
Chapter 251

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Nights' House – Living room-

After I sent the letters to Ted and Susan, I went into the living room, where I sat down and started reading and studying Marcel's journal.

I wasn't helping Nick and Penny with their part of the plan as I knew they could handle this matter on their own. They were two influential wizards that were over 600 years old, so there have probably been times when they needed to use a little pressure and influence to manipulate a politician.

As for the other phases of the plan, I decided to start them when Ted arrived and when and IF Amelia decided to help us.

Since I had nothing else to do, I figured I might as well start studying the Blood Malediction that Marcel released on the Greengrass family.

And who knows maybe there's something written in your journal talking about your ability to understand all languages.

If I could replicate that skill I could use my ability to understand magical languages ​​to start translating Salazar's diaries and books.

And since a war against the heir of Slytherin was going to occur in less than 3 years, having the knowledge about one of his greatest skills, Parseltongue, could somehow help me, and I could say that because it was what my instincts they told me.

But I obviously can't forget that the main reason I want to learn about the Greengrass family's Blood Malediction is that I want to help Astoria, who somehow managed to unexpectedly awaken my inner big brother.

But it's hard to blame her for that. She is a kind, cheerful and friendly girl who is in Slytherin house, and talking to someone like that is a breath of fresh air.

Maybe that's why I like Lily too, or maybe it's also the irony of the contrast between Astoria and her sister.

Well, actually it doesn't matter why, what matters is that I'm going to help and save her.


-Some time later – Before Lunch-

I was finishing writing down in my journal some information I found in Marcel's journal when Hermes came back carrying a letter in his claws.

I was surprised by Ted's letter, as it unexpectedly didn't take long for him to reply to my letter, and when I say it didn't take long I mean he didn't wait even a day to send a letter back.

I knew that what I had written in my letter would pique Ted's curiosity, and probably alert his family, and this became even more obvious when I read your letter and saw that the only thing written in it was "WE ARE ARRIVING".

Reading this short but meaningful sentence, I began to wonder if he was surprised by what I wrote in my letter...

'Nah…' I shrugged sarcastically.

"I thought he would take longer to answer" My dad who sat next to me said, looking at the letter in surprise, and I laughed looking away.

"Yes, hehe... I don't know what made him in such a hurry" I said, and my dad looked at me suspiciously.

"Ethan, what did you write in that lett--!" and when my dad was going to question me we heard someone ring the bell.

Ding! Dong!

"I'm on my way!" my mom shouted from the kitchen going to answer the door after the bell rang again.

She then went to the door and opened it, finding a man, a woman and a young woman with electric blue hair standing in front of her.

"Huh... Hi?" my mom said confused.

"You must be Ms. Night, right?" Ted started talking by stepping forward, "I'm Ted Tonks, Ethan's lawyer, and these are my wife and daughter" he said pointing to the two women behind him, with Andromeda nodding with a calm smile on her face while Tonks waved her hands happily.

"Oh, nice to meet you Mr. Tonks, and yes, I'm Sarah Night" my mom introduced herself after realizing that those in front of her were Sirius's family, or at least the least psychopathic and cold family, "Come in" she he said, stepping back to let Ted and his family into our house.

She then led them into the living room, where my dad and I were already standing and waiting for them.

As soon as they saw us, Ted opened his mouth to say something, but his wife was faster.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you Mr. Night, I'm Andromeda Tonks and I'm a huge fan of your works. I have every released version of Inheritance Cycle and even the Golden Edition illustrated version of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief " she started to say quickly in one breath, with a look of admiration on her face.

I could have said something, but I realized that she was actually looking at my dad, not me, and so I looked at Ted with a raised eyebrow, who just shrugged.

"Err... Thanks I guess" my dad said with a strange look, "But actually the Night who wrote these books isn't actually me. I'm Joshua Night, and my son here is Ethan" he gestured with head towards me.

Andromeda then blinked before turning to me with a shocked look as I looked at her with an amused smile.

"But he's a kid!" she exclaimed, and my smile got a little strained, as my mom and dad huffed and Ted chuckled over his hand.

And beyond them I could also hear a noise coming from the kitchen that came out as a muffled chuckle and a bark, and my eye twitched.

'Damn cowardly dog' I thought.

"Well, he really could be considered a child, but his achievements are many, and the amount in his bank account could buy half of Diagon Alley or more" Ted said, not hiding his amusement at seeing his wife's confusion and my frown.

When Ted said this Andromeda looked at me again, digesting the things she'd just discovered, and as the realization hit her her eyes widened and the room fell into an awkward silence.

