
The War Has Started.

Shu was sitting on top of a rock, looking down at a legion of soldiers, his gray eyes hovering over each and every single one of them, he was in a rush, trying to hurry, this war needed to be dealt with immediately.

" I'm done waiting "

He yelled, his tone sounded calm, which was odd, he called all of them there to make a speech, a speech was meant to inspire; there was no hope behind his tone.

" I'm tired of preparing, tired of sitting in my throne doing absolutely nothing, today we move "

He continued, while the hearts of those who watched began to pump, raising in speed as their nerves caught them

" Today we go to war; this war might resemble the Great War seven years ago "

Shu scratched the lower part of his chin, he seemed too calm, so much so that those watching, listening and paying attention became even more nervous than they were

" We will attack head on, those who can fly will go first, and those who can't will be carried by those who can, I don't care what your predicament is, if you've agreed to be part of my army, then you will fight till death "

He added, his expression slowly turning into one of anger, frowning very noticeably, which made the hearts of those watching pump even faster

" A man with power is to be feared "

Shu whispered whilst he slowly stood up, standing proud and strong on top of the boulder he found himself on

" But a man who isn't afraid of death isn't just frightening "

Shu said, finishing his speech, which left everyone there quiet, they didn't feel motivated at all, the tone behind his words didn't make them feel as such.

They weren't sure if they wanted to go to war anymore, not with their numbers and lack of hope, that was of course till..

" We will march into their kingdom, tear apart everything we see and bring them all to their knees!!! "

Bjorn yelled, jumping atop of the boulder, beating on his chest with his right hand; dwarfs were known to be loud and barbaric, he was no different.

" We have the heroes from the last war with us, what is there to fear!?!? We are our enemies doom "

Bjorn yelled, and just like that the men yelled back, raising their arms with intensity, stomping their feet against the ground, cracking it from the mere force and strength behind them all, and suddenly, a giant burst of wind pushed everything back

And in seconds all the men were in the air, hovering over the sky like flying demons; they were like crows, they were bad.

" Let's go "

Shu ordered as Ayami, Ean, Bjorn, Anna, Emma, Yuyen and Flouray all nodded, and a burst of wind that shattered the ground behind them, they found themselves in the sky, an aura of destruction surrounding them as they approached the enemy.

They came crashing down against the continent, causing flames, death and pain to rise in just minutes; the war had started, and it started on their terms, no plans, no sneak attacks, just pure madness and all that came with it, there was no other way to deal with it all.

" The letter said war would commence in three weeks Shu Himura "

The demon said, as he watched the destruction unfold, he seemed calm, but one wouldn't be able to tell, his body seemed to be made of flames and dark energy.

" Heh, you are a devil like me, aren't you? "

Shu came crashing down from the sky, walking into the vampire continent with a thirst for blood

" Come out "

Shu whispered as he would then start to walk faster, then build up into a jog, soon after a slow run, and then all of a sudden he took a beg step and his body then became a blur as he bursted into a sonic boom, disappearing, moving so fast that he was gliding across the battlefield.

The suit that Bjorn had made him worked perfectly, he was shredding through the enemies with absolutely no difficulty, the invisible blades that came out of his suit were helping him as well; they were insanely sharp and durable.

With his movement and speed came magma and friction, those who came in contact with the sheer force that he dragged with him were pushed back and had their bones completely shattered, while the ground below him started to heat up.

" The suit is working perfectly well by the looks of it "

Bjorn said with a smirk on his face as he would then clash his knuckles together which were covered by what seemed to be gauntlets of gold.

Ayami rose into the air, using her wind to make herself float and levitate, giving herself a graceful look.

A bright light of strength shined off of Anna as she would then clench her fists together.

Ean himself stretched his hands out, a portal appearing in front of him, his swords coming out just for him to grab them by their handle, pulling them out, whilst an aura of sanctuary energy suddenly bursted from his body and coated the weapons in a flame like aura .

Yuyen just smiled and began to jump up a little, starting warm up, preparing herself.

Roots started to emerge from the ground, lifting Emma off of the ground, rising her into the sky next to Ayami, giving the two a majestic sort of appearance.

Flouray had water hover around her as scales began to emerge from her skin, coating her completely, looking a lot like armor.

Just like Shu, they all made their entrances with aggressiveness, bringing destruction and death to their enemies.

" Our soldiers won't hold them off, we'll have to come out ourselves "

The demon on the throne said as he would then stand as a few men on what seemed to be a long table, did the same

" War has started "

The demon said whilst the death and destruction in his stolen continent began to rise with every move that Shu Himura made.