
The thunder God

" Wouldn't that hurt your reputation? Although it is a privilege for an average angle to play such a role. For you, an archangel, that would be rather embarrassing, considering that you lot rule over realms, you'd look like a noble taking upon yourself the duty of a peasant "

Hercules pointed out as Ken would then chuckle, shrugging a little as the giant simply tilted his head in confusion

" You know that my reputation is of no concern to me "

Ken said as he would then rub his thumbs together, only to then turn his face toward the giant

" Well, what is your plan? What do you intend to do with the fact that you know one of Yorujo's students is soon to be a god "

Hercules questioned whilst, Ken simply smirked, rubbing his lip a little before opening his mouth, preparing himself to explain his plan.

A few minutes passed, and Ken thoroughly explained his plan to the god, sharing every single detail needed to execute it, as well as answering the giant's questions whenever he felt like interrupting and asking.

" That's an odd reason, as well as a weird plan "

Hercules said as he scratched the back of his head, looking down at the archangel with a mix of bliss and confusion

" So are you interested? Will you help me? "

Ken questioned whilst Hercules slowly moved his head from left to right, thinking of the possibilities and the consequences should this plan work or fail, only to then shrug as he stretched his giant hand out

" Sure, I always hated that fucker anyway, so if you need help beating his ass, I'm down "

Hercules replied, as ken would then pat the man's hand, turning around, heading over to the gate to then place his hand on it, glancing over at the god for a few seconds

" If you can, bring some reinforcements, try to recruit your sister if you can "

Ken said as he walked out of the castle, first opening the gates to then walk down the golden stairs, and soon away from the god's residence

" My sister? "

Hercules questioned, chuckling a little as he then rubbed his stomach

" As if Athena would ever want to be part of something so incredibly stupid "

He added before falling down on his bed, causing the wood that held it to crack a bit whilst he himself began to snore.

As that happened Ken was walking to yet another place, this time it wasn't a castle but rather a place filled with mountains whom had houses and such built above them, whilst in the skies, what seemed to be women with wings as well as wearing armor flew around, some would even fight each other, causing many to follow along and fight as well.

" Hmm, i sense his presence, I wonder if he'll join me as well "

Ken said to himself as he walked into the mountains, looking around for a few seconds, stopping at the end of the road, which was covered entirely by a bar whom cheers and screams could be heard across all the mountains.

This made Ken sigh, but he shook his head, ignoring his urge to leave this place at once, he would then slowly open the doors to the bar, walking in, his metal boots loudly pressing against the floor as he walked, getting closer to the origin of the screaming and cheering, which turned out to be a bunch of men and women yelling at a red haired man to drink the beers that they endlessly offered him.

He wasn't surprised by the sight of what he was seeing, because after all, the owner of this entire place was none other than…

" Thor "

Ken said, loud enough for the man he was calling out to hear, and loud enough to shush everyone else in there.

Each and every single one of them turned to look at the archangel, the red haired man being the last, glaring at him for a few seconds before the red haired man began laugh, pulling Ken into a singular arm hug

" Ken!! It's so good to see you! How long has it been huh? 500 years? 200? Ahh who cares!! Everyone!! Give my friend here a good welcome!! "

The man yelled as he raised a barrel of beer into the sky, causing the others to yell and raise their beers along with him

" Thor.. "

Ken repeated himself, before pulling away from the man's side hug, regaining his composure before staring at the man in his eyes

" That's my name! "

The man now known as Thor yelled whilst he moved his barrel of beer around, smiling and laughing

" Thor Odinson!! Also known as the god of thunder, and the wielder of—- "

" Thor! "

Ken yelled, shushing everyone in the bar, including the god known as Thor who slowly turned to look at him.

The man was massive, not as huge as Hercules but massive nonetheless, standing 9 feet in height, he had a muscular but chubby build, no shirt or any other clothes that covered his abdomen.

He had brown pants with many pieces of metal armor around it, being held up by a silver colored belt with Northman designs all around it.

Around his hands he had tight black gloves, which wrapped around his entire hand perfectly, as if it were his own skin, the length of the gloves would spread across the entirety of his arms all but the shoulders.

All over the gloves there were lighting designs that started from the tips of his fingers all the way to the end of the gloves.

The god's hair was of a brownish red, including his bushy beard which had bits of it braided.

" Hmm? What's wrong Ken? Did you not come here to drink with me? "

Thor questioned as he chugged from his barrel of beard seconds later, being stared at by Ken

" I came to ask you if you'd like to go to earth with me, a god is soon to be born and I want you to— "

" No, I can not go to Midgard right now, although you are one of my closest friends I can not accompany you, not at the moment at least "

Thor replied, interrupting the archangel who tilted his head slightly, seeming disappointed at the fact that his friend had rejected his proposal

" May I ask why? "

Ken questioned as Thor simply stared at him for a few seconds

" Im at war with my brother "

Thor replied, causing Ken to raise his eyebrows, only to then sigh

" You and Heimdall are at war almost all the time, why is this time any different? "

Ken asked, causing Thor to boil with anger as he then slammed his right hand on the table he was drinking at

" Because this time, whoever wins will be considered the best and strongest northern god below the all father "

Thor replied, as he then began to chant on and on about how he'll win the war against his brother and what he'd do to him once he caught him, but what the thunder god didn't know was that Ken had already left

" Uh, sir…he's gone already "

One of the men said, causing Thor to blink a few times, looking around to see if the man was correct, only to then turn toward the man who said that

" Oh well—let's drink till the rise of the next sun!! "