
Chapter 2 - Beneath the Surface


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After we were just saved by the hero Lock Rock, we thanked him as he took off with the captured villain. We got to the hospital and the doctor did a scan on Yuta and behold his health was so much pretty okay since he wasn't hurt anywhere from the house incident nor the villain incident on the way here.

I called Yuta's school informing the principal about the incident that occurred and that he won't be coming to school for the rest of the week, which he agreed to as we drove back home. We got back home and I simply made some noodles and we both ate to our limit. Yuta went back upstairs to his room to get some rest as I approached the living room to watch the news.

—-----------POV YUTA—------

Mom called school informing them I won't be coming until the upper week Monday which I find exciting and took a hold of the chance and opportunity to learn some few things about my quirk. I went ahead and took my bath first and wore just my boxers and sat on top of my bed as I crossed my legs and closed my eyes and began concentrating.

 After some time I felt something in my hands pop out and quickly opened my eyes only to find a small piece of sand in my palms. I then rushed outside the house and scooped a little sand in my school bag and brought it upstairs to my room. I poured the scooped sand on the floor and began thinking of ways of shaping the sand into different forms. I finally came to the conclusion of reshaping the formless sand to a circular shape.

I drank a bit of water to keep me hydrated, then closed my eyes as I imagined the shape of the sand in my head for some minutes and focus my hands pointed to the formless sand on the floor and fortunately the sand started floating mid air which I saw when my eyes opened, due to lack of concentration and focus, the sand flared up and fell down to the floor. 

I stood up again, picked my towel and cleaned off the sweats streaming down my face. I sat down on the floor again and started focusing all my senses into shaping the sand and behold the sand gathered together and started floating mid air again and I pictured a circle shape in my head as the sand began to form a circular shape.

"Yuta! I'll be out for an errand due to an emergency at work. I won't be back any moment from now. I've prepared some amazing snacks and packaged them inside the refrigerator, so whenever you're hungry you're free to eat as much as you can." Mom exclaimed as she exited the house and drove off.


Seeing her drive off, He exited the house and approached the backyard filled with sand and other fun equipment. He sat down in the sand while crossing both legs and started concentrating, thinking of manipulating the sand around his surroundings. Sitting quietly on the sand, He closed his eyes and took slow, deep breaths. 

With his mind clear and focused, Yuta tried to move the sand according to his visualization plan. He gently waved his hands over the sands, concentrating on the shape he wanted to create. At first, the result was modest, but with each attempt, he refined his technique and improved his control.

To enhance his control, Yuta started using simple commands to raise up the sand at will and it helped him direct his focus and achieve more precise results.

After each attempt, he would take a moment to reflect on what worked and what didn't and so on.

He was positive to help himself refine his quirk and build up confidence. He began to focus more and more and after some serious attempt, which let him raise up the sand at will and doing so, he reshaped the sand into different kinds and was able to control his quirk which got him more fired up.

He then advanced to the next step by forming sand into smaller particles and tried shooting them. He managed to form the sand into his preferred object size, and advanced to shoot it towards his target and boom, suddenly the sand flared up without moving an inch mid-air, his eyes widened in surprise and tried doing it again and the same procedure repeated.

'C'mon me. I've almost got it.' He thought, regained his focus and meditation, he slowly raised his hands and the sand arose up to his command and refined into a bullet shaped size. Kindly taking a very deep and calm breath once more, he focused his concentration on the bullet shaped size and started picturing the sand moving slowly. The bullet shaped size moves at the pace of a snail before flare up mid-air. 

He stood up at his current spot from the backyard and went inside the house to grab his meal and cleaned up the sweats streaming down all over his body and flashily went back to base. 

Getting there he took his stance and meditated deep in within his inner self and brought forth his hands towards the sand, the sand yield his command and arose from the ground forming different types of smaller shapes as he pictured the sand in his mind, the shaped object formed with the sand fired straight with a low minimum speed before the outburst of the sand occured.


"Hell yeah! I did it! I'm finally able to grasp a hold of my quirk." I exclaimed when I stood up and went back into the house and took my bath, after that, I got myself hydrated and went straight ahead to the living room and sat on the couch and turned on the TV and started watching the news. 

While focused on the TV for about 15 minutes, mom came back home as I rushed and gave her a hug.

"Welcome back home mom." Said, still clinging to mom.

"I'm back home sweetie! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing pretty good mom! Thanks for asking." 

I helped mom carry her luggages to her bedroom upstairs and hurried back to the living room and located the nearest couch to me and sat. Mom came downstairs and went to the kitchen to prepare miso soup for dinner as we ate while exchanging some words and said my usual 'thanks for the meal' and went upstairs to my bedroom and changed into my pajama and slept off.

It was now the following week tuesday, I got up from bed early as usual and did my morning routine and went to school. The day went by very fast and likely nothing much happened in school. Mom came by and picked me up from school.

I took my bath and ate lunch as I headed back to my room and continued spending more time training my quirk. I was finally able to produce and control sand at will but wasn't able to produce a larger portion of sand at once but gradually made enough progress daily.

I became more attracted to my daily solo quirk training as I began to understand how my quirk works gradually and saw much room for improvement as time moved on. I began reading a lot of books concerning sand and experimented on a lot of research to learn some techniques..


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