
Chapter 215

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Outside the Borgin and Burkes Shop-

'Sigh... They couldn't wait for me to take more than three steps away from the shop?' I wondered, shaking my head in a mixture of exasperation and disbelief, sensing some people following me.

I wasn't surprised since I already knew something like this was going to happen, as I was aware that my intimidating appearance wouldn't be enough to ward off all the thieves and crooks in Knockturn Alley.

And maybe because I'm a 'new' visitor to Knockturn Alley these people must have thought I was just another overconfident idiot or someone very naive who decided to venture elsewhere in the wizarding world.

And well, not all wizards can be rational and intelligent enough to know that there are certain people who shouldn't be provoked, especially when that person is obviously not easy prey.

At least they were smart enough not to have tried anything against me when I walked into the alley, but I can only assume it was because they knew the basic rule about being a thief.

The rule is: You should never rob someone who has just arrived in a commercial area of ​​your territory. If that person has come to this place, he will probably buy something or sell something.

If he's come to sell, when he's done his business he'll have gold to steal, and if he's come to buy, you can steal his item and then resell it for a higher price.

And I think this little rule doesn't just apply to thieves, as doing business with some businessmen or goblins is almost the same, and sometimes even more dangerous.

As I pondered the laws of the thieves' world, I led my 3 pursuers down a dark and empty alley... Well, one of the very dark and empty alleys of Knockturn Alley.

There were more places to be mugged and murdered here than stores.

Continuing my way down the alley, I saw someone come out of a bend in front of me, coming towards me, and sensing his intentions I let him bump into me.

"Oh sorry sir, I didn't see you there" the wizard who bumped into me was a hunchbacked man wearing a dirty hooded cloak, but underneath all that dirt I could feel his malice.

I didn't answer him, and just looked at him from above with cold and indifferent eyes.

Realizing I wasn't really in the mood for conversation, the hunchbacked man simply clucked his tongue in dissatisfaction and started to withdraw his hand from inside his cloak.

Seeing his action and feeling the other men behind me stir, I immediately acted, grabbing his hand and twisting his wrist, seeing that what he held in his hand was a wand.

"Argh!" he groaned painfully, dropping his wand at the pain in his hand, and I caught his wand before it hit the floor.

Feeling the power at the core of his wand, I realized it wasn't refusing my magic, and I smiled at that.

'Ho, apparently someone decided to change masters' I thought, smiling cruelly at the man in front of me.

"[Tereossa]!" one of the wizards behind me exclaimed, pointing his wand at my back.

Without even looking back I blocked the spell with the tip of the wand I'd just taken from the hunchbacked man.

Turning around, still twisting the hunchbacked man's wrist, I flicked my wand, and a blue bolt shot through the alley and hit the other wizard who started to recite a spell.

Not having time to defend himself, my spell hit him, and he crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain, which I quickly silenced with another flick of my wand.

If the others paid attention they could see that there was blood staining the man's pants, and with a closer look they could see that there were some thorns made of bones sticking out of the man's leg, which were actually his own bones tearing his legs from the inside out.

Wasting no time, and taking advantage of the momentary shock of the other two men, I placed my wand on the hunchbacked man's chest.

"Bye" I said with a cold smile, "[Depulso]" and with my spell the hunchbacked man was sent flying with tremendous force towards one of the alley walls.

As soon as he hit the wall I could hear the sound of the wall and some bones breaking, and I just looked at him with a shrug, turning my attention to the last two men standing.

"Well... I think there are only two little sheep left for the slaughter," I said, playing with the wand in my hand.

Hearing me, the two wizards tore their eyes from their hunchbacked friend who was lying bleeding on the floor and turned to me, their eyes filled with fear and panic.

'Why did we have to go after this guy?!'

'I swear that if Helth isn't dead, I'll kill this shit myself!'

The two wizards didn't answer me, but I could see their legs shaking, and that brought a smile to my face.

'I'm starting to find Knockturn Alley more fun than Diagon Alley' I thought.


-Back to Diagon Alley-

After dealing with that 'dirt' in Knockturn Alley, I headed back to Diagon Alley.

I didn't kill those men, but that wasn't out of mercy as with a slight Legilimency I could see some of their disgusting and cruel thoughts.

That's why instead of killing them I simply made them unavailable for the rest of their lives. They will probably never walk or move again without feeling pain, and that was just the physical damage I did, the mental damage with some illusion spells was much greater.

I can't say that my little one-sided duel was a bad thing, as I got a new wand and some items I 'gained' from those wizards. In fact, I can say that all I got from them was spoils of war.

