
Sasuke Uchiha: Distant

I am Sasuke Uchiha... Reincarnation of Indra, Konoha's last Uchiha, Revenger, Pawn, and a Rival to the Child of the prophecy. ...I don't like that. >>>>> Mc is Sasuke. He will be strong. There will be changes: Different ages, Times, Justus, Powers, Loyalties (It will be somewhat the same until shipudden... after that, I will try to change most...maybe)

Aronas · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

I am Sasuke

"Brother!" I yelled. I am scared, I don't understand, why, what, when? Why is this happening? "BROTHER!" I yell out to him once again. "W-why are you doing?! We are fami-!" I screamed more but was cut off. "You lack hate, you lack power. You ask why I did this?" He asked me back with his deep red eyes with 3 tomoe. "I did this because I can." He answered his own question. Suddenly that Sharingan of his started spinning and changing into a form that I am unfamiliar with. Now in replacement of the 3 tomoe stood a Shuriken.

"Tsukuyomi…" Itachi whispered.


I woke up in a dark world.

The sky was red and the ground with its building were black…but I recognized where I was. It was in the middle of the Uchiha compound. Suddenly my breathing sped up and I started hyperventilating 'Wasn't I at home?' I asked myself. Suddenly it hit me, I looked in the direction where my house was and I started running. Opening the front door, I dashed upstairs to my parents' bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, blood splattered on my face and I once again saw those deep red eyes staring at me from the dark. I wanted to yell but I couldn't. A couple of seconds later I was once again in the middle of the Uchiha compound. Out of nowhere an idea accrued to me 'If I run fast enough, I will save them.' I didn't know why I was thinking like this, but those 9 words seemed like my last hope.

This went on for I don't even know how long, every time I ran as fast as I could to save them, but I failed and saw them die 'It's my fault.' I was once again at a start, I didn't waste time and ran, but just like the last time I once again saw my mother's throat be pierced with a blade 'It's my fault.' I again ran, but this time I saw my father, his head on the ground looking at me with those emotionless eyes 'It's my fault.' I ran, and I ran, and I ran…but nothing changed. 'It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault… It's my f-is it? is it my fault? Whose fault is that? Who killed them? Who killed them? Who killed t-Itachi? Itachi did, he did, he did it. It's not my fault, he did it. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?' I asked myself so many questions. Was I at fault? Was it him? Why? Why did this happen?

Before I could think world suddenly went black. But in the end, I still thought up an answer that I liked "It is Itachi's fault. Not mine."


[Real world/Sasuke pov]

It hurt, why does it hurt? Where am I? I lift my head a little. 'Blood.' Again blood. Before I could do anything, I heard something speaking. 'What is it saying?' I try to focus on my hearing but I fail, I want to move my body, but I couldn't, it seems nothing worked, and my body didn't listen to me. But one thing did, my eyes, I saw everything, it was clear, I saw the world, the night, the moon, the grass, the bodie-…The bodies of my classmen, on the ground laying like some piece of trash. Suddenly I felt tired. But I was still curious about the man that was speaking, I turned to that man but he was walking away, but he suddenly stopped and looked back at me. His face was sad, he looked young, he is young, but his eyes… were crying-no. He was crying. Before I fully passed out, I saw him mouthing something along the lines of 'goodbye…' Huh? Goodbye? Why?

Won't we meet again?


The old Hokage was tired, these past few months were not kind to him. But the last week was even more so. The massacre of the Uchiha. That's what people call this tragedy now. It was sad… women and men, old and young, all of them were killed in one night, leaving one boy alive. For the past week, he was asleep, doctors said his mind need to relax, such trauma is hard for a kid that age… To experience what he did is not something even an adult can carry.

Suddenly before him, a person with a bear mask appeared.

"Speak." Says the Hokage.

"The boy has woken up… Physically he is very well. But doctors said that he kept quiet. He complied with the orders given by the doctor. But they are pretty concerned with his mental health." Says the Anbu.

