
Chapter 111

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Sup guys! Here's the new chapter!


After putting away all my presents and and having a small breakfast with my famil, I started getting ready to go to my grandparents' house, while I also got ready for the little family reunion I would have there.


-Home of Ethan's Paternal Grandparents-

After spending time with my grandparents and attending the family dinner that was attended by my uncles and cousins - cousins ​​that I don't like for the simple reason that they are irritating and a little snobby, thanks to my uncles spoiling them - I went up to the room that was prepared for me, as my family would spend the night here.

I was lying on the bed in my room at my grandparents' house, reading Marcel's diary, looking to know more about him and trying to understand why I have a feeling that this diary is important to me.

So far I haven't found anything that could explain this, and the only interesting thing was the fact that Marcel's life sucks, and I still don't know his last name.

Marcel suffered at Hogwarts the same thing he suffered at home. He was ignored or harassed by those who were supposed to be his peers, the teachers didn't really care about the bullying he suffered, and he didn't talk to his family, although that last part was kind of good for him.

Marcel's diary told how he gave himself up to studying magic, as it was his only escape from his problems, and Marcel realized that spells and magic itself seemed to come naturally to him. And the strange thing about it is that many of the books he claims to have read were in different languages, and even the rune books he could read and decipher in seconds.

I realized that this sounded like my Beast Talk, which allowed me to understand, and maybe speak the language of other magical beings, but I never tried. But I also realized that our language-understanding abilities weren't all that equal, as I couldn't understand runes or other human languages.

'What an OP skill' I thought, not realizing how hypocritical I was being.

But as I continued with my reading, I realized that things were turning upside down as Marcel found some Dark Magic books, which existed in droves at the time, even in the Hogwarts library.

Marcel used what he learned from those books to get revenge on his tormentors. Marcel also wrote down the things he would like to do to his 'enemies', and each thing was more sadistic and cruel than the next.

'Well... After seeing how similar his story is to Riddle's, I'm not so surprised to see that he has started to show tendencies towards becoming a dark wizard' I thought, laying the book on my lap to be able to reflect better.

It's strange to see how an ordinary boy has turned into someone sadistic and evil, but it's understandable when we see what he's suffered.

And I know he's probably not the child who suffered the most in childhood who also happened to have the capabilities to become a dark wizard as well. Probably some students from other wizard schools and even Hogwarts had worse childhoods. Potter is one of those children.

At least I learned a few things I could use on my own enemies by reading about Marcel's sadistic and cruel thoughts.

Another good point is that Marcel doesn't seem to be completely and madly evil, and that's noticeable when I look at the parts he wrote about the lady who helped him in his childhood, as every time she was quoted the words had a strong tone of affection

'If every abused child had a lady like that in their lives... Sigh' I thought sadly.


Being lost in thought I almost didn't hear my grandfather calling me. As soon as he called me I immediately put Marcel's diary in my bag.

"Come on Ethan! We're going to start the games, and whoever loses will have to dress up as a Grinch and go to the neighbor's house and sing him a Christmas carol!" my uncle yelled from below.

"And hurry up! The first game is doubles poker, and I don't want to play with your uncle! He sucks at poker!" my aunt screamed, ignoring my uncle's indignant scream.

"I'm on my way!" I yelled back.

'Hah! Wanting to beat me in a game that wins whoever has the best poker face? Me, who can feel the emotions of others? Shameful' I thought mockingly. I then went downstairs to start my family's traditional game night.


-Diagon Alley-

After spending another day at my grandparents' house, my family and I went back to our house, and I started getting ready to go back to school.

I had already done all the tasks the teachers gave, so I had a lot of free time that I spent on training and studying.

And it was in these studies that I realized that I wasn't trying my best at a certain subject, at least not in the same way I was doing with Transfiguration and Charms.

I realized that even though my potions work was good, maybe among the best of my year, I still couldn't consider myself a great potioner. So I decided to buy more potion materials so I can use them to train in my spare time. And that's why I'm heading to Aphotecary and Potage's Cauldron Shop in Diagon Alley.


-Two hours later-

After a few hours, and a few galleons less, I finished my shopping.

At the cauldron shop I bought three new cauldrons. One was the basic made of tin, so I could use it outside of class since the other had to be in the pantry. The second cauldron was a high quality cauldron made of silver and gold, and it cost me 37 Galleons. The last one was a poor quality second hand cauldron, and why did I buy it? Simple, I want to master potions, and what better way to do that than using bad products, as a master isn't one who can do something awesome with great items, but one who can do something good with terrible items.

Hmm, that phrase was good... Maybe my next book could be a motivational book.

Well, getting back to the subject. I also bought some potioner support instruments, and because they are products created for potion masters, they cost me a decent amount of galleons.

In Aphotecary I bought and restocked my ingredients, adding some new and rare items. I didn't bother to buy some basic items as I could always get them in the Forbidden Forest, which had a fertile land rich in ingredients.

And even if I couldn't find any ingredients in the Forbidden Forest, I could always ask Professor Sprout or "borrow" it from Professor Snape's pantry.

Having no more potions items to buy, I stopped by the bookstore to see if any new books had arrived, and after being disappointed to see only one Lockhart book called "I, The Great Wizard: Against My External Animal, The Chimera" I decided to return home, where I would begin my next steps for a side project I was doing at Hogwarts.

This side project can be considered important or unimportant depending on your point of view, but for me it could be a big factor that would help me in my next projects.

This side project of mine is stealing... I mean, knowingly taking something from someone without their immediate permission. This something I want to get is an item of great value and great power... The Philosopher's Stone of Flamel.



(End AN: Hi my cute readers! (I have to think of new ways to greet you, hehe)

How do you feel knowing that another month has passed? For me, this month of January took a while to end, and if it was last year, two months would have passed, lol.

And another thing I wanted to know is if your classes have started. In the country where I live, classes start in February, and I don't know what the school system is like in your country. (I don't even know which countries you live in, heh)

Another thing I have to say is that I saw some of you debating in the reviews and at one point you guys started talking about Obscurus, and I really got interested in them, and that gave me an idea for another fanfic (This is just a thinking for the future).

Tell me, what do you think of Obscurus and Obscurial?

Hope you enjoy the Chapter!)