
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Team Hebi

Scene starts-

[Two-and-a-half years after leaving Konoha, Sasuke waits impatiently at one of Orochimaru's hideouts in Kusagakure. When Orochimaru finally returns, Sasuke demands that he resume their training. Before complying, Orochimaru introduces him to Sai, his replacement in Team 7, but Sasuke isn't interested. Sai tries to engage Sasuke by discussing Naruto, prompting Sasuke to knock him over with killing intent. Sai persists, telling Sasuke that Naruto thinks of him as a brother. Sasuke replies he has only one brother whom he will kill. Sai tracks him down later as he rests. When Sasuke demands an explanation for the disturbance, Sai reveals that he wishes to reunite Sasuke with Naruto so as to reestablish the brotherly bond they had. Annoyed, Sasuke attacks him.]

Scene pauses!

Danzo- "What is the meaning of this Sai? You gave me the wrong information. And moreover how could you let yourself feel an emotion and to that 'fear'?"

Shisui- "Don't blame that poor child. Even you feel fear in the gaze of sharingan. Remember?"

Rest were shocked after hearing about a mission to assassinates Sasuke.

Hiruzen (with anger and hidden fear)- "Danzo! How could you!? Did you forgot everything?"

Danzo- "You are no longer Hokage Hiruzen whereas I am still a council member. So I am not obligated to answer you."

3rd Hokage always use his position to shup up Danzo and this was his first time he used his to shup him up. That felt satisfying for him. But it didn't last long.

Tsunade- "But I am Hokage. Answer to me now! How could you pass an order without my consent?"

Danzo- "It was consulted with other elders. We both know the time for the ritual was coming and we couldn't let Orochimaru get an Uchiha body. So I took the decision for welfare of Konoha which was your job. But you were led by emotions for the Jinchuriki to keep the Uchiha traitor alive."

Before Tsunade could respond a very inhuman killing intent was found directed to Danzo.

In one moment Danzo was on ground and in another was found up in the air held by Itachi Uchiha. Itachi's hand was gripping on Danzo's neck and his Mangekyo Sharingan glazing dangerously.

Itachi- "How dare you Danzo! You think I was bluffing!?"

Everyone was shocked by this turn of events including the one who knew the truth except Shisui, Fugaku and Mikoto.

Danzo (with a pale voice)- "You can't do that. Fighting is forbidden here!"

Itachi- "Yes fighting is forbidden here. But I am not going to fight you, I am going to do a one sided ass whopping, one sided beating and murder. Fighting involves both parties but what I am about to do doesn't."

Host- "Well, he found the loophole. So Happy Bad Luck Danzo!"

Now Danzo started to feel fear and his face started showing it. And no one was ready to stop him.

Itachi literally crash him on the ground and the ground cracks with inhuman force. Itachi breaks him left arm and used Tsukuyomi on him, which results in everyone hearing Danzo screams filled with pain and agony. After that he took out a kunai and use Amaterasu on kunai.

Itachi- "Now I will cut you limbs with this!"

At this Shisui stops him.

Shisui- "Ok that's enough Itachi. Sasuke is still alive."

After some voices everything became quiet again and everyone was on their previous places. And Danzo was getting treated by a medic.

Shisui- "Now do you know that fear automatically comes when you are facing sharingan Danzo. So let that poor anbu child alone."

Itachi- "Do not make the same mistake again Danzo. Do not plan against my light. And this warning is also for you 5th Hokage. Keep him in check other next time whole Konoha will pay the price! And ask 3rd Hokage, that threats aren't empty!"

Tsunade could feel her fear but instead of showing that she showed that she was irritated.

Sasuke (with a snort)- "For a second I thought you actually cared. But then your words made it clear that you want the eyes."

Itachi ignored him like usual. And others also thought same as Sasuke for a second.

Tobirama- "Why am I feeling like there is more to it than it seems?"

Madara- "You are not alone. I also think the same."

Hashirama- "I am also noticing something is going on. What about you Lord Fourth?"

