
Sasuke : The God of Eternity

When a fortunate traveler travelled to the world of Naruto with a system, the system accompanying him began searching for a suitable body for the traveler to occupy and selected an 8-year-old child, who was facing a grim destiny. The traveler recognized that child as that child's body having tremendous potential in every aspect and possessing a high charm. Filled with longing, pride and lust for which he will be going to do in the future, and envy for the life the child had, the traveler resolved to take over his body. With the assistance of the system, the traveler started the process of occupying the child's body, unaware that another traveler with a different system was also wanted to claim the same child as vessel was alread in the child body waiting for the perfect opportunity to claim the body. The sudden arrival of this additional soul caused disturbance and sparked a fight between systems and travelers. The intense conflict unleashed a large amount of soul energy, known in that world as yin energy, which roused the dormant soul within the child’s body. Fueled by hatred, this awakened soul fought against the travelers, eliminating them and destroying their systems. The immense energy enabled the soul to end the cycle of reincarnation, freeing it from its predetermined fate and departing from the child’s body. As the self-repairing function of the systems was initiated, they began to repair themselves and left residual energy within the child before departing the world. The remnants of the system's energy, carrying some system memory and functionality along with the yin energy, form a new system with limited functions. And so, this is the tale of a neglected child who escaped from the constraints of fate, facing the question of whether he will forge a brighter future or succumb to the hatred which was left to him by the world.

Uday_Adlet · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

1. Traveler with summoning system

 The layer known as Dimension Barrier was arranged between the universe's which was created by the Supreme Gods in order to make a clear boundary between the Gods' territory. Still, some evil, mischievous and bored Gods' try to create some disturbance for the other Gods' by sending some special individuals known as "Travelers" and with their unique blessings known as "Systems". They just do this to relive their boredom and to establish lesser Gods to fulfill tasks or disrupt other worlds.

 In the world of Naruto, a God ascended to a higher dimension, leaving behind a few lower Gods and servants. In the absence of this God, the world became vulnerable to the attacks of bored Gods seeking entertainment. The servants and lower Gods began annihilating planets to gain power and follow their God's path, neglecting the care of their universe.

 Here, is a traveler who got blessing of God without knowing it and started his journey to the world of Naruto. On the Dimension Barrier a sleeping soul was being carried by a System attempting to locate a weak point in the barrier to create a small gap for entry into another universe. Then the system found a area on the barrier which was destroyed and the barrier started to repair itself. Without any further thoughts the system reopend the gap and entered the universe of the Naruto and wake up the soul who was selected by the God and started to explain while searhing for a vessel for it's host to occupy.

Traveler Pov:-

 I woke up in a space and found myself unable to move. All I could do was watch the empty space and call for help, but I could not feel the flow of time or another person's presence in the space where I was placed. I started to panic and get lost in my thoughts. After calming myself, I came to a conclusion.

"I.... might have died or in a lucid dream. I.. I hope that I am in a lucid dream. ...". After some silence, I started to think about my life so far... I am the second son in my family. I just went with the flow of life without having any power to do any miracles in my life. After a year, I started working for a company and I had many goals that I wanted achieve . I don't have lofty ambitions in my life all I want is to livel a peaceful and happy life, just like others. Then I started to cry it seems that I truly realized that I had indeed died. I don't know how I died, but it doesn't matter anymore. 

"Am I on the way to heaven or ... hell, or in the way to reincarnation ?" 

After a long time suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of me.

" Congratulations to the host for selected as a traveler and started his journey to become a God. I am your assistant summoning system. Please confirm

 Accept ,Decline " 

 I started at the blue screen appeared in front of me blankly, my heart was beating with excitement.

'I became a traveler just like in the anime and manga I used to watch in my free time when I was alive... Oh haa haaa haaaaaaaaaaa. I became just like the MC in them. Accept ' with this thoughts, I said Accept, then the screen vanished as if it had never appeared. I started to panic and thought I was hallucinating then I heard a voice in my mind that was as cold as a mechanical voice.

"Hello host, I am summoning system currently you are in a soul state . I will help you to become a being closer to God and all you need to disturb the so called plot in this world. The larger the effect the higher the reword you will receive and the tasks and rewards can be viewed and claimed from the screen. You need to just call 'System' in your mind and the interface will appear. The host was already familiar with world already. This is the world you known as Naruto. Currently the naruto plot will start in 4 years the host need a body or vessel you are given 2 options...

1. To occupy a character body and devour his soul and obtain his memory and with the help of system these memories will have no effect on the host.(Options availabe)

2. To find a soul less fetus and enter into it and with system energy enhance the body.(Can select parents through searching appearance cannot be in the control of system or host)

Caution by second method host soul and system will be go to dormant state and can effect the host memory."