Realizing her mistake Andromeda started to blush with embarrassment, and before she tried to crawl into a hole in the floor to hide I took a step forward, extending my hand to her.

"Well, I think you already know this, but I'm Ethan Night, the author of Inheritance Cycle, Percy Jackson, and the newly published saga, The Chronicles of Narnia" I said smiling slightly, trying to ignore the part of me that took offense at being called a child.

"Oh... Err... W-well, I'm Andromeda Tonks, and I think I've said this before, but I'm a fan of your books," she said, shaking my hand, "And I'm sorry for calling you child" she continued while laughing nervously.

"Don't worry about it" I said waving my hand dismissively, and I could feel the relief coming from her, "Actually if anyone should be blamed for this whole situation it should be Ted" I added.

"Me?!" Ted pointed to himself in surprise.

"Yes... You" Andromeda replied, looking at him with narrowed eyes, causing him to swallow hard.

"Well... Err..." Ted started to say looking around in search of an exit, and finding none he turned his eyes to Andromeda, who was still staring at him, "Sorry" he squeaked.

Seeing this scene I snorted, looking mockingly at Ted.

"Whipped" we heard someone cough in the kitchen, and upon hearing that voice Andromeda immediately tensed up.

As the room fell silent I could hear Sirius cursing under his breath in the kitchen as he realized he had revealed himself.

Sighing I ran my hands through my hair, and looking carefully at the Tonks I noticed that they were all nervous and alert, but luckily none of them had picked up or were making any attempt to pick up their wands, not even Nymphadora, who was currently an Auror in training.

"Get out Sirius" I said.

Hearing me Sirius walked out of the kitchen under the gaze of everyone in the room, shoulders slumped and a guilty look on his face, but I could feel his conviction.

"Hi Andy" Sirius said looking at his cousin with a mixture of longing and sadness, but she just stared at him in silence.

Sirius waited for an answer, but Andromeda continued to stare at him and he began to feel unnerved by her stillness, and just as he opened his mouth to say something else Andromeda rushed over to him.

Sirius expected a slap, a few jinxes, or even a kick in the balls, but he wasn't expecting to be suddenly embraced by Andromeda.

Being hugged so suddenly made Sirius freeze, not knowing how to react, but then he started to hear some sniffles and wet drips on his shoulder, and he immediately realized that Andromeda was crying.

If it was the Sirius of old he would simply make a joke or try to pull away from the hug, but after going through the war with many losses and after his arrest he learned to appreciate these gestures of affection, and for that he hugged his cousin back.

"You idiot" Andromeda muttered in a muffled voice.

"I know," Sirius said, patting her back reassuringly.

Seeing this family moment of Sirius and Andromeda, I approached Ted.

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly," I said, stopping beside him.

"Well, after reading in your letter that you somehow found out that Sirius is innocent and that you had evidence to prove it, Andy practically forced us to come here," Ted said, and then looked at his wife affectionately, "She never believed Sirius was a criminal and a murderer, and your letter basically confirmed that for her."

"And with that I already know who is the sensible and intelligent person in your family" I joked.

Hearing this Ted snorted, "I'm not stupid enough to deny it, but I'm 50% sure the other reason she wanted to come here so quickly was to see the amazing and wonderful Ethan Night, writer of the best works of the world" he said imitating a thin and passionate voice.

"Like I said, the sensible, smart one in the family," I said smugly. I then got a sly look on my face, and I turned to Ted, "Sooooooo... did you like my letter?" I asked.

Hearing my question brought a frown to Ted's face.

"Oh obviously! How could I not like a letter that exploded in my face after I finished reading it?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"It was just a precaution in case the letter fell into the wrong hands," I said, waving my hand dismissively.

"Uh-huh" Ted said unconvinced.

"I should have brought a camera or popcorn" I heard someone say behind me, and turning around I saw that it was Tonks, who was looking at her mother and Sirius hugging.

"Well, I think I can help you with that," I said, and snapping my fingers a camera appeared in one hand and a bag of popcorn in the other, and internally I thanked Linnly.

Turning around I then handed both things to Tonks, who looked at me in surprise, but then she shook her head and grabbed the popcorn, and pulling out her wand she waved it at the camera, which started to float away as it took pictures of Sirius and her mother.

"Now I know why my mom is your fan" she said, eating a mouthful of popcorn while enjoying the moment.



(End AN: Well, I guess now I'll get some rest to relax my aching body... Hope you enjoyed the chapters!)