But in this confrontation I can't deny that I was lucky to earn the loyalty of the hunchbacked man's wand, as if that hadn't happened I would have had to use wandless magic to defeat them, as my wand still has the trace.

Using wandless magic is not difficult or tiring for me, but I don't like to do it for everyone to see, and I also don't like to pretend I'm using my wand because it can be recognized, which is why I usually transfigure something to look like a random wand.

'Well, I think that for me who only came here to see my investments and get a magic cabinet, my day was very productive' I thought, heading to an empty alley to wait for the effects of the Ageing Potion to wear off.

As soon as the potion wore off I walked out of the alley, and immediately headed towards the ice cream parlour to buy a big pot of ice cream for Cele and my family, happily satisfied with the events of my day.


-Leaky Cauldron – Room 11 – At Night-

[POV – Harry]

"Hey Hedwig, do you think if I asked Headmaster Dumbledore he'd let me spend my next summer vacation here at the Leaky Cauldron too?" I asked my faithful companion and first friend – not counting Hagrid, of course – as I petted her on her perch on the table.

Hedwig listening to my question simply cocked her head to the side before pecking my finger affectionately.

"Sigh... Yeah, I also think he wouldn't," I said sadly.

I then let out another sad sigh, getting up from the chair I was sitting on and flopping down on my bed, staring at the ceiling lost in thought.

'Heh, I think I've been thinking a lot lately' I huffed, 'Maybe hanging around with Mione a lot is making me use my brain more' I joked.

I then started to close my eyes, hoping to fall into the realm of dreams, but my thoughts and some memories and images I didn't want to see started to come into my mind.





"Yeah... I think this is going to be another sleepless night for me" I sighed, sitting up.

I then got up and went to my trunk, and opening it I took out my photo album that Hagrid had given me as a present.

I then went back to my bed and sat against it headboard.

Pulling my knees together, I opened the album, looking with sadness, love, and longing at the pictures of my parents.



"If you were here with me, I probably wouldn't be having these problems," I muttered, feeling my eyes get wet and promptly ignoring them, already used to it.

"I don't know if I ever told you this, I probably did and I forgot, but I accidentally inflated Aunt Marge," I huffed, looking at a picture of my parents laughing and playing in a snowy courtyard.

Seeing their laughter and joy in the picture I tried to imagine that they were actually laughing with me, having as much fun as I was with the image of Aunt Marge floating like a balloon through the sky.

"But that's not all that happened to me these days" I continued, "After I inflated Aunt Marge I argued with my uncle, and then I ran away from their house" I said, emphasizing the part 'their house'.

"After that I called a Knight Bus... Well, it was more like I called it by accident" I shrugged, turning the page of the album and looking now at a picture of my parents laughing as they painted the wall of a small bedroom turquoise blue, and something in the back of my mind and a felling told me that was MY room.

Putting that feeling aside, I continued to talk to my parents.

"After I arrived at the Leaky Cauldron guess who I met... The minister" I said, with a slight smile on my face, "He's a nervous little man and a little strange, but he let me stay here and he didn't punish me for use magic outside of Hogwarts, so I think he's cool"

"I've also heard some interesting things from people who visit the Leaky Cauldron. Apparently the Sirius Black who escaped from Azkaban is actually a follower of Voldemort" I said in a whisper, lifting my head and looking at the lit candle on the little table next to my bed, "I think it's because of him that the minister was so nice to me. Either that or he's also a Boy-Who-Lived fan...Actually it could be a little bit of both."

"Some people have said that Black might be after me, but you know what? I'm not scared of him" I said, looking back at the album, "Black might be a dangerous and crazy wizard, but he wouldn't be any worse. than Voldemort, right?"

"And I also don't think Black killing a lot of people is scary. Bad, yes, but scary? Not really." I shrugged. I then put the album on the bed and placed my chin on my knees, hugging my legs, "But maybe I'm not scared that he killed a lot of people because I've killed someone too... That would make us both murderers, wouldn't it?" I asked, more for myself than for my parents' photo.

"Two murdereres…" I muttered under my breath, looking back at the candle, fully aware of the movements of the flame that lit the room, "What makes Black different from me?" I asked.

'Maybe the only difference is that the wizarding world worships me' a little voice in the back of my mind said.

"The Boy-Who-Lived," I muttered, and then looked at my parents' wedding photo, where they were happy…and alive.

Feeling a feeling rising in the pit of my stomach I turned to look at the candle again.




"Maybe... Maybe I didn't deserve to have survived that night," I said, and with that sentence a silence settled in the room, with Hedwig looking at me sadly and me looking at the fire with empty eyes.



(End AN: Hmm, I'm thinking of reading the Chainsaw Man manga.

I don't usually watch any anime if I know there is a manga about it.)