Minato- "So you all also noticed. I thought it was only me. And 3rd Hokage also acted different, almost like he was afraid of something."

Kushina (with narrowed eyes)- "Or someone."

All four looked at Kushina.

Kushina- "What? I heard you all and couldn't help but agree. So I also contributed my thoughts Dattebane."

Minato chuckled at this and rest of them just nod.

Scene starts-

[Naruto, Sakura, and Yamato (Kakashi's replacement) are attracted to the site of Sasuke's attack; Sai is unharmed and is prepared to help them bring him back to Konoha. Sasuke reacts with indifference to Sakura and Naruto, chastising the latter for still pursuing him after all these years. Sasuke also goes on to tell Naruto that he couldn't simply break their bond by killing him and he only spared Naruto's life from their first fight on a whim but intends to kill him for real this time. To demonstrate that they mean nothing to him, Sasuke quickly neutralizes them all, his growth under Orochimaru being far greater than any of them expected. Naruto, frustrated by this, struggles to avoid the temptation of using the Nine-Tails. Seeing this, Sasuke enters Naruto's subconscious using his Sharingan and suppresses the Nine-Tails, but not before the beast noted Sasuke's similarity to Madara Uchiha in terms of visual prowess and chakra. He escapes Yamato's attempt to capture him and prepares to kill them all, but is stopped by Orochimaru. Orochimaru points to their recent successes against Akatsuki, the organization that Itachi belongs to, and explains that letting them live may further weaken Akatsuki, thereby making it easier to kill Itachi. Sasuke accepts this reasoning and they leave Team 7 behind.]

Scene ends.

Kakashi- "Difference is too much. Clearly you are all still alive because Sasuke spared you all."

Naruto- "Kakashi-Sensei! Next time I will show him!"

Kakashi- "Now that I see that for myself instead of reading it in a report, I can get an estimate. But still, Yamato, I didn't expect you to perform like that. You let your guard down."

Yamato- "That I did."

Shisui- "And the fact that he didn't use his sharingan to full extent."

Mikoto- "Shisui! Don't be like that."

Madara- "Now that Kyubi mentioned it, our chakra is similar. He and I may share some relationship which goes beyond blood."

Some got shocked and some get scared after hearing it.

Indra- "He is finally catching on."

Future Naruto- "Gah! It's still very embarrassing."

Some laughed at the Hokage behavior.

Jiraiya- "Orochimaru, what was the technique you stopped?"

Orochimaru- "Curious eh? It was a lightening strike like a real lightening made of of chakra."

Team 7 got goosebumps after hearing what was stopped.

Scene starts-

[Orochimaru and others travelled to another hideout. There Sasuke met one of Orochimaru's test subjects, Yukimaru, who was picking white camellias. Having realized this, Kabuto arrived and apologized to Sasuke for the latter interrupting his training. He was later summoned by Orochimaru who decided to test Sasuke's latest abilities by having him fight a thousand opponents. Sasuke easily defeated the group of Otogakure forces in the training match without receiving a scratch and without killing any of his opponents. Orochimaru lectures him about not killing but Sasuke tells him they are not the ones he want to kill. Further Orochimaru tells him that he must learns to be heartless otherwise he will never defeat Itachi. Sasuke dismisses him buy saying that he will be heartless when he faces Itachi.]

Scene pauses!


Shikamaru- "Wait! Wasn't there every opponent contain kekkei genkai and was on Jonin level?"

Orochimaru- "Yes! Good sight Nara."

Shikamaru- "And Sasuke defeated them all without a sweat and without killing them?"

No one answer because they just became the eye witness of proof. And it was not really a question. It was disbelief.

Kakashi (with an eye smile)- "I am glad that you are still the same Sasuke."

Sasuke ignored him.

Tobirama- "I have to say, he improved greatly."

Shisui- "That's my cousin!"

Sasuke looked at his parents. Mikoto gave him an approving look and smile and he saw that his father first time smile at him and gave him a nod. He was shocked for a moment but the next second he fixed him expression.

Host- "From here on future will be shown."

