
same thing, but a new day

a story about two women falling inlove but suddenly one just leaves.

pdwebb123 · LGBT+
3 Chs

chapter three

I'm aware that I care for you, but why? Why must it be to you, specifically? The possibility of someone else exists. In all honesty, Ryan Reynolds or Julia Roberts are superior to you, Alyssa.

It has been days since we slept in the same bed for the first time; we now only do this sometimes..

While I'm trying to concentrate on class but finding it impossible because all I can think about is Alyssa, she acts as like we are dating.

Her, her...HER.

All I can think about right now is her—her body, her hair, the way her leg rests on my hip while we sleep, and everything else.

She seems to desire so much from me that I will never be able to offer her based on the hushed sounds she makes when sleeping.

Weeks after weeks, we only spend time with each other. well she is my only friend after all.

but those weeks turned into a couple of months, now im helping her with her class project since she can't ask someone else besides her only friend.

Now I am being shoved into random clothes she has made, its gotten rather ridiculous by now.

Especially the dresses,I hate dresses so bad...and im embarrassed because I've only ever shaved my legs a few times in my life,so they're covered with dark hairs.