes back with my food and quickly opens a bottle of water and pressing it in my hand. I wait till the coughing subsides a little and I can take a few sips without chocking on it. I gave him a weak smile as thanks instead and promise myself that I will practice talking till I can say thank you to him without stuttering or coughing.

We sat the rest of lunch with him asking me yes or no questions and me nodding or shaking my head in response. I had just finished my fill of fries when the bell signals it's time for class. I throw my styrofoam plate away and walk to class like every other day. Except today Ethan is walking with me. He sat down next to me in the rest of my classes.

It was like that the rest of class and Hadley kept giving him curious looks. I just shrug when she questions me. The final bell rings and Hadley grabs my hand and literally drags me to the bus. She hates when I take my time and miss the bus, but truthfully I would rather miss it than go home sooner. Ethan quickly gets up and follows us to the bus which is odd since he never leaves on the bus bell. Instead of getting on the bus he heads to the students parking lot.

I thought it was odd but decided to forget about it. I just had to worry about how to avoid my father when I got home. I sit and listen to Hadley ramble on and on till she gets off at her stop. I shrink into my seat for the rest of the ride till I get home. I'm ashamed to get off where people can see my run down house. Ever since my mom died I was the only one who mowed the yard ad tried to keep the house from falling apart.

You can see where vines are growing up the walls and if you go around back you can see my window upstairs. You know it's mine because one day my dad found a hardcover book that I got from Hadley an threw it out the window. Without opening the window first. To say the least there's a good sized hole in my window that I try to patch up when I can. If any other window broke in sight of the road then he would buy a window and make me put it in. I am actually good at installing them now. I haste as I reach the front door and open it slowly.

"Hurry up! You need to clean the house! We are having guests over." I am confused. Who would come over and why? I waited too long for his liking and am snapped out of my musing by his fist slamming into my stomach. I gasp as I wrap my arms around it and hunch over. A fist slams into my back and I slid to the floor. After several minutes of this he stops and I rush threw my chores as fast as my aching body will allow before collapsing on my mattress.

As I lay there I wonder about who would be coming over to see us. These thoughts disappears as I remember my promise to learn to talk again. I try again and again but it's still sounds broken and raspy. By my fourth time I go into another coughing fit.

I cover my face with a pillow to muffle the noise. I seem to cough for a very long time and my throat feels raw and sore from overuse. When they finally subside I pull the pillow away and take deep breaths. Finally I feel like I have enough oxygen and I realize there's an iron taste in my mouth. I glance down even though I know what I will see.


There was several small spots of blood covering the white case on my pillow. Why am I coughing blood? Is this normal when you try to talk after years of silence. I am torn from my thoughts as I hear a knock on the front door.

Looks like our guests are here.


Ok finished! sorry if it's a little short. Who do you think the mystery guests are? I will try to update as soon as I can. Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!!