
Savage resolve: A Wolf’s Journey to Freedom

Title: "Savage Resolve: A Wolf's Journey to Freedom" "Savage Resolve" follows the tumultuous journey of Mia Savage, a young she-wolf determined to break free from the shackles of her past and forge a new destiny for herself. Born into a pack ruled by her tyrannical brother, Chad, Mia struggles to find her place amidst the chaos and betrayal that surrounds her. But when Chad's oppressive rule becomes too much to bear, Mia makes the bold decision to leave her pack behind and strike out on her own. As she navigates the unfamiliar terrain of the human world, Mia faces a series of challenges that test her strength, resilience, and determination. From finding shelter in an abandoned building to securing a job at a bustling restaurant, Mia learns to adapt and survive in a world vastly different from the one she once knew. But amidst the trials and tribulations, Mia discovers a newfound sense of empowerment and belonging, forging connections with others and uncovering the depths of her own inner strength. With each obstacle she overcomes, Mia grows closer to unlocking the full potential of her inner wolf, Sky, and embracing her true self. "Savage Resolve" is a gripping tale of courage, resilience, and the unbreakable bond between a she-wolf and her inner spirit. Through Mia's journey of self-discovery and growth, you are taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with heartache, triumph, and ultimately, the triumph of the human spirit.

Kellyabande · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Triumph of the Soul

Waking up, Mia walked to the balcony and looked up into the sky. "Sky, Sky, are you there?" For some reason, her wolf had been silent for quite some time. She couldn't figure out what was wrong or happening, and Sky wouldn't speak to her. Then it hit her—the smell of blood. Before she could react, Blake was by her side, holding her arm up and looking at her with worry.

"Are you okay, love? You are bleeding," he said as he looked down at her arm. She followed his gaze to see blood running down her arm. It didn't hurt, but the wound wasn't closing like it normally would. The skin started changing color, and her face became pale.

Then she started shivering all over, and without a word, she passed out in Blake's arms.

Minutes later, her brother Chad and some warriors were standing there.

"Your Majesty, there was a breach in the barrier put up by the warlock, but we can't figure out who or what they wanted," Chad spoke before his eyes drifted to his sister. Then he screamed, "Mia, what happened? Oh my god, is she okay, Your Majesty?" Chad asked frantically.

"I don't know, but we'll have to take her to the pack doctor while making preparations for the witches to come over and check what is going on here," Blake responded.

With that, he carried her to the pack hospital, his mind racing with worry and determination to find out what had happened to Mia and how to protect her from the unseen threats looming over them.

The pack doctor worked tirelessly, but it was as if Mia were a living corpse. Days passed, and despite their best efforts, her condition remained unchanged.

The warlock, seers, witches, and even some vampires had arrived, drawn by the desperate need to help her. The vampires, with their ancient knowledge of obscure maladies, were the first to make a disturbing discovery. They took a sample of her blood and found that she was poisoned, but the exact nature of the poison was unknown. It was as if her spirit had left her body and was being poisoned little by little.

The chain around Mia's neck, meant to protect her from her grandmother's influence, lay shattered into pieces. No one could explain how it had broken, but its destruction suggested a powerful force had been at work.

The seers were equally baffled. They reported that they could see nothing when they tried to look into Mia's future or her past. It felt as if something or someone was blocking them, preventing them from accessing the information they needed.

The warlock suggested taking Mia to the sacred lake, known for its healing properties. They carried her to the lake and performed the ancient rituals, hoping to cleanse her body and soul. But even the lake's magic seemed ineffective. Bringing her back felt like an impossible task.

Blake stood by her side through it all, refusing to leave her. He watched helplessly as the days turned into nights, and Mia remained unresponsive. The pack members rallied around, their concern and love for Mia evident in their every action.

"We need to find another way," Blake said, his voice heavy with determination. "There must be something we're missing."

Chad nodded, his expression grim. "We'll keep searching. We won't give up on her."

As they continued their efforts, a whisper of hope lingered in Blake's heart. He knew that Mia was strong, and he believed in her ability to fight through the darkness. With the support of their allies and the power of their love, he was determined to bring her back from the brink and help her reclaim her place among them.

Days turned into weeks, and Mia remained in her coma. News of her plight spread far and wide, drawing attention from various supernatural communities. She was not yet installed as queen, but her position as Blake's mate and her destiny as the last white wolf made her a figure of immense importance.

Healers from different packs, covens, and clans arrived, each bringing their unique knowledge and skills. Some tried traditional remedies, while others used ancient magic. Blake and Chad coordinated the efforts, ensuring Mia received constant care and attention.

One day, an elder witch named Seraphina arrived, her presence commanding and wise. She examined Mia closely, her eyes narrowing as she traced the remnants of the broken chain.