Scene starts-

[Sasuke decides there's nothing else he can learn from Orochimaru. He decides to kill Orochimaru before he goes, finding Orochimaru's pursuit of power for power's sake distastefully similar to Itachi. Because his current host body is in the process of rejecting him anyway, Orochimaru vacates it and attempts to take Sasuke's. Sasuke repels the attack and cuts up his body, but the exposure to fluids in Orochimaru's body paralyses Sasuke, allowing Orochimaru to initiate the Living Corpse Reincarnation. Orochimaru starts imprisoning Sasuke within his own subconscious, but Sasuke reverses the process with Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique, imprisoning Orochimaru in Sasuke's subconscious instead.]

Scene pauses.


Everyone was silent with the turn of events.

Jiraiya- "Hahaha! Take that Bastard! The irony, you killed your Sensei and now your student killed you!"

Orochimaru frown hard and to say he was angry was an understatement.

Kakashi- "This was your real intention, right? Betray Orochimaru, kill Itachi and come back Konoha with the information and a team filled with extinct clan members. That's why you let them be when Orochimaru give the reasoning of getting their help. You didn't take anyone help."

Sasuke (with a smirk)- "Took you long enough to figure out. Looks like people give you more credit for being a genius."

Kakashi- "Or maybe the age is getting to me."

Sasuke (with a scoff)- "Please, look at your future self. You look the same. I am correct about you being overrated."

Naruto (with a wild grin)- "See Pervy Sage, Granny Tsunade; I always told you Sasuke will not betray us!"

Tsunade- "Well well, if that's the case I can make a thing about you being on an S-rank mission after you get back in order to maintain your image."

Hashirama- "See Tobirama, I told you. Uchihas are very loyal."

Tobirama- "It normal to be loyal. He is lucky that Hokage is supporting him."

Hashirama get frustrated after hearing his annoying brother.

Adult Sasuke (with an evil grin)- "These poor things. They don't know what's coming. I am really looking forwards to get their smile wiped out from their faces."

Other future members just sweat dropped at Sasuke's sadist nature being exposed. Guess we learn something new everyday.

Sasuke- "Orochimaru. You are awfully quiet. Can't get in terms with reality."

Orochimaru (with a sly smile)- "Now that you have dealt with me, I am looking forward to see what you will do. And I am just sealed inside you not dead, it may be possible that I can overtake in your moment of weakness."

Some frowned after hearing this.

Sasuke- "We will see about that."

Scene starts-

[Before leaving the base, Sasuke releases Suigetsu Hozuki from the tank he was kept stored in and invites him to join a team he's forming. When Sasuke explains that he's dealt with Orochimaru, Suigetsu tests his abilities to make sure his victory wasn't a fluke and, satisfied, agrees to join him. They travel to another hideout to recruit Karin, and release the prisoners kept there so that she won't have other commitments. Karin refuses to join their team, but claims that she happens to be going in the same direction as they are. They visit another hideout to recruit Jugo, the origin of Orochimaru's cursed seals. As they approach they are confronted by a horde of escaped cursed seal recipients, but easily deal with them all. Although they locate Jugo easily enough in his cell, he is unwilling to go with them, afraid that he'll kill them in a violent rage. When Sasuke demonstrates that he can keep Jugo's rage under control, he agrees to go with them. Sasuke takes the others to Sora-ku to stock up on supplies, after which he explains that their team, called Hebi, has been assembled for the sole reason of finding and killing Itachi.]

Scene pauses.

Jiraiya- "So that curse mark is actually sage chakra mixed with your chakra and your consciousness or soul. Interesting..."

Future Kakashi- "Look at that Sasuke. You are letting the prisoners free. You are really kind hearted."

Adult Sasuke (with a threatening looks)- "Don't push you luck Kakashi. Otherwise I will burn your book."

Future Kakashi (with a fake gasp)- "You wouldn't dare."

Kakashi- "Look at your future self Sasuke. You never change."

Sasuke- "You are also the same pervert."

(Done! Have a Good Day/Night.)