
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Training with Orochimaru!

Naruto tried to push his luck.

Adult Naruto- "But still what would you have done if I summoned the frog."

Now everyone including future and past one except Naruto and Future Naruto mentally facepalmed.

Adult Sasuke- "I would have summoned ninja cats. Everyone in our clan is given ninja cat summons."


Scene starts-

[After seeing Sasuke Orochimaru told him they will train tomorrow after Sasuke rest. Next day he discusses with Orochimaru about his schedule. Orochimaru says that he will be taught everything including techniques to withstand torture and interrogating sessions in case he ever got caught. Next day he does a spar with him so that Orochimaru can understand the difference. That room was totally dark leaving only one candle as a source of light. Sasuke was informed that it will always be like this and he has to get used to see in dark. Several days goes by his Taijutsu, genjutsu, ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, kenjutsu progresses well. He also have some sessions to withstand mental torture and learn the ways to counter yamanaka mind technique. He was also trained to fight without his eyes and letting his use his other senses. Everyday he goes through the same routine and at night he meditates for his chakra and uses a technique to acquire a dreamless sleep. Everyday he was greeted badly by the prisoners who call him names and things. He witness the experiments and torture Orochimaru do to his test subjects. Sometimes at night he heard loud inhuman screams which he dismiss as Orochimaru doing experiments and tried to meditate to keep his sanity making himself remember that power comes with price and this is the way he choose. After months Orochimaru started working with his curse mark and started training Sasuke to train on controlling his curse mark. He was training with the mark activated and like always getting beaten by his master. But this was his first time with the mark activated. He also experience pain caused by mark mixed with darkness of room and somehow Orochimaru was in bad mood. After some time curse mark deactivate but Sasuke was not ready to take this type of humiliation so he quickly fire Chidori which hit Orochimaru But suddenly he become dizzy and losing consciousness and he asked his master 'why' to which answer came 'backlash'. He was awake after some time but find that he is tied and naked with only his half pants on. Kabuto told him that backlash caused damage to his chakra veins which needs to be fixed otherwise he will lose his ability to channel chakra in his whole body except his eyes. Later he revealed this treatment is done by making his patient unconscious but Orochimaru told him to do it old way in which Sasuke will stay aware of the process. Orochimaru told his because Sasuke has no tolerance to pain and this will also start his training against torture. First Kabuto does the treatment on the muscles area which Sasuke takes with difficulty and barely stops himself from screaming. After that is done, Kabuto moves to start the process again in his organs. When Sasuke realizes he started whispering 'NO, no no, no no no no'. Kabuto tells him 'yes' and informs his that walls are soundproof so he can scream as much as he like and tells him that he himself will not be bothered by his screams. And process starts. He can feel his body getting cut till the organs then healing and cutting again and again. He gives in to the temptation but he makes his mind that he will keep his reputation and uchihas never cry. So instead of screaming he laughs. He laughs while tears are flowing through his eyes. Kabuto says that this is a first time and says he is really enjoying the laugh and then continues the work. The more the pain the louder he laughs.]

Scene ends!


Orochimaru- "Ah good old days. What do you think Kabuto, Sasuke-Kun?"

Kabuto- "Yes lord Orochimaru. I will always remember the way Sasuke laughs."

Sasuke- "Hn. It was not worth laughing or showing any emotions. I was pathetic that time."

Itachi was in rage from inside resolving to end Orochimaru. Tsunade was also a little shocked given that she is also a Medical ninja and to that best in the world.

Naruto started thinking about his own training and compared to Sasuke's. Kakashi was not happy seeing that his own choice led to this. He knew something like this is going to happen but seeing it with his own eye Sasuke becoming emotionless and seeing Sasuke's willingness for Justice and revenge makes him thinks perhaps he should have tried a little harder to understand.

Future Kakashi is also thinking the same but taking it the more matured way.

Everyone has different feeling about it including future ones and some compare it to their training and their own resolve to complete their own dream.

Madara- "I would like to say, you are doing a decent job Orochimaru."

Hashirama- "What! No this is wrong."

Tobirama- "I hate to say it elder brother but this is the training shinobi need if they want to become strong in short term. Although some measure are not required but I agree with the most of it."

