
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Introducing the Frame

In the Boruto Universe, a day after the clash with Momoshiki left Naruto immersed in paperwork, Sakura tending to the wounded in the hospital, and Sasuke patrolling the village, an unexpected twist occurred. They found themselves abruptly transported to a vast, otherworldly room.

Naruto: "What the hell? Some kind of genjutsu?"

Sasuke, unsheathing his sword: "No, this isn't a genjutsu."

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun, did you pull us into this?"

Sasuke: "No. I'm as clueless as the rest of you."

Naruto: "Another Otsutsuki attack, maybe?"

Sasuke: "Possibly."

Suddenly, Hinata and Kakashi materialized in the room.

Naruto: "Hinata!"

Sakura: "Kakashi-sensei!"

Sasuke: 'Hn.'

Hinata & Kakashi: "Where the hell are we?"

Host: "Greetings, everyone! Boredom led me to create this spectacle. You're about to witness the lives of Sasuke Uchiha from both this world and another. Hold tight; more characters, including the dead and those from the past, are on their way."

Naruto: "So, our creator summons us to watch Sasuke's lives in two different worlds?"

Sakura: "Should we trust the voice?"

Kakashi: "For now, yes. But keep your guard up."

Hinata: "My Byakugan sees nothing but endless space here."

Naruto: "Alright then. We'll stick around and see what's up with these two Sasukes. Dattebayo!"

Sasuke: "Tsk. If this is true, I don't approve. Invasion of privacy."

Kakashi: "Come on, Sasuke. Don't be so uptight."

Naruto: "Yeah! Or are you scared we'll uncover your deepest secrets or weaknesses?"

Host: "Get ready. Indra and Ashura from your timeline are joining the party."

After Indra and Ashura briefed them, Ashura excitedly chimed in, "So, we're watching the lives of two different reincarnates of Big Brother? Awesome! Can't wait!"

Indra: "Calm down, Ashura. No need to get hyper."

Kakashi (observing them): "Yep! You all are definitely related."

Host: "Heads up, everyone else showing up is from the past."

The Sage of Six Paths appeared, followed by the four Hokages, Konoha 12, their senseis, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, some jonins, and anbu. The entire Akatsuki, Madara, Sasuke, Naruto's parents, Shisui, and others followed suit.

Host: "Alright, everyone. No need to panic. I brought you here. You'll witness the life of the Last Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, from your world and a parallel world. No fighting allowed. Offenders will be stripped and seated naked in front of everyone. Oh, and future versions of Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Hinata are also here."

Hashirama: "Oh-ho! This'll be interesting. Let's see how our little Uchiha grows up."

Tobirama: "Last Uchiha, huh? Seems like the evil clan got what was coming."

Hashirama: "Tobirama, ease up on the hostility."

Madara: "This was bound to happen since the day they betrayed me. Tobirama just uses it as an excuse for his hate."

Hashirama: "Madara, how have you been?"

Madara: "You tell me, Hashirama. Last I checked, you exploited my weakness and stabbed me in the back."

Tsunade: "Grandpa! Is that really you?"

Hashirama: "Tsuna! Glad to see you. You're the 5th Hokage? Good to know the village is still standing."

After the reunions:

Naruto: "After this, Sasuke, you're coming back to the village."

Sasuke ignored him.

Adult Sasuke: "Can't believe I have to witness this 'come back home' drama again."

Adult Naruto nervously laughed.

Mikoto: "I'm glad to witness Sasuke's growth through this."

Host: 'Get ready! It's starting - 3... 2... 1... Start!'

The gold frame glowed, unveiling the life of the original universe Sasuke:

It showed a 7-year-old Sasuke Uchiha on a hospital bed, his eyes lifeless, body trembling.

The Third Hokage appeared suddenly and said, "We've verified everything, Sasuke. It was really Itachi. We've declared him an S-rank rogue ninja. We'll capture him soon."

Sasuke was silent. Hiruzen continued, "I've arranged an apartment for you in the middle of the village. You shouldn't go to the district again. We'll take care of everything. If you need anything, just ask."

Sasuke was relieved. He didn't really want to go there. "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

The movie stopped.

Tobirama: "You handled it well, Hiruzen."

Hiruzen: "No need to praise me, Sensei. It was my duty as Hokage."

Fugaku gritted his teeth, and Mikoto tried to calm him.

Adult Sasuke: "Look at how he manipulates me with his words. How did I not notice it at that time? It was so obvious."

Naruto placed his palm on Sasuke's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

(Done! Please tell me if you like it or not. Have a great Day/Night!)