
Chapter 123

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


The exam season began, and unlike my peers who were stressed and worried about it, I was relaxed, as even if I didn't get an O+ or O in almost every subject, at least I wouldn't get a P.

The subjects had two types of exams, practical and theoretical, with some subjects having only one of them and others having both.

The theory part was surprisingly easy, even with me getting annoyed that nothing Professor Binns said in class was on the exam, and I only knew I was going to get a good grade because I had read a lot of books in the library.

After we finished the theoretical exams, we all had some rest time before starting the practical part, where each teacher of that subject would call the students one by one to a classroom, where he would tell us what we would have to do.

The subjects that have practical exams are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, DADA and Herbology. Flight lessons do not have exams, and we will only start having practical Astronomy exams in the second year.

When this short break was over my colleagues and I went to the Transfiguration room, which was the subject of our first practical exam.

After a while, I was called into the room, and as I walked in and closed the door I saw Professor McGonagall standing by her desk, and on top of that desk I saw one of the books I wrote, Eragon from the Inheritance Cycle, and the mug I got her for Christmas.

I then looked at her with a satisfied smile on my face, and she must have noticed my gaze because she turned her face away and I could feel that she was embarrassed.

"Cough. So let's get started, Mr..." Professor McGonagall stopped when she saw me look at her with a raised eyebrow, "I mean, let's start Ethan"

"What I need to do?" I asked, but I felt I shouldn't have asked that question when Professor McGonagall gave a small smile.

"Oh, how about you surprise me with your best Transfiguration?" she said, and I immediately knew what she was up to.

She must have noticed that even with me paying attention and having fun in her classes, I never struggled and didn't even feel like it was challenging enough, so now she's challenging me.

"Heh, fine," I said, a smile on my face. I then took my wand from its holster, and looking around the room I saw a set of teacups on a table in the corner, probably for the older students' tests.

Waving my wand while pointing at that tea set, I muttered the incantation, and soon after, the tea set began to be transfigured.

The cups turned into little crows, the teapot turned into a kitten, the silverware turned into snakes, and the plates and tray with the tea set turned into grass and leaves.

I then, just for fun, put a tutu on the kitten, something I already tried to do with Nyx, but after a certain incident, my family and I agreed never to allow another tutu near Nyx or our house.

After finishing the transfiguration I turned to Professor McGonagall, only to see that she was looking at me with her lips in a thin line, but I could feel the feelings of shock and pride coming from her.

"So all this time you've been holding back?" she asked, and I could only scratch my head in embarrassment.

"Hehe... Maybe?" I said.

Professor McGonagall then continued to stare at me for a few seconds with narrowed eyes before sighing helplessly.

"Why did you have to end up in Ravenclaw?" she asked me with a wry smile on her face.

"Red doesn't suit me," I replied smiling, while adjusting my blue Ravenclaw tie, causing Professor McGonagall to look at me in amusement.

She then shifted her gaze from me to the transfigured animals. She approached them with her wand in hand and began to inspect them. In the end she nodded in satisfaction and then turned to me.

"I'd say I'm surprised you used a spell taught only in third year, but after seeing how easy it was for you to learn my subject, I think that was something to expect," she said. She then undid my transfiguration with a simple wave of her wand, making the transfigured animals go back to being a tea set, "That said, your transfiguration was flawless, from the details of the grass and leaves to the fur and feathers of animals. In fact, the transfiguration of your animals was even better than that of grass and leaves, which is strange since animal transfiguration is much more difficult, but it felt like your animals had all the essence of a real animal," Professor McGonagall continued.

I knew that my animal transfiguration were better than my inanimate objects transfiguration, but that was due to my Beast Power which allowed me to understand animals very well.

"After seeing this transfiguration, I have no choice but to say that you obviously did well on the practical exam" Professor McGonagall said to me, and I looked at her a little surprised.

"Shouldn't this be a secret until the exam scores are posted on the bulletin board?" I asked.

"Do you really think you didn't do well after that demonstration?" she asked me back with a raised eyebrow.



"You have a point," I said.

"Well, so with that your exam is over," she said. I then started to turn to leave the room, until she called out to me again.


"Yea?" I asked.

"Err... Well..." Professor McGonagall began, acting like a nervous schoolgirl, which I found hilarious, "What happened to Murtagh?" she asked, talking about one of the main characters in Inheritance Cycle.

"Well...just reading the book to know" I said to her mysteriously, "Bye Professor Minnie" I then walked out of the room, leaving a frustrated teacher behind.

"How am I going to read the book if you haven't even published it yet?" she asked no one in particular.

What Ethan didn't know, is that after reading his books, Professor McGonagall went to the Muggle world to find the other books, only to see that the sequel hasn't been published yet.

"Would it be wrong for me to threaten to lower his grade if he doesn't tell me what happens in the next book?" she wondered, sipping some tea from her mug, "Well, he has until next year to publish the book, if not..." she muttered.


-Charms Exam Room-

"Hello Ethan, how are you?" Professor Flitwick asked me as soon as I entered the room.

"I'm fine, but depending on the exam you're going to pass me that might change" I said with a small smile on my face, which made the little professor laugh.

"Well, I know a simple first year exam isn't a problem for you, and as I'm pretty sure minerva did the same, so I can only say, surprise me," he said, gesturing at me.

"Fine," I said, advancing to the center of the room.

Right now, to impress him, I'd like to cast a patronus, but this is a spell that for some reason I haven't mastered yet, so I'll have to settle for another one.

With my wand in hand, I started levitating all the objects in the room, leaving nothing on the floor, and after all the objects were floating I started the second part of my presentation.

For the second part of my presentation I started transfiguring all these objects into sharp and pointed iron spikes, and soon after I started levitating some plates and targets that Professor Flitwick kept in the room for some reason. After everything was ready, I started using Summoning Charm {Accio} and Banishing Charm {Depulso}, where I started to summon the plates and targets while banishing the spikes, thus making a big target shooting game, only on the hard level.

Professor Flitwick was watching all this in awe, while also thinking about the ramifications of what I was doing, seeing how this presentation of mine would work as great training for improving marksmanship, dodging, and magical control.

Actually what I was doing was something I did to train in the Room of Requirement, usually when I didn't want to use the enchanted bats and balls of the room.

I knew this would impress Professor Flitwick not for fourth year spells, but for how it could be used in training.

Finishing off hitting the last target, I stopped all the objects in midair again, before transfiguring the objects back while casting a {Reparo} to fix them all. When all the objects were back to normal and intact, I put them back in their places.

I then turned to Professor Flitwick who was looking at me in wonder and satisfaction.

"Sooo?" I asked.

"Have you ever thought about becoming a duelist?" he asked me back, bouncing excitedly in his seat.

'Well... That's not what I expected' I thought.



(End AN: As I asked for movie recommendations for you, I think now I have to recommend a movie.

I'm going to recommend a movie that I'm a fan and I really like, and it's actually not a single movie, it's a trilogy.

I would like to recommend to you the Maze Runner trilogy, which is based on books of the same name.

Anyone who has watched any of the movies knows how exciting it is from start to finish, and the third movie, The Death Cure, was the best of all shots, to the point that at times I even got on the edge of my chair, and the end was the most impactful moment of the whole work for me.

I hope you see this movie, it stars Dylan O'Brien, who plays Thomas, but maybe some of you know him as our beloved Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf.

Hope you enjoyed the chapters!)