
Scared on the Side of the Road

        You stop crying and look up from the ground.  You see a Chevy Impala.  It looked like a '67.  The car was black and had two men in it.  One of them was really tall, he was sitting in the pasenger seat, he had long hair the was dark brown.  The other man was a little shorter, but he was still pretty tall; he was driving.  The car was getting closer and slowing down, you could see the driving man's eyes, they were broight  green. 

        The car came to a slow stop next to you.  You hoped they didn't see you, but  you knew they did.  The tall one got out of the car. 

        "Are you okay?" He asked.  He stayed by the car.  He was strong and tall, but his voice was soft, and his face was kind. 

        You stay silent. 

        "Sam," The one that was driving said. 

         You repeat the name in your head.

        "What?" Sam asked.

        "Get back in the car, she 1doesn't want any help.  We can't give her any either."

        "Yes, we can, Dean."

         You thought to yourself. 

        Something about these boys waere different than all the other men or women that stopped asking if you needed help.

        Dean sighed, "Is there anything we can do for you?" He asks you.

        You remain silent.  You don't want to, but it seems like no words can be found.  You haven't talked in a few months; it's like you forgot how to. 

        Sam gets closer and gets down on his knees next to you.  "I need you to tell me what you need," He whispers.  "I can't help you if you don't tell me; and I can't leave you alone if you don't tell me."

        You look down and he gets up.  Before he stands up all the way; you grab his wrist.  He looks down at you.

        "P- Please help me..." Your voice was raspy but you manage those three words.  You knew those three words would change your life.

        He nods, "Okay... Get in the car," He says.

        You stand up and hold his hand as he leads you to the car.  It wasn't in a romantic way; it was more like a scared child way.  That's basically what you were.          

        "Drink up," Dean said as he hands you a water. 

        You nod and try to say thank you but all you manage is the "Tha" part. 

        "It's not a problem," he says. 

        You take a long sip of water.  "Thank you," you can finally say. 

        Sam smiles, "Looks like you got your voice back."

        You blush a little.

        When they're driving, you fall asleep.  The Impala was the perfect temperature; not too hot, not too cold. 

        You were woken you by Sam, you had no idea where you were. 

        "Where are we?" You asked groggily. 

        "We're at my house," Sam whispered.

        You rub your eyes and get out of the car.  He puts his hand on your back to lead you to his house.  When you got inside, he suggested you take a shower.  You didn't take it personally, you knew you smelled horrible. 

        "I don't have and extra clothes..." You say embarrassed.

        He walked into his room and you follow closely. 

        "Here you go," He says, handing you a pile of clothes.  He gave you a shirt and a pair of his sweatpants.  "I know they won;t fit, but they're all I've got for a girl right now."

        "Thank you," You say greatfully.

        "Not a problem," He says, smiling.

        You take a long, hot shower, and when you get out you put on Sam's clothes.  They were warm and smelled like him.  They were too big on you but the felt cozy. 

        "H- Hello?" You call out.  You didn't know where either of them were.

        Sam comes out of the room and holds out his hand.  He lead you to a large room filled with books.

        "What is this?" You ask.

        Dean chuckles and you blush, embarrassed. 

        "It's the library," Sam says.

        "I know... But why do you have one in your house?"

        "The people who lived here before were- big readers.

        You smile a little and nod.

        You sit down slowly and yawn. 

        "Tired?" Sam chuckles.

        You nod and rest your head on your hands.

        "Do you want to go to bed?  Or do you want dinner?" Sam asks.

        "I wouldn't mind something to eat..." You mumble shyly. 

        "No problem," Sam says adn gets up.  "Come with me."

        You get up and follow him to the kitchen and he opens a cabinet.  "Pick whatever you want," He smiles.

        "Thank you."

        You get something to eat then he takes you to a room.  It was the same room he took you to before to get some clothes. 

         You think to yourself.

        "We are low on space so you can sleep in here and I'll sleep on the couch," Sam said, "I'll be right out there." He started to leave.       

        "Please don't leave me alone..." You say before he leaves. 

        "What?" He asks.

        "I- I'm afraid of being alone..." You say.

        "Okay... That's okay," He says.  He lies down next to you adn wraps his arm around your waist.

        "I never even asked your name..." He says sleepily. 

        "Y/N," You say.

        "Good night, Y/N," He says and kisses your cheek lightly.  "We'll talk more in the morning."

        "Good night, Sam," You whisper.

        You hear him lightly sleeping.

        You turn over and close your eyes, falling asleep slowly.