
Eran vs Leo ( Part 2 )

" Get up, I know that didn't hurt you "

Eran said, as he looked down at Leo, who simply looked back up at him, wearing a devilish grin across his face

" Of course, it wouldn't hurt, what did you expect? I have the perfect body "

Leo replied, as he slowly stood up from the ground, his grin widening as he ascended

" One more time, here, do it again "

Leo ordered as he pointed at his right cheek, his eyes closed with that grin growing ever so slightly

" Shut up "

Eran whispered, clenching his right hand, biting down on his lower lip before engulfing his hand in a blue aura, proceeding to take a big step forward, swinging his arm up, opening his eyes wide as veins popped from his neck, and as soon as his fist reached the highest it could reach, he would bring it down, with all his current strength, not losing momentum whatsoever, slamming his fist on Leo's face, hurling him full force against the ground, which cracked the moment Leo made contact with it

" Here's another "

Eran added, lowering his body down as fast he currently could, slamming his hand on Leo's face yet again, cracking the ground even more

" Thanks, Eran, because of you, I have enough kinetic energy to blow your head off "

said Leo, grabbing onto Eran's wrist with his right hand, squeezing it tight while slowly bringing his body up, using nothing but his legs

" Don't tell me you already forgot how rubber works? "

Leo added, chuckling as if to make fun of Eran, who tried to release himself from Leo's grip

" Well, if so, let me educate you for a moment. Why do you think a rubber ball bounces so high up when you throw it against the ground? "

Leo questioned, letting go of Eran's hand, who immediately backed away, the moment he gained freedom

" Well, to answer my own question. The kinetic energy that is gathered when hurling and slamming the ball, gathers inside of it, becoming internal energy, and after a bit, all that energy is turned back into kinetic energy, and it bounces up. "

Leo explained while looking at Eran with his devilish grin still intact

" And just like a rubber ball, I also am able to store and release kinetic energy "

Leo continued, his right fist rapidly shaking as he began to walk toward Eran who did nothing but glare at him

" Here, taste the strength of your fists, multiplied by two "

Leo said, and in a moment's notice, he was in front of Eran, swinging his arm up, punching the top of Eran's stomach, raising him high in the air, before disappearing and appearing above Eran, grinning as he would then punch Eran on the back, sending him flying against the ground, cracking it with all the kinetic energy his body had just gathered

" Is it just me or is this battle getting more intense? "

One of the spectators commented, beginning to gain interest in the battle

" Yeah, now that you mention it, it's like, the more they fight, the harder they hit "

Another one added

" Yeah, but, compared to the other battles, this is nothing "

A woman said, scuffing at the battle at hand, disappointed at the fact that it wasn't as exciting as the past two

" Wait, that Eran boy, he's standing up "

A man pointed out, ending the small conversation between the spectators, watching as Eran slowly stood up, replicating the way Leo did it, using nothing but his leg

" Oh Leo, I forgot to mention, I figured out what my ability was a few months ago "

Eran said, watching as Leo landed on the ground

" What are you talking about? I thought your ability was to make your muscles stronger, isn't that why you're able to hit harder the more you fight? "

Leo questioned, somewhat confused as he rubbed the back of his head

" No that's not it "

Eran replied as a grin of excitement grew on his face

" You see... "

Eran whispered, before appearing in front of Leo, his eyes widened, as he stared deep into Leo's eyes

" I adapt to the environment I find myself in "

Eran finished, once again replicating one of Leo's moves, but this time, it was the uppercut from earlier, and because Leo's body was made out of rubber, he was sent higher into the sky

" Hey "

Eran whispered, appearing above Leo, before punching him in the back, sending him flying against the arena, cracking the ground yet again, but due to the fact that Leo's body was made out of rubber, he simply bounced back up to Eran's delight, and just like that, a barrage of combos began.

The more Leo bounced off the ground, the faster he would fall and bounce back, and because of that, Eran got even stronger, his muscles immediately adapting to the speed needed to counterattack the kinetic energy Leo would gather the more he bounced.

This went on for ten seconds before the arena began to break down, soon, both Eran and Leo became nothing but blurs in the eyes of the spectators, who have now decided to cheer

" Dammit, I need to recover somehow, it won't matter how much kinetic energy I gather if I can't counterattack... "

Leo began to think, but as soon as he did, he stopped, thinking that he had figured out a way to release himself from this annoying stream of combos

" Hah "

Leo laughed, twisting and spinning his body around, as his body was being redirected toward Eran's place one more time, and just when Eran was about to land his new punch, all of Leo's spinning allowed him to dodge it, bypassing the height in which Eran found himself on, smirking at his own accomplishment, but before he could celebrate, he was caught off guard

" No! You! Doooonnnnn't!!!! "

Eran yelled, grabbing Leo by his leg, hurling him back to the arena, making him bounce yet again, continuing his stream of punches, but this time, they were more ferocious and precise

" Hey, Leo!! "

Eran yelled, continuing to punch as Leo who was still being pummeled listened

" Let me educate you for once, to repay all the times you added to my knowledge of rubber "

Eran said, throwing his right arm back whilst clenching his fist with all his strength, as smoke began to spew from Leo's back

" When rubber is rubbed a lot, it begins to smoke, but if it's rubbed even further, it begins to burn! "

Eran yelled before punching Leo one last time, sending him flying against the ground, this time with his back on fire, but of course, he would bounce back up again, but to the disappointment of the spectators, Eran would grab Leo by his head, slowly falling toward the ground, smashing his face in against the Arena, which now found itself in a terrible state

" Oh, I get it now "

Shu said, his eyes wide open, like that of a kid's as he looked over at Eran

" He kept punching Leo's back, not only because he was rubber, but because the most wide-open and weakest spot of a fighter is their back, it's hard to train your back when you don't have limbs stretching out from it, even I had trouble training my back when I started martial arts, meaning, that the back of a fighter is most of the time, the weakest spot "

Shu explained, watching as the fight ended with a smile on his face

" You're forgetting the fact, that your back is the closest to your spine, and by now, no matter if his bones are made of rubber, his spine should be shattered by now "

Arthur added, beginning to walk toward the Arena

" And the winner is Eran Dialo!! "

The announcer yelled, and as soon as he did, Arthur entered the ring

" Oh boy "

The announcer said everyone in the field heard him due to the fact that his voice was being amplified

" What are you doing here my dear bo-"

" It's my turn next, is it not? "

Arthur questioned, making the man open his mouth, but with nothing to say he would close it back up, smiling a few seconds later

" Yes you are right, let us begin with the next match!! "

The announcer yelled, as Leo's body disappeared and Eran's was healed, and just like, Eran would walk off the ring and Alice would enter it, standing on the other side of the arena, opposing Arthur from afar.

The arena would restore itself as a grin grew on the announcer's face

" Let the battle between Arthur Bermudez and Alice Evania begin!! "