
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Ten Tails!

Scene starts-

[The now reunited Team 7 charges into battle, cutting through the Ten-Tails' army of clones. Because the clones' numbers are too great, Team 7 decides to perform their own summonings so that they can focus on the Ten-Tails itself; Sasuke summons Aoda. Once close enough, Sasuke and Naruto combine efforts into the Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero, successfully damaging the Ten-Tails' arm. Naruto wants to free the captured tailed beasts but Sasuke prefers to let them burn. Tobi (who is revealed to actually be Obito Uchiha) appears above the Ten-Tails shortly afterwards and starts performing a jutsu. Sasuke and the rest of the Allied Shinobi Forces try to stop him, but they fail and Obito becomes the Ten-Tails' jinchuriki.]

Scene pauses.

Kakashi-Minato-Kushina- "OBITO!!?"

Kakashi- "That was YOU! HOW? WHY?"

Obito looked at Kakashi and started removing his mask.

Obito- "Because you couldn't keep your promise."

Kakashi- "You were there!? But that was not-"

Obito- "I know. Rin jumped willingly. But that led me to open my eyes and see the reality of this world. And reality of this world is a... HELL."

Kakashi- "..."

Minato was shocked and couldn't get over it.

Kushina- "You little shit! That was you? Don't you have any shame or respect left? Dattebane!"

Obito- "All that died the day real Obito died. Now all that's left is a Nobody."

Hashirama- "Madara, how did you make him follow you?"

Madara- "Since everything has been revealed now, I will tell the full story. A long ago-"

Madara told them about Divine tree, Kaguya eating the Divine Fruit and birth of Sage of Six Paths.

Madara- "... And that's why I will use the uchiha jutsu- Infinite Tsukuyomi."


Hagoromo- "Well, I have to say, you told quite an interesting story. But remember, half knowledge is always dangerous."

Madara- "Shut up old man. This current world is the outcome of your dream which you couldn't fulfill."

Hashirama (with a sigh)- "There is no point in talking. We will stop you with force."

Madara (while smirking)- "You are welcome to try."

Kakashi and Obito were staring at each other.

Kakashi- "As lord first said. I will save the past Obito by stopping the current Obito."

Obito- "Well then, as Madara said, you'll are welcome to try."

Shisui- (with a smile)- "Look at you, starting a war over a girl. What a simp!"

Obito (with a frown)- "Oh please, if I was a simp, I would have simply find another girl to chase. Ocean has many fishes, waiting to be caught. But as I said, that incident helped me see the reality something which you can't see because you lack these eyes. Shame on the name of uchiha."

Shisui and Obito both stared at each other with narrowed eyes.

Naruto- "Don't worry Kakashi-Sensei. I will stop him and the war."

Kakashi (with an eye smile)- "Sure Naruto. I trust you. We all do."

Sakura (thinking)- "Looks like I am finally able to fight side by side with them without needing any saving."

Tsunade (while putting a hand on Sakura's head and smiling)- "Good Job Sakura. You have finally achieved the Byakugou Seal. I am proud of you."

Tobirama- "Seriously! Uchiha this uchiha that! I am so done with this! Please continue the reaction. I just want to end this and go."

Danzo- "I told you all. Uchihas are evil."

Tsunade-Jiraiya-Hiruzen- "Shut up Danzo!"

Indra- "From the looks of it, father doesn't have any knowledge about real intentions of Black Zetsu."

Ashura- "I know father is genius and all. But even he can't possibly know that."

Indra- "I knew about him."

Ashura widened his eyes after hearing this and asked' "You knew?! When? How?"

Indra- "You know we get the memories of each life. Zetsu told me something else and then told Madara something else. He did the same thing with every one he came across."

Ashura looked at him with dumbfounded look and Indra just shrugged.

Jiraiya- "I think we are forgetting the main thing. We have to fight ten tails jinchuriki!"

The moment they heard him, they all turned pale. How are they going to fight 10 tails jinchuriki? Hokages can handle it? Right?

Orochimaru- "Come on Jiraiya. Did you forgot they have new generation of sanins now and previous hokages helping them?"

Jiraiya- "Oh yeah- Wait! Did you just console me?"

Orochimaru- "No. I was just pointing out the obvious which your stupid brain dismissed."

Jiraiya- "Damn you! Just when I thought you are becoming nice."

Scene starts-

[Sasuke allows the Hokage to attack Obito first, taking advantage of their immortal bodies to test Obito's new abilities. When the first three Hokage are quickly defeated, Sasuke prepares to join in with his Susanoo, but Obito's Truth-Seeking Balls quickly pierce through it and Obito grabs both him and Naruto. The Fourth Hokage rescues them and tries fighting Obito on his own, but he suffers a defeat just like the other Hokage did. After regrouping, Sasuke and Naruto, with assistance from the Fourth and Second Hokage, use another attack on Obito and smile when they succeed in landing a direct hit. Although this attack actually succeeds in hitting Obito, they discover that his new body is impervious to most conventional forms of attack.]

Scene pauses.


Tobirama- "I hate to say it but he might be stronger than big brother."

Many got shocked and started sweating after hearing it.

More stronger than Lord First who is hailed as God of Shinobi?!

Fugaku- "Can't believe it. He broke the Susanoo easily!"

Shikamaru- "Troublesome. At this rate there is nothing much we could do."

Jiraiya- "Ninjutsu didn't work on him. Maybe senjutsu could work?"

Orochimaru- "You are right. Tailed Beasts are mass of nature energy. It could work."

Obito- "What happened Kakashi? I thought you were going to stop me yourself. Why are you sending your students to fight me?"

Naruto- "Shut up! Do not speak to Kakashi Sensei that way! Do you think you can defeat us?!"

Obito- "I know so. The only reason you are alive because we need the nine tails. And the reason Sasuke is alive because I promised Itachi that no harm will come to Sasuke from my side. And I know Kakashi from the time when he thinks following orders are everything. So please, I can talk whatever way I want."

Naruto- "Bastard!"

Sasuke- "Tsk!"

Kakashi- "Obito, we used to be friends."

Obito- "Do not preach friendship to me Kakashi. I gave you my sharingan as an proof of our friendship and the only reason you are alive is because once you used to be my friend. You visit the graves everyday. But you do that to mourn and feel less guilty for your actions. It's one of your coping mechanisms which help you get trough the day. It makes you think you stayed the longest and make you feel good about yourself. But you want to know the truth Kakashi? There is no point is staying after a person has gone in afterlife. You once had the change to make good memories with us but you realized it too late and now staying at the grave won't do anything. You had the chance but you miss it. You are just killing yourself this way. And the person you are mourning for can't always witness your actions because they are in afterlife. I bet you still does this even in future, ask your future self. You are one of the people in a group who deserves the most to experience this genjutsu world. Think about it Kakashi."

Kakashi- "..."

Future Kakashi- "..."

Adult Sasuke (amused)- "Wow! Look at that. Everyone is using Naruto's famous talk no jutsu. And Obito just used it on Kakashi to make him join the other side."

Adult Naruto- "Shut up Sasuke! It's not funny anymore!"

Danzo- "I told you all. Uchihas existence only brings war!"

Shisui-Itachi- Shut up Danzo!

(DONE! Have a great day/night!)