

"Look what I found boys"

A girl with long golden hair said as she held a needle against Ean's neck

"What is it? A half-dead flying serpent or something?"

A voice replied while a boy walked out of the side of a tree, revealing himself to the blonde girl, who was holding her needle against the seemingly sleeping Ean

"Oh hey Ori, and No, it's something better. Look, it's a boy, and check out his insane amount points"

The girl said with a smile of greed on her face as a blue screen appeared in front of her, revealing Ean's name and points

"A boy? Points?"

Another voice questioned, as a girl approached the other two kids

"How many points does he have?"

The new girl questioned, swinging her head to a side so that her long blue her wouldn't get on the way

"Come and check for yourself"

The blonde girl replied as her greedy smile became a smirk of confidence, making the other girl sigh, as she slowly walked over to the blonde one, placing her hand over the blonde girl's shoulder, attempting to peak at Ean's points

"Why do you always have to make everything so difficu-"

The dark hair girl said, before stopping herself midway, the number of points that Ean had gathered surprised her, and with an excited tone she would call for the boy, who was already slowly approaching the two

"Come check this out, Ori!"

She yelled while clenching her fists and swinging her arms up and down from the excitement she was feeling, as the boy known as Ori slowly walked up to the two girls, placing his right hand on the blonde girl's shoulder, slightly and carefully moving her to aside to take a look for himself.

And just like the earlier two, he was left speechless

"Damm, these are quite a lot of points. But, with just this, we won't be able to reach the number one spot. Not to mention, he probably is insanely strong, otherwise, how would you explain his great amount of points"

Said Ori, while placing his right hand on the back of his head, proceeding to scratch that spot as he attempted to come up with some sort of idea

"Yeah but even then, we'll still get a lot of points, it also wouldn't matter how strong he is, he's as sleep and injured right now. Let's just take the points"

The blonde girl replied while lowering her needle away from Ean's throat down to his stomach, pointing at the injury that resembled a hole in his abdomen

"Yeah I agree with Craspedia, we should just steal his points"

The black-haired girl added, revealing the blonde girl's name as Ori simply sighed, turning to look at the black-haired girl

"You too Iris?"

Ori questioned while moving his hand away from his head

"Let's just kill him!"

Craspedia yelled as Iris rapidly nodded, agreeing with Craspedia

"Well go ahead, kill him, we have nothing to lose I guess"

Ori replied, finally agreeing with the two, making them smile as Craspedia would then hold her needle tightly, preparing to stab Ean, but, he wasn't there

"Kill who?"

A subtle yet called voice was heard, as the three would then turn around, following the origin of the sudden voice, finding an irritated looking Ean, with his Katana unsheathed and held on his left hand

"You guys were talking about me right?, I think the conversation was something related to my death, but I can't really tell, I feel a little bit light-headed at the moment"

Ean said as he placed his right hand over his forehead, proceeding to push his hair back, allowing the trio to see his face more clearly

"Hey wait, now that I look at you more closely.."

Iris said while looking at Ean a little bit more intensively

"Oh yeah! You're that puny little boy from that poor noble family. I don't know how someone like you got so many points but, hand them over to us, now!"

Iris demanded, adding to her earlier sentence as Ori stared at Ean with the same amount of intensity that Iris had

"Are you sure that's him, I mean, he looks a little bit different"

Ori replied while placing his right hand over his head, scratching his curly pitch-black hair carefully

"Yes, it is!"

Craspedia yelled

"Yeah, so let's just kill him!"

Iris added, but before they could continue to celebrate, Ean's blade found its way to Craspedia's neck

"Ah, thanks for confirming my doubts. Now I can kill you three with my mind at ease"

Ean said while swinging his blade back, preparing to swing it forward, with the intent to remove Craspedia's head from her shoulders, but before his blade could reach, his hand was grabbed, held tightly by Ori

"Damm, we shouldn't have approached this guy"

Ori thought to himself while a nervous smile grew on his face

"Leave my sisters out of this, I was the one who found you and thought of the idea to kill you, so leave them out of this and kill me instead"

Said Ori, trying to reason with Ean

"Oh, alright"

Ean replied while slowly lowering his blade, making Ori smile, as hope grew on his eyes

"But. They were pretty excited to see me die so just in case I'll just.."

And just like that, Ean would disappear in a blur, appearing behind the two girls, swinging his blade with swiftness, cutting off Iris's leg, and Craspedia's arm

"...take some limbs"

Ean whispered, finishing his sentence while slowly lowering his blade, until the tip of his weapon reached his ankles, and as soon as he lowered it. Iris leg and Craspedia's arm would fall on the ground, as they began to bleed, screaming in pain, beginning to cry seconds later while Ean simply stared at them with a calm expression

"You—you bastard"

Said Ori, with an angry look on his eyes, as his nervous looking expression turned into one full of rage

"Don't call me that, I hate it when people call me that. It brings bad memories"

Ean replied, while pointing the tip of his blade at Ori, and as soon as he did, a blue aura began to spew from the sword, making Ean's simple and calm-looking stance, into an ominous and scary one.