"I see… I will be going to him in a couple of minutes. Dismissed."


I was confused, it was probably because when I woke up, I had memories of two different lives.

In one of my lives, I was Sasuke Uchiha. Youngest son of Fugaku Uchiha, the Uchiha clan head, and a younger brother of the now traitor Itachi Uchiha.

The other life that I lived was now a bit more confusing because apparently, the world that I am currently in is fiction made by a man. In that life, I saw my struggles against the world. How my beliefs were shattered and a new one formed. How I fought and what I achieved. In the end, I saw how I made a friend.

Weird future if I may.

I sigh… In this life I am Sasuke Uchiha. That's who I am. No one else…But there was a problem with that. 'I will need a lot of planning to survive huh?' I think to myself. Thinking of this I look out the window, the sun was shining, birds were chirping… and I was silently very angry.

At who?

Well, my brother of course.

'Itachi…I know the truth about what you did, and for what reasons you destroyed this clan… but I will not accept that. You killed my classmen, my cousins, father, mother… You betrayed everyone that cared about you just for a piece that was solved through violence and blood…this is no piece.

…I was shown to be a Revenger…and I will fulfill this role.'

*Knock knock*

"May I come in?" I heard a voice of an old man. Quickly shutting my Sharingan off, which I didn't know I opened, I relaxed my body up and answer the voice "Yes."

Seconds later, an old man with a white and red cloak walked in. "Hokage-sama." I greet him, still in my bed.

"Hello, Sasuke." He answered me with a calm face. The 3rd Hokage: Hiruzen Sarutobi, Shinobi no Kami and the Professor.

Right now, I was looking at the man that indirectly participated in my clan massacre. Luckily, I didn't show my anger on my face and held the same one I had for a couple of hours now.

"How should I approach this...?" He says to himself quietly, but loud enough for me to hear him. Before he says anything else I cut him. "You don't have to say anything to me Hokage-sama…That night…I know myself what happened and you don't have to explain who is at fault now… If possible, please better tell me what will happen now." I ask him simply with a somewhat indifferent voice.

Seeing me not wanting to make long talk he answered quickly "As of right now you have two options… you can live with another family-"." I will not."."-Or you can live by yourself, you will be given monthly insurance and also a couple of Uchiha personal bank accounts, of course, all the personal items, jutsus, scrolls of the Uchiha will be left for you." He finished his sentence.

"I choose option two… and I have a request," I say. "Yes please, say it." He asks me with a grandfatherly smile 'How can you keep a face like this?'. "I would like a leave from the academy for 1 month. I need to sort out a couple of things."

For some time, he doesn't respond and I became nervous as to what he is going to say, but in the end, he sighs a little and says "Very well, once you leave the hospital, you will have one month off…If you have any more questions, ask me." He says and shushins away.

At this, I raise my eyebrow.

'This world is truly different to leave a child to grieve his parents on his own, even if he doesn't ask for help.'


It's been a week since I woke up in the hospital and in a couple of minutes, I am going to leave this place. This week doctors checked my health every day, trying to milk the Hokage for money because they are treating 'The last Uchiha'. The statement is wrong as there are multiple of us left, two traitors and one experiment besides me.

Anyways, I finally walked out of this place and was greeted by fresh air hitting me. 'Compared to my past life, this is so much better… the air is so clean, nice and light.

Without wasting a second, I started walking back to the Uchiha compound.

After walking for some time, I was met by the gates of the Uchiha compound. Walking past all the ghost houses I appear before my own. Opening the door, I was greeted by a familiar scene that I saw now a thousand times. I go upstairs and walk into my room.

"Everything is the same…Let's not waste time." I say to myself and put my clothes on my bed, I take a pen out of my drawer with a notebook and started writing what I am going to do for the next month, later a year.

'Right now, I should focus on two things. My body and chakra.'