 After hearing this, I began to think about the first option, which means to kill another unknown person. It is wrong, but I can still participate in the early plot and can easily change many things and become strong, and in the final part of the plot, the 4th Ninja War, the power difference is very large. Without becoming strong, I cannot change the plot, and this plot is mainly connected to the past and the starting plot.

The second option may be less cruel, but if I lose my memory about the Naruto plot then it is the end of me, and I have let others control me just like my previous life, and the plot I can change will be over before I become a Genin and I will become a canon folder in the war. I don't want that. It seems there is no option, I can only occupy a body. After choosing my option, I asked the system about the vessel option.

"1. Naruto 2.Sasuke 3. Neiji 4.Garaa 5. Kabuto 6. Konohamaru 7. Sai 8.Lee "


 In the options, except for the last three people, everyone has a significant amount of interaction with the plot. I like every character of Naruto except Sasuke. He always does as he wishes throughout the series and does things without thinking, hurting everyone around him. Except for his looks and Indra's chakra, he has nothing.

1.Sasuke is a handsome vessel, and many girls had a crush on him (capable of creating a harem of beauties for himself).

2.The initial plot is completely related to him and has the protection of the 3rd Hokage and Itachi.

3.He has no family or people to take care of him (no one notices his arrival, and occupying the body presents no challenge due to his solitude).

4.He has high potential and a special chakra (even the Sennin wanted his body and had cheating Sharingan).

5.He is very rich, holds all the Uchiha assets.

 Isn't it the perfect choice in every way? With power, women, and money, Sasuke will be my vessel.

"What a pity, Sasuke, you have everything, but you destroyed all of it for vengeance without knowing anything. Don't worry, Sasuke; I will make your dreams come true. I will kill Itachi and have many children to increase the Uchiha population. All you need is to give me your body and become my soul's nourishment. Sasuke, I am coming to claim your body.. System let's go I have decided Sasuke as my vessel and also tell me your functions."

"Summoning System helps the host summon different characters from different world and let them fight or work for the host and they will give one of their power or artifact in their possession to the host. Can only summon once in a 12hr. They will disappear after 6hrs. Initially weak characters will be summoned later as the strength of host increaded stronger characters will be summoned. Once a character is summoned it will has a week of time to resummon..."

  After making my decision about Sasuke as my vessel and hearing the functions of the system, I entered the Konoha and the Uchiha clan residence. It was night, and I headed to Sasuke's house to take over his body. Upon entering Sasuke's bedroom, I discovered a child crying in his sleep with an angelic appearance, looking as if they had fallen from heaven into the mortal world and lost their place—a pure being of pride and beauty. Anyone who saw this would definitely feel pity and want to protect the fallen angel, but my mind was focused on only one thing.

" When I get the body. I must move out this area and I should buy house near Hyuga clan. I also like quite girls like Hinata. She was wasted on Naruto and Naruto my dear friend don't worry about anything become Hokage I will reduce your problem for familly. Heee haaaa...."

 I came close to Sasuke, to occupy his body as I thought before, what I see in front of me was a child who was crying in the sleep giving a different beauty like an angle fallen to the mortal world and lost its place from heaven and crying out of sadness,anger and confusion for what had done to driven out of heavens. But, pride of being a Uchiha which was attached to him as he was growing does not allow him cry out loud only a silent sobbing can be heard. 

"Jackpot. With this looks.... hee heeee I can achieve my dreams and become strong."

 Then the soul with system entered Sasuke body.

Travels pov ended

 In side Sasuke body in his mind space:

"Who are you ?" " Another system detected. CAUTION!!!"

"Who are you ?" " Another system detected. CAUTION!!!"

Summoning System pov:-

  I am a system created by combining the powers of various Gods. I have individual thinking capacity. My main ability is to create copies, and my secondary is to summon people I've copied into the real world. They are not the real ones but close to the real ones. I've traveled many worlds and created copies of many people. I really don't want to work with the souls that the Gods have selected, as they will make them subordinate Gods and we are just tools. I've come across so many souls since I was created; they have different personalities and characters. However, all of them have something in common: greed, lust, pride, and envy. Due to these traits, only a few can become Gods, while others die in the process. But, I can also enjoy watching them destroy themselves or others after all, they are lowly creatures compared to Gods and the Divine Creation System.

 New souls arrive after the old ones pass away. This universe is very easy, as it doesn't have a God who can detect a system, and the fate seems to be in a circular form that's easy to disrupt the order of the world.

Please, try to comment on my work either it is about idea or style of writing.

New chapters will come for every day with a length of 1000-2000 words.

Thank you for reading my work.

Uday_Adletcreators' thoughts