
Savant of the Empty Husk

Having lost everything when he was kid, Aeron lost all motivation for life, only living to fulfil has parents last wish. However, even he did not anticipate that when gates suddenly appeared flooding out monsters previously thought of as myth, he became one of the lucky ones to be chosen by the system. Having access to supernatural powers see how Aeron struggle's in this new society that suddenly has to deal with system users. -Release Schedule I will try to post one chapter every week. (There could be more)

TikiMasala · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

A scarlet night (1)

Dallas, a modern metropolis that had been experiencing an economic boom for the past decade.

Not only was the city charming it was declared the cultural hub of the region, and currently thousands of people were gathered on its streets.

The city was full of laughter with people enjoying themselves as they took in the view of the parade that came once every three years.

People gazed in wonder at the massive helium filled balloons of characters such as sport legend Bate Ruth, a cowboy, and a Tea-bone steak, while a marching band accompanied them.

As they stared at these marvels in awe everyone was swept up in the festive atmosphere.

Well almost everyone if you neglected to count a lone teenager sporting a black hoodie even in the blistering heat.

The young adult stood at an impressive height of 187 centimeters tall, having a lean but muscular physique with jet black hair.

He would have turned many heads if it wasn't for the continues aloof expression he was emanating and dark brown eyes that seemed hollow.

"Tsk, why did I even come here?"

Although I asked my self this question, I already knew the answer.

I had wanted to relive a memory of the past.

A moment when I still felt something akin to joy, but seeing all the smiling faces and happy families, it just seemed so…. foreign.

Like a soldier who after years of constant combat was returning to civilisation.

Feeling uncomfortable and a distant sense of loss threatening to resurface, I became agitated as I quickly left the scene and went into a nearby coffee shop.

Ordering a cup of black coffee from the female barista, I sat in a quiet corner so I could clear my mind, although the entire place was currently desolate with everyone attending the parade.

Holding the cup of steaming brew, I took in its bitter aroma as I began pondering to waste time.

"I have three hours until my flight leaves, I can't just stay here the entire time. Should I visit the old spots mom and dad used to bring me?".

Having thought of the Idea I immediately rejected it, knowing it would only cause me pain if I went.


"I truly did not think this through".

In truth I really didn't, only two day's ago I coincidentally heard about the Dallas parade on the news, even though I was busy preparing for University and still needed to buy a load of supplies I immediately scraped together the last bits of cash I had and managed to book a flight.

I wasn't broke but would have to live frugally this month, I was just thankful that I had scholarships so I didn't have to pay for Uni at least.

Although if I really had to guess Uni was probably the reason why I decided to visit now instead of all those years ago, It was your dream after all Mom and Dad.

As I thought of them a small smile emerged on my face.

Thinking about it I could still remember how my mom always used to say "Aeron Wharton you genius! You will definitely be the first in our family to go to university".

Although my dad was never as direct, when the conversation would come up he would always beam with pride when looking at me, I also overheard him bragging to the other parents one time when he came to pick me up from school.

Being an only child and seeing how proud they were of me I continued to study hard and always managed to stay at the top of my class, although university excited me, my main motivation was them.

Which was probably why when I had now accomplished their dream I did not feel the satisfaction I hoped for, instead I felt empty, as I would never be able to see proud look of my dad, or feel the warm hug my mother would have given me.

If only that day never happened, they would've still...

My smile now wiped away and feeling the downwards spiral I was treading on I quickly buried those thought's and focused on something else.

"Oh, my coffee's cold"

Feeling a bit regretful that the coffee I had paid 5 bucks for was now room temperature, I began drinking the smooth bitter liquid.

Just as I was beginning to enjoy the taste a bright flash appeared in my vision.


I Spat out my drink, as an unfamiliar voice appeared in my head along with strange words that began floating in front of me.

[Congratulations you awakened the System!]

[You can now access your status]

Confused I looked to the barista about to ask if she had seen the same bizzare message, but was startled by the expression of fright on her face as she was staring outside.

