
Savage Saga Part 15 Savage Wins?

The Story continues with the return of Savage and Tempest at his side he reveals his plan and stands at the top after dealing with the last of his targets.

Vindog_Lewis · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Page 21

Lockdown takes the head of Perfect Savage then completely destroys the remains leaveing just the head then leaves. Lockdown later hunted down and killed every last Perfect Savage until nothing remained except for the head of the original. Lockdown then rebirthed the Military he took the role of the leader and personally trained the soldiers so they could all rival the skill of Perfect Savage. He also made equipment for them so they could remain unstoppable he also had a secure containment facillity built and designed solely for the purpose of containing the head of Perfect Savage. Only the top brass knew of it's mere exsistence and with the end of Savage the rise of Lockdown began. Lockdown was a great leader just as great as Savage as a result when he died they were devistated but the next generation took over. Under Lockdown the Military was unstoppable the soldiers could handle almost any threat thrown at them indivually however as a group nothing stood a chance then if combined with the equipment they were far more dangerous and took down any Titan and Eternal and Destroyer as well as all other threats to the safety of the people. When Lockdown's daughter took over the Military were all struggleing to cope with the loss of their founder. His daughter was a terrible leader however the soldiers picked up the slack for her incompetence. Monuments, artwork and various other stuff were built in honor to Lockdown as everyone forgot about Perfect Savage. Countless generations came after Lockdown his bloodline was lost as his descendents died out. As a result the Military was run by a Director who would later pass that role to the next in line.