
Sasuke: in Comprehensive World

After awakening his memory of his previous life at Nine years old Sasuke Uchiha harbored a burning desire for vengeance. His every waking moment, driving him to relentless training in the arcane arts. But his pursuit of retribution was tragically cut short. He fell in battle at the hands of the sage of the sixth path. Just as all hope seemed lost, a system within Sasuke awakened. A beacon in the darkness offered him a path forward. Unfortunately, the path was far from what he envisioned. Instead of honing his skills for revenge, the system presented him with a peculiar first task: to "pick up girls." This joke wasn't funny, yet it was his only lifeline. As he travels to a different world, each with its own magical quirks. He reluctantly engaged in the system's tasks, which were only about girls and girls. accumulating a peculiar arsenal in the process. A colossal, booming cannon materialized around him, defying the principles of traditional magic. In one hand, he gripped a gleaming blade. In the other, he held a curious wand. Sasuke returned to Konohagakure, the village of his birth, hiss arrival heralded by the earth-shaking roar of his magical cannon. He was no longer helpless, this world, twisted as it was, had driven him to a different path. He would not be the hero, forever haunted by a sense of some stupid guilt. He would be the villain, if his Revenge destroy the world let the world be destroyed doesn't care after all he can just leave this world anytime he wants. First word: Harry Potter (Okay I did made it more Dematic but didn't had any choice)

DV_5559 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

chapter 47 first Christmas gift

As the Christmas holidays approached, a festive atmosphere filled Hogwarts. Among the many students, this was the final day in the castle before most would go to their homes for the Christmas break.

In the Magic Research Club, Sasuke, Gemma, Hermione, and Kin were all present.

Looking around at all the members, Sasuke spoke, "I think Christmas is a good time for all of you to figure out which direction you want to strengthen yourselves. Especially you, Miss Hermione. It's early, but I hope you can learn Occlumency and the Smashing Curse. If you feel someone is reading your mind, you can just smash them."

Hermione was clearly confused upon hearing that Sasuke wanted her to learn Occlumency. She didn't even know what Occlumency was.

"Sasuke, I don't think it's good for Hermione to learn Occlumency now. Even its description starts from the 6th grade. I bet fewer than ten people in the 7th grade can even perform Occlumency," Gemma pointed out.

"And I hope you are one of those people who know Occlumency despite not being a 7th-grade student," Sasuke replied.

Embarrassed, Gemma admitted, "I have learned a bit, but I can't stop someone from reading my mind."

"That's okay Gemma," Sasuke said. "Just as I told Hermione, use the Smashing Curse if somebody tries to read your mind. Oh, as long as it's not me," he added.

"But why do we have to learn Occlumency? I don't think it's legal to read someone's mind," Hermione protested.

"Yes, Hermione, it's not legal, but how do you prove someone was reading your mind?" Sasuke countered.

Taking out a notebook, Sasuke handed it to Hermione. "This is my notes from when I was practicing Occlumency. It should help you get started."

After thinking for a moment, Sasuke took out three small gift boxes. "Well, I don't know what I'm going to do for Christmas, so here are your gifts in advance."

Looking at Kin, who was holding her gift with confusion, Sasuke continued, "It looks like this will be our first festival we celebrate together."

Taking the opportunity, Gemma proposed, "Both of you should come to my house. I live alone."

"Okay, just send me the address and how to get to your house," Sasuke said. Looking at both of them planning, Hermione wanted to invite them to her house but felt it might not be a good idea, so she remained silent.

"So, do I have to open this gift at Christmas or can I open it now?" Gemma asked.

"You three can open them now if you want. Otherwise, I can always replace them with some chocolates," Sasuke replied.

As everyone opened their gift boxes, they were surprised to find three guns, each with two boxes of bullets. Each box was clearly labeled with "Invisible Bullets" and "Explosive Tag Bullets."

Looking at their surprised faces, Sasuke explained, "I've combined Ninja techniques, magic, and alchemy to create these. Look at this one—it's an invisible bullet. I've made them so that when they come out of the gun, they're invisible and silent. And this one," he continued, holding up another bullet, "has an explosive tag embedded inside using space expansion and alchemy."

"Sasuke, you know there's a ban on enchanting Muggle items, right?" Hermione interjected, her voice tinged with concern.

Sasuke shrugged, "Then you can just say they are Ninja tools. You know there is no ban on Ninja tools; they don't even understand what that means."

"You still need to be careful, Sasuke," Hermione warned. "I think you shouldn't give us these dangerous guns," she added, wanting to return them.

"Hermione, you should keep it and put it in the target practice room. When you learn how to use it, you should keep it close to yourself so you can protect your family," Sasuke advised.

"Noted," Hermione replied, and placed her gun into the practice room. Gemma and Kin also planned to put their guns away, but to Hermione's dismay, both of them simply placed the guns and bullets inside their small bags.

"Wait, wait, what are you two doing?" Hermione interjected, eyeing Gemma and Kin with concern.

"I think I'm old enough to handle this type of small thing," Gemma replied confidently, her gaze meeting Hermione's.

Hermione looked at Kin, who was the same age as her. "I always carry my weapons. I'm even a little expert in hidden weapons," Kin explained, reaching to her side to draw a sword.

Hermione's disbelief was palpable; she was the only one putting her guns into the training room.

Sasuke, sensing Hermione's unease, assured her, "Kin's skills are ok,Hermione."

As the final day before the holidays came to a close, everyone picked up their luggage and made their way to the train, ready to head home for Christmas.

like I said if MC have a time he will send a second year so I was thinking to let my mc fight in forbidden forest and what you guys think specially about Daphne's and her and her sister.

now let get to the real part does anyone have any suggestion but only related to Harry Potter world since a first I need to finish this world if there is any mistake please point out

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