"This is no ordinary poison," Seraphina said, her voice thoughtful. "It attacks the soul as much as the body. We must find where her spirit has been taken and retrieve it."

Blake's eyes lit up with hope. "Can you help her?"

Seraphina nodded. "I can try. But it will require a deep connection and great risk. I will need to enter the spirit realm and find her."

Chad and Blake exchanged glances. "We'll do whatever it takes," Chad said.

Preparations were made for the ritual. Seraphina sat beside Mia, her hands hovering over her still form. She chanted softly, and a circle of light began to form around them.

Blake watched with bated breath as Seraphina's spirit left her body, entering the ethereal plane. Time seemed to stretch as she searched for Mia's lost soul.

In the spirit realm, Seraphina found Mia wandering a desolate landscape, shadows of fear and guilt swirling around her. She called out, her voice strong and clear. "Mia, I am here to bring you back."

Mia turned, her eyes wide with desperation. "I can't find my way. I'm trapped."

Seraphina reached out, her hand glowing with light. "Take my hand. Trust in your strength and the love of those who are waiting for you."

As Mia reached for Seraphina's hand, the shadows swirled violently, and a figure emerged from the darkness—Mia's grandmother, her eyes cold and filled with malice.

"So, you've come to take her back?" her grandmother sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. "Do you really think you can just walk in and take what's mine?"

Mia stood frozen, fear gripping her heart.

Seraphina's eyes narrowed. "She's not yours to keep, and your darkness has no place here."

"Brave words," her grandmother said, her voice turning venomous. "But words alone won't save her."

Seraphina felt the weight of the malevolent energy pressing in around them. "Mia, stay strong. I'll return with help."

Before Mia could respond, Seraphina's spirit was forcibly ejected from the spirit realm by a dark force, her consciousness snapping back to her body.

Back in the physical world, Seraphina gasped, her eyes wide with urgency. "We need a blood relative," she said, her voice trembling. "Someone with a strong, direct connection to Mia."

Chad's eyes widened. "Mia has a twin sister," he said, his voice filled with revelation. "She was separated from birth because of our tradition of forbidding twins. I'll have to find her."

Blake and the others were stunned. "A twin?" Blake repeated, disbelief and hope mingling in his voice.

Chad nodded. "Yes, her name is Aurora. She was taken to another pack and raised there. I'll bring her back."

Without wasting any time, Chad set off to find Aurora. It took several days of searching and traveling, but finally, he returned with Aurora Savage, Mia's twin sister. The resemblance between them was striking, though Mia was slightly taller, and Aurora had vibrant red hair and green eyes.

Upon arriving, Aurora was briefed about Mia's condition. Chad had told her everything during their journey back. Aurora, who had always known about Mia and maintained contact with Chad, was ready to help.

Preparations for the ritual began anew. Aurora stood beside Seraphina, her face determined and resolute. "I'm ready," she said, her voice strong. "Let's bring my sister back."

As the ritual commenced, the combined power of Seraphina and Aurora created a potent surge of magic. Their energies intertwined, forming a bridge to the spirit realm.

In the spirit realm, Mia's mother appeared, her presence a beacon of light. "Aurora, I am here to help you," she said, her voice filled with love and strength.

"Mom," Aurora whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

"We must face her together," her mother said. "You are not alone."

Mia nodded, determination filling her heart. She stood beside her mother, Seraphina, and Aurora, ready to confront her grandmother.

A fierce battle ensued, the spirit realm trembling with the clash of powerful magic. Mia's grandmother unleashed dark spells, her magic fueled by bitterness and hatred. But Seraphina countered with protective charms, while Aurora summoned the elemental forces, their combined strength creating a formidable defense.

Mia's mother, wielding ancestral magic, engaged her grandmother in a duel of spells. Light clashed with darkness, the air crackling with energy. Mia focused on breaking the chains that bound her spirit, her willpower growing stronger with each moment.

For nearly two weeks, the battle raged on. The spirit realm was a tempest of magic, each side refusing to yield. Finally, with a surge of combined power, Mia, her mother, Seraphina, and Aurora overwhelmed her grandmother's defenses.

With a final, desperate scream, Mia's grandmother was banished, her dark presence dissipating into nothingness. The chains binding Mia shattered, and her spirit was free.

Back in the physical world, Mia's eyes fluttered open, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Blake and Chad were by her side, their faces filled with relief and joy. Aurora stood nearby, her expression a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

"Mia," Blake whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

"You're back."

She smiled weakly, her voice faint but steady. "I never gave up. Thank you for not giving up on me."

Blake held her close, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. As the pack gathered around, they knew that with Mia's return, their future was once again filled with hope. Together, they would rise from the shadows, stronger and more united than ever before.