
What is Shu?

"Shu, you mustn't get angry"

Was all Shu remembered as he quickly woke up from a dream full of nothing but darkness, his eyes were wide open while sweat ran down the sides of his face

"Wha-what the hell"

Whispered Shu as he held his face with his right him, he remembered nothing but was afraid of something for whatever reason

"That voice...was it grandpa?"

He asked himself as he began to breathe heavily, memories of blood, rage, and well, disasters reigned over his mind as his pupils began to widen, while his grandfather's voice kept echoing on his head

"Stop...ugh, it hurts"

Begged the kid as the whispers multiplied, getting louder and louder, and all of a sudden everything went black, nothing could be seen, nothing at all, that was of course until a small bright blue light began to shine, out of that light Shu's body was formed, he was standing there, alone

"What the hell is this?"

Shu asked himself while floating around the space, seeing nothing but darkness, until his body began to shine brighter, beginning to push away the darkness that covered his body, eventually turning the big space white

"Hello, hello"

Was the only thing Shu heard, as a black light began to shine in front of him, as the light began to recreate Shu's figure.

Even though they looked alike, there were obvious differences, Shu's hair was a bright white, while the entirety of his body was blue, whereas the new figure, had dark purple hair with a dark-colored figure

"Who are you, why do you look like me?"

She questioned while moving in closer to the new being

"Hmm, why do I look like you?. That's funny, and here I thought that was my line"

Said the figure while crossing his arms together, as Shu looked at him confused

"But I think I've got an idea as to who you are"

Added the figure as it smiled at Shu, which made Shu back up a bit

"You're Shu aren't you? Yes, you must be. You sound just like me and look like me, ever since I was brought to existence via my birth, everything went dark, though, I was still able to hear everything, I often questioned if I was being punished, and it turns out, I was stuck, and you wanna know who's at fault for that?"

Questioned the figure while it flew around Shu slowly, as Shu himself simply kept his eyes on him

"It was your fault, Shu. Turns out, we're the same person, the same individual, you're probably confused as to what is happening right now. So I'll narrate for you. Long, long ago, a demon decided to betray her master, that demon then left the place she was born in, she was very very aggressive, she ran on anger after all. This demon was found by a human, this human fought the demon, but the human turned out to be stronger, so he defeated the demon and decided to be merciful by letting her live, skip a few years forward and both the human and the demon began to like each other eventually falling in love, skip a few hundred years later and both the human and the demon had a child, I'm assuming you know where this is headed. Well, that child was us, Shu, we're the same person, turns out that this body is more human-compatible so it chose you as its pilot and because I turned out to be the demon half I was locked away by your energy core, which kept me silent for almost 15 years, now if you don't mind hand over the body, it's my turn to pilot it"

Said the boy while looking at Shu with a small smirk as he stretched his hand forward, tilting his head as he waited for Shu to grab his hand

"No. It's my body, and why would I give it to you? I have goals to achieve, so shut up and tell me how to get out of here"

Shu replied , with not the slightest interest in handing over his body to this unknown guy , causing the figure's eyes to twitch in disbelief

"What? But you had the body for 15 years, why can't I take over it?. This isn't how it's supposed to go, I'm supposed to take over once a condition is met, that is how a contract between two personalities works, we agreed to switch every 15 years, that was our contract...don't you remember?"

Questioned the figure as his voice began to rise throughout every sentence, making Shu raise an eyebrow, looking at him with confusion

"Deal?. Agreement?. When have we ever talked?"

Questioned the kid while looking at the figure, who looked as if he was being betrayed

"But you..you promised, back when we were born, you said you were going to give me access to your body every 15 years for 15 years"

Added the figure to his argument, but before the two could continue, the figure of a western dragon formed behind Shu, via a blue smoke that came out of Shu himself

"You, it was you, what is this!?, huh!?!, you promised me, you swore upon your existence!"

Shouted the figure while the dragon stared at it for a few seconds before swinging its wings down, flying upwards as it stood there

"Those rules don't apply to me, they never have, I've simply lied to keep you locked up in here, but it turns out you broke out of the seal, it was to be expected of course as the prison was only meant to keep you concealed for 15 years. No matter, I shall simply seal you back up again"

Said the dragon as the light that surrounded the space began to close in into the figure, as it began to yell

"You fucking bastard!, I'll kill you, I'll fucking kill you!!"

But before the figure could continue to curse the dragon it was put to silence by the light, which successfully made the figure disappear

"So, that was another me?, then, what are you supposed to be?"

Shu questioned while looking up at the dragon with a calm expression, for some reason he didn't feel anything for the figure that had been unreasonably locked up

"I can not answer that. At least not yet. Anyway, it should be time for you to wake up"

Thee dragon replied while flying towards Shu at an insane speed crashing against him as Shu all of a sudden woke up, breathing heavily as he held his chest tightly

"What the hell kind of dream was that?.."

He asked himself while looking at the wooden floor of his shack with sweat all over his face

"Huff, I guess it's morning already"

Shu whispered to himself while standing up slowly, changing into his clothes, heading out to hunt.