

" Now that I'm alone and with no energy at that, I must take advantage of the skills grandpa taught me "

Shu said to himself as he looked over at his castle, or what was left of it, from a tree far away

" Although he didn't deliberately teach me surviving skills, I was able to use what he taught me to survive when I was alone for seven years, so they should be able to come in handy now "

The man then jumped out off the tree, landing on the ground with silence and grace before quickly running toward another tree, and then another, till he got close enough to just run over to his castle

" Since I no longer have sanctuary energy, I'll need a weapon "

The man then jumped into the crumbled castle, lowering his head a little as he began to look around, trying to find that which could happen if he got into a fight

" The smithy I had my workers build for Bjorn should have some weapons "

Shu would then move a few rocks aside, pushing destroyed concrete and wood to aside so he could navigate the castle a bit better, once he got most of the rubble out of the way he was able to find his room, or what was left of it.

He looked around the room, analyzing it, trying to find what it was that he needed, until his eyes locked with something underneath his broken closet.

He walked toward it, and moved the crumbled wood away, finding two gloves, which he slowly put on his hands

" They won't have the abilities they had when I had my energy but their durability should be—- "

" Oh you came back "

Shu quickly turned around, getting up at a quick pace before dashing forward thrusting a punch, just to stop mid way, noticing who it was

" Moses!?!? What are you doing here!?! "

Shu questioned as he would then grab the man by his shoulders, receiving a calm and unconcerned look

" You guys didn't bring me along "

He replied with a calm tone, before pushing Shu away before turning around

" So you've been here all by yourself? You know you could've just followed us right? "

Shu said as he followed behind Moses who started to walk

" Follow you? For what? I can roam this entire planet by myself and I will receive no harm, the presence of the one true savior will keep me save "

He replied as he would then walk through the rubble, stepping on the stones of concrete with his bare feet

" What does that even mean? Are you insane? Okay look, I'll take you to the place the others are staying at so you can be save "

Shu said as he would then grab onto Moses's wrist, trying to pull him, but Moses just stood there

" Why would I stay in a concealed place after I just got released from one? I will travel this planet and you will not tell me otherwise. Like I said, I am armored with my faith to the lord "

Moses replied as he would then pull his arm away as Shu simply just scratched the back of his head in annoyance

" Fine, I don't even know you all that much, I don't even know why I'm offering you help anyway, so do whatever you want "

Shu said before going into Bjorn's smithy, grabbing a sword, and a few hunting knives which he put on his side.

He walked out of the castle, sheathing the blade he just grabbed

" Hmm, a blade made of Kyrpto, that's a good sword, who do you plan to strike down with that? "

Moses questioned as Shu simply tied the sword he just obtained to his side

" Whomever gets in my way; but, why are you still here? "

Shu replied as he looked over at Moses who just tilted his head a little

" You've been in there for just a few minutes, I wouldn't have gotten far, plus you yourself said that I can do whatever I want, and what I want now is to travel with you "

Moses said with simplicity as Shu simply sighed, taking a few steps forward with Moses following behind

" like I said, I don't care what you do, but how do you even know I'll travel? "

Shu questioned just to receive a silent and calm look from Moses

" You are not with your friends, so naturally one would assume you've separated yourself from them, though you could have been sent out to get something for them, so I just guessed "

Moses explained as Shu simply scratched his head, blinking a few times just to continue to walk.

The two walked the dark earth quietly; there weren't many soldiers near where they were so they didn't have to worry about much.

As the two continued to walk, Shu eventually got bored, so he turned over to Moses and asked

" You sounded very confident about the being you say protects you—do you….do you mind telling me more about it? "

Moses smiled at those words and then scratched his beard a little, trying to figure out how to start, just to then nod to himself as he sighed, turning to look over at Shu

" What do you want to learn specifically? "

Moses questioned, as Shu simply moved his head from left to right; he didn't know much about whatever Moses believed in so he wasn't sure what to ask him, and that thought in it of itself answered his question

" We will traveling for a long time so just tell me everything, from the beginning "

Moses blinked a few times, smiling even more as he saw Shu's interest

" In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth…. "

Moses went on to share his knowledge with Shu, and Shu started to listen, mostly because he was bored but also because this was the only time he became interested in something.

As he heard more of what Moses said, the more Shu became interested, the story, or rather the knowledge Moses was starting to get believable?