
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs


Kushina (in disbelief): "What? Itachi killed all of you? That sweet, innocent kid. How? Why?"

Mikoto (smiling sadly): "Yes, but it's complicated. I can't really explain."

Naruto: "Hold up! You knew Sasuke's mom?"

Kushina: "Of course! We were best friends. Dattebane!"

Naruto (loudly): "Sasuke, our moms were besties!"

Sasuke: "I heard, stop shouting!"

Naruto: "I'm not shouting! And I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to your future self. He's not rude like you!"

Sasuke: "Tsk!"

Now, let's hit play -

[The scene unfolds with Sasuke in his apartment, a flickering one-tomoe Sharingan. Sasuke whispers, "Everyone is dead. Itachi killed them all. No! I don't believe it. It's just an illusion. It's just a dream." Exhausted, he faints.]

[Days pass, and Sasuke grapples with reality, resolving to avenge his clan by killing Itachi and reviving the Uchiha name.]

Scene end.

"..." "..."

Tobirama: "Whole clan wiped out, just one tomoe. Mediocre talent."

Hashirama: "Can't judge solely on that. Maybe he's low on chakra."

Tobirama: "Then why no activation afterward?"

Hashirama: "Maybe his body couldn't handle it. More power could be detrimental."

Madara: "No. His Sharingan flickered because he refused to accept the loss. To activate it through loss, one must go through all 5 stages of grief. Only when acceptance kicks in does the Sharingan activate. By the time young Sasuke accepted, his body got used to grief and pain, resulting in no Sharingan."

Tobirama: "That's... unexpected."

Madara: "Of course. Why do you think Sharingan is rare among us? Many linger in denial. When one gains Sharingan, it's a sign of completing grief stages and mastering emotions."


Fugaku nods in agreement.

Orochimaru: "Looks like everyday's a school day."

Adult Sakura: "Did you know about this?"

Adult Sasuke: "No. First time hearing it."

They contemplate Sarada and the discussions about her Sharingan.

Orochimaru: "Prepare, Sasuke. We'll attempt awakening your Mangekyo Sharingan post-exit."

Sasuke ignores him.

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru! Ever think beyond power?"

Orochimaru: "No. You tell me, Jiraiya, do you think beyond Tsunade?"


Tsunade grits her teeth at Jiraiya's silence.

Hashirama: "What about her?"

Jiraiya (panicking): "Nothing! Nothing! Look! It's starting again."

Adult Sasuke (angered): "I will kill this snake after this."

Screen starts -

[Sasuke in the academy, rejecting lunch offerings from girls, leaving them scared. Post-academy, he drills the same techniques daily. Years pass, and the day of team selection arrives.]

Screen ends.

Tobirama: "Improved, but not much."

Minato: "Limits without guidance. Met Jiraiya Sensei, realized my potential."

Madara: "Given his potential, academy time was wasted."

Mikoto: "If only we were there."

Hashirama: "Come on, it's not that bad. He made friends."

Hiruzen: "Lord 1st is right. After the incident, Sasuke withdrew from the world. Necessary for him."

Sasuke thinks it's nonsense, a waste of time.

Orochimaru: "Of course, you'll say that. Sasuke's potential wasted. Now he's so strong, he needs no one."

Jiraiya: "Shut up, Orochimaru!"

Adult Naruto: "See how rude you were? Scared every girl, even Hinata!"

Adult Sasuke ignores him, raging at his privacy exposed.

Scene plays -

[Team 7 forms with Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, guided by Jonin Kakashi Hatake. After a prolonged wait, they meet their Jonin-sensei, an opportunity to get acquainted. Kakashi ends, instructing them to be at the training grounds the next day, ninja gear ready, and advises against breakfast.]

[The next day, Kakashi arrives last, four hours behind schedule. He conducts the bell test, explaining the evaluation. Later, the team defies orders not to feed Naruto.]

Scene pause.

Might Guy: "Haha! Seriously Kakashi, Thousand Years of Death."

Kushina (with a forced smile): "Good job Kakashi! Good Job."

Kakashi thinks while sweating, is she threatening him?

Minato: "At least you taught them teamwork's importance."

Adult Kakashi: "Ah, good old memories."

Adult Naruto: "Don't make me remember that. It brings back the pain."

Future Sakura and Future Hinata giggle.

Orochimaru: "Konoha still with the boring bell test. No wonder Genins are weak."

Jiraiya: "Shut up, bastard!"

Madara: "Sasuke Uchiha is good, but not quite a genin."

Hashirama: "It's not our time, Madara. He's a good kid who shares lunch with Naruto. Skill can improve later."

Fugaku (instinctually): "Still not as good as Itachi."

Mikoto elbows him; Sasuke hears it.

Sasuke (angry): "Yes, not as good. I'm not like him. I won't kill my family. I'm glad I'm not him."

Sasuke glares at Itachi, who ignores him.

Mikoto: "Yes, you're not Itachi. You're Sasuke."

Sasuke calms a bit.

Orochimaru: "Sasuke-Kun, control your emotions. They'll hinder strength."

Team 7 and Kakashi just stare at Sasuke.

(Done! And timeline of past is after 1 and Half years after Sasuke started training with Orochimaru.)