That was when I noticed that the room, previously well lit seemed darker, as if it was covered by a shade of Burgundy, looking outside I found out the reason.

The sky had turned dark red.

The once rowdy music and chatter from the parade were all but gone bringing a deathly silence, as the crowd looked up with some pointing at the swirling blood red sky.

Soft whispers of fear began permeating the area, while a few children started sobbing although quietly as if being noisy would cause something terrifying to happen.


The silence was however quickly broken as a loud scream reverberated across the area, the scream created a chain reaction as the crowd began frantically moving in panic as if running away from something.

Not sure what was happening I quickly ran outside of the shop and looked at what was causing such a commotion.

Running against the crowd, I suddenly stopped my gaze fixed on the sight in front of me.

Through the flashing images of people running past me despite directly staring at the scene, what my eyes saw, my brain refused to believe.

A grotesque small humanoid green creature, for a lack of better words, was repeatedly stabbing the corpse of an woman with a crude dagger, as it did this it seemed to be grinning as it had a viscous and cunning glint in its eyes.

Around the goblin other scenes of carnage were appearing with bright red cats as big as dogs clawing and ripping flesh out of people, and rabbits with seemingly sharp jagged horn's piercing bodies.

All around me I was hearing gun shots from people who took out their firearms, and although the bodies of the creatures were piling up, compared to the humans it was negligible.

In the distance I could see the father of a little girl take out his hand gun and shoot one of the cat monsters that was about to pounce on an elderly woman.

Being shot in its side the feline staggered for a moment as it growled in pain, but that was it as it now changed its target to its attacker.

The man frantically pushed his child out of harms way and continued firing but with the monsters agile movements even after three more shots pierced its body none were lethal and the cat managed to jump on the man and rip his throat out before succumbing to its injuries.

Having made her way back to her father the child no older then 10 was crying as she pulled his blood stained clothes, but the man obviously deceased stayed still.

With the blood draining from my face I wanted to scream to the child to be quiet, but what I dreaded had already happened.

The loud noise of the child had attracted unwanted attention, as a bunny with a blood stained horn was hopping in her direction, clearly having marked easy prey.

The child unknowing of the danger was still crying as she seemed to be trying to wake her father up.

Knowing what would happen if no one intervened my body moved on instinct running in a mad dash in her direction.

"Why am I doing this?"

"It's dangerous? I could die?"

"The rabbits already to close, I can't make it in time"

Although my head was filling up with such useless thoughts probably everyone had before doing something dangerous, my body refused to listen.

Looking at the child weeping at the loss of her parent, with a pain I knew all to well.... I knew I had to help her.

Realizing this I seemed to gain extra determination, with only three more meters to go I was so close.

But the bunny already within attacking range had jumped into air with it's horn pointing at the girl's back.

Time seemed to slow down around me with only a meter before the rabbit pierced the little girl, I used all the energy I had left and moved faster than ever before.

Thirty centimeters before the rabbit's attack landed my foot intervened, kicking the bunny in midair.

Feeling like I had kicked a rock I looked at the rabbit as it soared through the air for a while, before tumbling a couple of meters across the ground crashing into one of the concrete road blocks of the parade.

Thinking I had done quite a bit of damage to the bunny, my hopes were quickly crushed as it easily got up again, and shook its body from the accumulated dust like a wet dog.

Looking at me with ferocious red eyes beaming with anger, although the monster was uninjured I no longer felt the sense of panic from before as I quickly grabbed the gun of the corpse of the child's father.

With the safety already being off, although I had never shot a gun before I had seen videos, all I had to do was aim and pull the trigger, so how hard could it be…. right?


My first shot missed.

luckily I had expected the recoil and was able to quickly fire again, this time it hit the mark as the bullet pierced its head, instantly killing the beast.

Feeling a sense of relief, It was dispelled when a strange message appeared again.

[You have slain Lvl3 {Horned Rabbit}]