
Sasuke: in Comprehensive World

After awakening his memory of his previous life at Nine years old Sasuke Uchiha harbored a burning desire for vengeance. His every waking moment, driving him to relentless training in the arcane arts. But his pursuit of retribution was tragically cut short. He fell in battle at the hands of the sage of the sixth path. Just as all hope seemed lost, a system within Sasuke awakened. A beacon in the darkness offered him a path forward. Unfortunately, the path was far from what he envisioned. Instead of honing his skills for revenge, the system presented him with a peculiar first task: to "pick up girls." This joke wasn't funny, yet it was his only lifeline. As he travels to a different world, each with its own magical quirks. He reluctantly engaged in the system's tasks, which were only about girls and girls. accumulating a peculiar arsenal in the process. A colossal, booming cannon materialized around him, defying the principles of traditional magic. In one hand, he gripped a gleaming blade. In the other, he held a curious wand. Sasuke returned to Konohagakure, the village of his birth, hiss arrival heralded by the earth-shaking roar of his magical cannon. He was no longer helpless, this world, twisted as it was, had driven him to a different path. He would not be the hero, forever haunted by a sense of some stupid guilt. He would be the villain, if his Revenge destroy the world let the world be destroyed doesn't care after all he can just leave this world anytime he wants. First word: Harry Potter (Okay I did made it more Dematic but didn't had any choice)

DV_5559 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

chapter 16: noisy Neighbour part two

Observing Kin's rigorous training session, I couldn't help but take in the extent of the devastation around me. As the entire first floor lay in shambles, the result of training kin inside a house was that he wasn't worried knowing the kitchen, bedroom, and washroom remained untouched. In a worst-case

he could just live inside the system.

As he opened the status window, Sasuke could see a new mission, he had just received a few days ago.

[ Ding: mission Increase Kin to level 20 based on Ninja world. Mission reward: 2 full sets of equipment ]

He was cleared it was based on Naruto's world, not on a world level, since his world level is 12-based and just level 12 couldn't think how to train her for level 20.

if it is based on Naruto world, he had around level 20, even so, he doesn't think without any bloodline he could push Kin lv to lv 20, However, the system states that if he can train her and purchase some exclusive skills for her level, she should be able to reach 20.

As he was thinking about his mission, he could hear His house doorbell.

Upon pausing his training, he opened the door to find Mrs. Granger and her daughter, Hermione, standing before him. He instantly recognized them, a feat made possible by memories he had acquired upon entering this world.

The system naturally did not provide him with information about every neighbor, as not everyone has a daughter like Hermione.

Looking at little Hermione. he has to say She just looks okay but he couldn't expect 11 years to look good.

As the thought crossed his mind, he was perplexed as to why her beauty mattered to him.

"Um, hello," Mrs. Granger began, her voice Gentle as possible. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're your neighbors from next door. I'm Mrs. Granger, and this is my daughter, Hermione."

Hello, I'm Sasuke Uchiha, and this is Kin. He paused, realizing he didn't know her surname.

Kin also realized this when she took a quick glance at Sasuke. To avoid any confusion, she confidently introduced herself by saying, "My surname is Tsuch, Kin Tsuch."

you look so similar I thought you were brother and sister.

Hearing Mrs. Granger Both of them remain silent.

Mrs. Granger glanced around at the wreckage and asked, ''Could you explain to me what you are doing?''

Looking at Miss Grainger Sasuke, Mrs. Granger, after a short pause, ''I'm teaching her self-defense!'' This was the excuse Sasuke came up with.

Mrs. Granger, though taken aback, recognizes the children's need for self-defense while living alone. Nevertheless, she feels compelled to caution them about their excessive noise, gently suggesting, "Could you please keep it down?"

As Sasuke was about to refuse, we received a notification which only he could see, [ Ding: System mission: Spend one hour for next 5 days with Hermione Granger mission reward: new bloodline]

Observing the new system, ''I will try,'' Sasuke replied, his voice tinged with disappointment, for he had been enjoying training Kin. There will be opportunities in the future.

Seeing Sasuke's disappointed expression, Mrs. Granger invited him for lunch.

Sasuke nodding in agreement since he also needed to complete the mission he just got.

Mrs Granger Told him They should come to their house and play with Hermione.

Originally hearing her mother, Hermione wanted to refuse but looking at her mother's expression, she didn't say anything.

as Mrs. Granger And her daughter left Sasuke's house and closed the door.

Looking at their sweat, both of them decided to clean themselves before going to Granger's house.

(Hello, to avoid any confusion, I want to explain what level and World level are. There are 2 different types of world levels, In most of the world, what is your level, The normal level is just a level Well, it will become clear when he goes back but I just wanted to inform you )

well I written down the chapter yesterday then I didn't post, I thought tomorrow I should re check and as I thought the chapter head some leftover mistakes which I fixed but it' still not that's smooth if there is a God of author please help me

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