'I am still growing and can't do something extreme, but such things as small weight training and chakra control should be perfect for me now… Plus I need to use up my month, during it I should learn what is needed in the academy, with my Sharingan, memorizing everything should be easy.'

"Maybe I should also check my affinities just in case… During the 4 years till my graduation, I should learn, if my affinities are the same, two fire Justus and two lighting one plus shushin…I would also like to train with the Fuma-shuriken.'

Creating my plan, I finish everything up and walk toward the bathroom.

A couple of seconds later two red eyes with 2 tomoe were before me in the bathroom mirror. "I should keep them open to get used to them… But it will be way too obvious for the anbu not to notice it… If that old fuck (Danzo) will find out I have my Sharingan already, Orochimaru will know too…Fuck." I say to myself. "I guess I will only keep it open during studying and when there are none anbu around me…note yourself- learn sensing."

'Fuck it, I have enough anbu around myself for Orochimaru not to make a move. Plus, he probably didn't meet Itachi yet.'


It's been one week since my training started. Before the incident, Sasuke already had pretty good chakra control, because of his everyday practice of the leaf exercise. After I started doing tree walking, I notices that unlike the future me, who took it one day to master it, I will need a little more time, my chakra control is good, but the reserves aren't, by using my chakra up to the max, I hope to larger my limits of it.

If it goes on like this, I will master tree walking in another week or so.

After every training session, I study. History and jutsus/chakra. I have some ideas of jutsus that I want to have/create, and for it, I will need some medical knowledge. But that is still for the future.

In one week, it seems I didn't do anything special, but I could already see the progress that wasn't made before.

Just like planned I also started training sensing by meditating and trying to expand my chakra and sense others. During my meditation session, I felt multiple chakra signatures around me. 'Probably Anbu.' I thought. 'I wonder if they know about my Sharingan now, anbu has some Hyuga member in it, and with their byakugan, it shouldn't be hard to notice that I am sending chakra into my eyes.' I think.


Week two was almost the same as the last one, I mastered tree walking, and now I can run up and down, around it with no problem.

During that time I checked my affinities and it was the same as from the show. My fire affinity was ok, but the lighting was much stronger. I researched jutsu that are in the clan's inventory and copied some of them, but I still didn't use them. But I think I will learn one of them. [Shushin] Or better known as Body Flicker Technique.

It is a high-speed movement technique. By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds (A/N: I copied this part from sites).

The Jutsu is amazing, and I will try to master it to the level of Shisui. Even though the Jutsu is barely on the level of C-rank it could be to the level of at least A-rank in the right hands, like Shisui. His speed was something else, to the point of leaving after images, leaving the enemies confused.

"Tomorrow will be the start of the 3rd week, I will put most of my time into that Jutsu while also focusing on taijutsu…Even if I want to start with kenjutsu I should first master the basics of one thing before moving to another." I decide and move to my home after a long tiring day of training. It was evening already, I needed to relax a bit.


It is the last day of my training. I have been training the Body Flicker Technique every day, multiple times I ran due to high speeds straight into a tree, and sometimes I swear I heard someone chuckling 'Damn Anbu.'

But in the last two weeks, I got better, I got used to the high speed at the start, and now I can go around me about 70 meters away (~228 feet). With my Sharingan, I stopped my studies about the history and focused on biology and medical books. Even if it seems stupid, medical Jutsu can change a lot on a battlefield. I also need to know some medical knowledge to create one technique that I think could reach the strength of the S-rank. "I should try to get Tsunade's super strength, or whatever it is called technique… But for that I need to become her discipline, even if it sounds good, being the student of the Sannin, our careers don't align. She is a medic-nin, I am not…I could probably recreate it through trial and error, I already have an idea of how it works from the series…I just need some practice."

Also, during this time, I found a Hawk summoning contract and signed it, but besides that, nothing special happened.


2615 words

This will not be updated often

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Aronascreators' thoughts