Hashirama- "Tobirama!"

Sasuke parents were little restless seeing their beloved Sasuke like this but they were also proud that Sasuke was enduring it and doing a good job. Shisui was also proud with his little cousin.

Future Naruto- "Is this the training you go through?"

Adult Sasuke- "You have only seen half of it. And I think everything will not be shown since not everyone can see it. I would like to take that secret and inhuman things with me to grave."


Future Kakashi- "Well then I am glad that you were able to stay sane."

Every future one including Hinata and Sakura understand Sasuke a little more through this.

Scene starts-

[Sasuke goes to Orochimaru again to continue his training next day. With his previous training schedule and now curse mark training added, Orochimaru introduced 2 new things- First his torture session and second he gave him Snake summoning. He also gave Sasuke immunity to poison which comes with being snake summons, But Orochimaru also gave him immunity to other poisons which are not included in that. And the process was very painful. Orochimaru told him that now his blood holds poison and he can use his blood as weapon which will cause burn on skin and damage eyes or become poisonous if goes inside someone. And that process was extremely painful. So much that he couldn't even scream if he wanted to, though it's not like he was going to scream. He was just going to laugh and very loudly like a menace but alas he couldn't. But there was one thing he never killed even one at his time with Orochimaru. Approximately two years into his training with Orochimaru, Sasuke volunteers to deliver some research material to one of Orochimaru's hideouts. While there, Sasuke releases one of Orochimaru's test subjects, Suigetsu Hozuki, from his confinements and then helps Karin capture Suigetsu yet again. Pleased with what he witnesses of their abilities, Sasuke resolves to win them both over so that he can have them as allies in the future.]

Scene pauses!

Jiraiya- "Damn you Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru- "Shup Up Jiraiya! You can continue later! Now Sasuke-Kun, why are you making a team without my knowledge? What is it for? May I know?"

Sasuke- "A team to hunt Itachi."

Orochimaru- "And is your training complete? You have been training for 2 years and 11 months but is your training complete?"

Sasuke- "It was for after my completion of training. If it got completed early."

Orochimaru- "Hmm fine. But beware Uchiha kid, do not betray me."

There was a threat in his voice.

Sasuke- "Don't you already know me better Orochimaru?"

Orochimaru (with a sly smile)- "That I already know Sasuke-Kun. But I can't really ignore my own teaching about 'not trusting anyone' except yourself."

Sasuke- "Hn."

At the end Sasuke gave a smirk which was noticed by many but fortunately or some can say unfortunately it gone unnoticed by Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Future Kakashi- "You never became a traitor. Your original plan was to use Orochimaru, kill him, then kill Itachi, also kill the Akatsuki members who interfere and then return to Konoha with the news of all that and Orochimaru researches and with a team full of extinct clans."

Adult Sasuke- "Yes. This was the plan until I met Tobi."

Adult Sakura- "Wait! What happen when you met Tobi? Why did I not know?"

Future Kakashi- "She doesn't know?"

Sasuke gave him a look that says 'really?'.

Future Kakashi- "I understand. Sorry, my bad. You should explain to them."

Adult Sasuke looked at her but also looked at his friend's wife and from the looks, it looks like she know.

Adult Sasuke- "You told your wife?"

Adult Naruto- "Yes. But I promise she hasn't told anyone."

Adult Sasuke- "So, is that why she greets me warmly whenever you drag me to your house in past?"

Adult Hinata- "No! Even if I didn't know, I will still treat you the same way because Naruto-Kun trusts you. So I also trusts you."

Future Sakura- "Wait! Why is it that I don't know?"

Future Sasuke- "It's a good thing that you don't know. The less the better. But it look like it will be shown eventually. So you will know eventually."

After some time Naruto spoke.

Adult Naruto- "So that's why your blood was acting like acid against my skin."

Adult Sasuke- "You should be lucky that it didn't get to your eyes."

Jiraiya (with a frown)- "You have to be careful kid."

Naruto got goosebumps imagining what could happen his eyes and nod to answer Jiraiya's answer.

(Done! Enjoy!)